blob: fab4bdd398532a96951eb90b15b7ada2c0ce1c92 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package femu_grpc
import (
pb ""
grpc ""
codes ""
type FemuGrpcClientConfig struct {
ServerAddr string
Timeout time.Duration
type FemuGrpcClientInterface interface {
StreamScreen(opts StreamScreenOpts) (Frames, error)
StreamAudio(opts StreamAudioOpts) (AudioPayload, error)
KeyDown(seq []string) error
KeyUp(seq []string) error
KeyPress(seq []string) error
type FemuGrpcClient struct {
conn *grpc.ClientConn
client pb.EmulatorControllerClient
config FemuGrpcClientConfig
func NewFemuGrpcClient(config FemuGrpcClientConfig) (FemuGrpcClient, error) {
conn, err := grpc.Dial(config.ServerAddr, grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("fail to dial: ", err)
return FemuGrpcClient{}, err
client := pb.NewEmulatorControllerClient(conn)
return FemuGrpcClient{
conn: conn,
client: client,
config: config,
}, nil
type StreamScreenOpts struct {
Format string
NumFrames uint
Duration time.Duration
func NewStreamScreenOpts(format string, numFrames uint, duration time.Duration) (StreamScreenOpts, error) {
if numFrames == 0 && duration == 0 {
return StreamScreenOpts{}, fmt.Errorf("wrong options: NumFrames and Duration cannot be both 0")
if format == "" {
format = "PNG"
switch format {
case "PNG", "RGB", "RGBA":
return StreamScreenOpts{}, fmt.Errorf("wrong options: invalid format %v, supported formats: PNG, RGB, RGBA", format)
return StreamScreenOpts{
Format: format,
NumFrames: numFrames,
Duration: duration,
}, nil
type Frames struct {
Images [][]byte
Width uint
Height uint
func (emu *FemuGrpcClient) StreamScreen(opts StreamScreenOpts) (Frames, error) {
frames := Frames{}
var format pb.ImageFormat_ImgFormat
switch opts.Format {
case "PNG":
format = pb.ImageFormat_PNG
case "RGB":
format = pb.ImageFormat_RGB888
case "RGBA":
format = pb.ImageFormat_RGBA8888
imageFormat := pb.ImageFormat{
Format: format,
Rotation: &pb.Rotation{
Rotation: pb.Rotation_PORTRAIT,
var (
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
if opts.Duration > 0 {
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), opts.Duration)
} else {
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
stream, err := emu.client.StreamScreenshot(ctx, &imageFormat)
if err != nil {
return frames, err
for {
screenshot, err := stream.Recv()
if err == io.EOF || grpc.Code(err) == codes.DeadlineExceeded {
if err != nil {
return frames, err
frames.Images = append(frames.Images, screenshot.GetImage())
frames.Height = uint(screenshot.GetFormat().GetHeight())
frames.Width = uint(screenshot.GetFormat().GetWidth())
if opts.NumFrames > 0 && len(frames.Images) == int(opts.NumFrames) {
return frames, nil
type AudioFormat struct {
Channels string // "MONO" or "STEREO"
BitsPerSample uint // 8 or 16
SamplingRate uint
func (f *AudioFormat) Validate() error {
switch f.Channels {
case "MONO", "STEREO":
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported channel format: %s", f.Channels)
switch f.BitsPerSample {
case 8, 16:
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported number of bits per sample: %d", f.BitsPerSample)
if f.SamplingRate == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid sampling rate: %d", f.SamplingRate)
return nil
type StreamAudioOpts struct {
Format AudioFormat
Duration time.Duration
func NewStreamAudioOpts(channels string, bitsPerSample uint, samplingRate uint, duration time.Duration) (StreamAudioOpts, error) {
// Fill default value for each field
if channels == "" {
channels = "STEREO"
if bitsPerSample == 0 {
bitsPerSample = 16
if samplingRate == 0 {
samplingRate = 44100
// Validation
if duration == 0 {
return StreamAudioOpts{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid streaming duration: %v", duration)
switch channels {
case "MONO", "STEREO":
return StreamAudioOpts{}, fmt.Errorf("unsupported channel format: %s", channels)
switch bitsPerSample {
case 8, 16:
return StreamAudioOpts{}, fmt.Errorf("unsupported number of bits per sample: %d", bitsPerSample)
if samplingRate == 0 {
return StreamAudioOpts{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid sampling rate: %d", samplingRate)
return StreamAudioOpts{
Format: AudioFormat{
Channels: channels,
BitsPerSample: bitsPerSample,
SamplingRate: samplingRate,
Duration: duration,
}, nil
type AudioPayload struct {
Bytes []byte
LengthMs uint
func (emu *FemuGrpcClient) StreamAudio(opts StreamAudioOpts) (AudioPayload, error) {
payload := AudioPayload{}
var channels pb.AudioFormat_Channels
switch opts.Format.Channels {
case "MONO":
channels = pb.AudioFormat_Mono
case "STEREO":
channels = pb.AudioFormat_Stereo
var sampleFormat pb.AudioFormat_SampleFormat
switch opts.Format.BitsPerSample {
case 8:
sampleFormat = pb.AudioFormat_AUD_FMT_U8
case 16:
sampleFormat = pb.AudioFormat_AUD_FMT_S16
audioFormat := pb.AudioFormat{
SamplingRate: uint64(opts.Format.SamplingRate),
Channels: channels,
Format: sampleFormat,
timeout := opts.Duration + emu.config.Timeout
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
stream, err := emu.client.StreamAudio(ctx, &audioFormat)
if err != nil {
return payload, err
startTimestamp := uint64(0)
for payload.LengthMs < uint(opts.Duration.Milliseconds()) {
audioPacket, err := stream.Recv()
if err == io.EOF || grpc.Code(err) == codes.DeadlineExceeded {
if err != nil {
return payload, err
timestampMs := audioPacket.GetTimestamp() / 1000 // us to ms
if startTimestamp == 0 {
startTimestamp = timestampMs
payload.LengthMs = uint(timestampMs - startTimestamp)
payload.Bytes = append(payload.Bytes, audioPacket.GetAudio()...)
return payload, nil
func (emu *FemuGrpcClient) keyOps(seq []string, eventType pb.KeyboardEvent_KeyEventType) error {
timeout := emu.config.Timeout
for i := 0; i < len(seq); i++ {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
keyText := seq[i]
if len(keyText) == 1 {
keyText = strings.ToLower(keyText)
if keyText == "Ctrl" {
keyText = "Control"
key := pb.KeyboardEvent{
EventType: eventType,
Key: keyText,
_, err := emu.client.SendKey(ctx, &key)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (emu *FemuGrpcClient) KeyDown(seq []string) error {
return emu.keyOps(seq, pb.KeyboardEvent_keydown)
func (emu *FemuGrpcClient) KeyUp(seq []string) error {
return emu.keyOps(seq, pb.KeyboardEvent_keydown)
func (emu *FemuGrpcClient) KeyPress(seq []string) error {
reversedSeq := make([]string, len(seq))
for i := len(seq) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
reversedSeq[len(seq)-1-i] = seq[i]
if err := emu.keyOps(seq, pb.KeyboardEvent_keydown); err != nil {
return err
return emu.keyOps(reversedSeq, pb.KeyboardEvent_keyup)