blob: 8edae8180d94519bcb636d671bfbef899254aae6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/accessibility/tts/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/input/accessibility/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fit/promise.h>
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/screen_reader/screen_reader_context.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/semantics/semantics_source.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/view/view_manager.h"
namespace a11y {
// Base class to implement Screen Reader actions.
// This is the base class in which all Screen Reader actions depend upon. An
// action is bound to an input (gesture, keyboard shortcut, braille display
// keys, etc), and is triggered whenever that input happens. An action may call
// the Fuchsia Accessibility APIs and / or produce some type of output (Tts, for
// example). This is achieved by accessing information available to this action
// through the context, which is passed in the constructor.
class ScreenReaderAction {
// Struct for holding data which is required to perform any action.
struct ActionData {
zx_koid_t current_view_koid;
::fuchsia::math::PointF local_point;
// Struct to hold pointers to various services, which will be required to
// complete an action.
struct ActionContext {
a11y::SemanticsSource* semantics_source;
explicit ScreenReaderAction(ActionContext* context, ScreenReaderContext* screen_reader_context);
virtual ~ScreenReaderAction();
// Action implementations override this method with the necessary method parameters to perform
// that action.
virtual void Run(ActionData process_data) = 0;
// Constructor for mocks.
ScreenReaderAction() = default;
// Helper function to call hit testing based on ActionContext and ActionData.
void ExecuteHitTesting(
ActionContext* context, ActionData process_data,
fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::SemanticListener::HitTestCallback callback);
// Returns a promise that executes an accessibility action targeting the semantic tree
// corresponding to |view_ref_koid|, on the node |node_id|. An error is thrown if the semantic
// tree can't be found or if the semantic provider did not handle this action.
fit::promise<> ExecuteAccessibilityActionPromise(
zx_koid_t view_ref_koid, uint32_t node_id, fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action action);
// Returns a promise that sets a new A11y Focus. If the operation is not successful, throws an
// error.
fit::promise<> SetA11yFocusPromise(const uint32_t node_id, zx_koid_t view_koid);
// Returns a promise that from a node_id and view_koid, builds a speech task to speak the node
// description. An error is thrown if the semantic tree or the semantic node are missing data
// necessary to build an utterance.
fit::promise<> BuildSpeechTaskFromNodePromise(zx_koid_t view_koid, uint32_t node_id);
// Returns a promise that from a node_id and view_koid, builds a speech task to speak the range
// control's |range_value|. An error is thrown if the semantic tree or the semantic node are
// missing data necessary to build an utterance.
fit::promise<> BuildSpeechTaskForRangeValuePromise(zx_koid_t view_koid, uint32_t node_id);
// ActionContext which is used to make calls to Semantics Manager and TTS.
ActionContext* action_context_;
// Pointer to the screen reader context, which owns the executor used by this class.
ScreenReaderContext* screen_reader_context_;
// An interface to retrieeve actions.
class ScreenReaderActionRegistry {
ScreenReaderActionRegistry() = default;
virtual ~ScreenReaderActionRegistry() = default;
// Adds an |action| with |name| to the registry. |name| can be later used to retrieeve this
// action.
virtual void AddAction(std::string name, std::unique_ptr<ScreenReaderAction> action) = 0;
// Returns the action registered with |name|, nullptr if not found.
virtual ScreenReaderAction* GetActionByName(const std::string& name) = 0;
} // namespace a11y