blob: a9208b9699f996b507e76ebe95ceb302eb0ca418 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/promise.h>
#include <lib/fit/scope.h>
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/screen_reader/screen_reader_action.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/screen_reader/screen_reader_context.h"
namespace a11y {
// This class implements "Explore" Action. Explore Action is triggered when the
// user touches an element on the screen to see what is under the finger.
// Responsibilities of Explore Actions are:
// * Given a touch point and view koid, figure out which node is touched.
// * If a node is being touched, then with the help of TTS read out the label.
// * Manage focus change for a node(if any).
class ExploreAction : public ScreenReaderAction {
explicit ExploreAction(ActionContext* context, ScreenReaderContext* screen_reader_context);
~ExploreAction() override;
// This method will be implementing the actual sequence of events that should
// happen when an element is "explored".
void Run(ActionData process_data) override;
// Returns a promise which performs hit testing. An error is thrown if the hit test result has no
// node ID.
fit::promise<fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Hit> ExecuteHitTestingPromise(
const ActionData& process_data);
// Returns a promise that sets the A11y Focus. If the screen reader is in a continuous
// exploration and the new focus determined by [|view_koid|, |node_id|], is the same as the
// existing A11y Focus, throws an error.
fit::promise<> SetA11yFocusOrStopPromise(ScreenReaderContext::ScreenReaderMode mode,
zx_koid_t view_koid, uint32_t node_id);
// Returns a promise that selects a describable ancestor of the node specified
// by |hit|, if that node is not describable.
fit::result<uint32_t> SelectDescribableNodePromise(zx_koid_t view_koid,
fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Hit& hit);
fit::scope scope_;
} // namespace a11y