blob: 8f28870f02437f7af605d20884a134c92cabaaf9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The Unless trait for a more fluent use of Option::unwrap_or().
//! Specificially, this is intended to be used in cases where the "default" value is almost always
//! the value in use, and the Option is rarely set.
//! ```
//! // This implies that |some_option| is usually set, and "default" is there in case it's not.
//! let value = some_option.unwrap_or("default");
//! // Whereas this implies that "default" is the common case, and |some_option| is an override.
//! let value = "default".unless(some_option);
//! ```
pub trait Unless: Sized {
// unless returns the value of self, unless the option is Some value.
// # Example
// ```
// assert_eq!("default", "default".unless(None));
// assert_eq!("other", "default".unless(Some("other")));
// ```
fn unless(self, option: Option<Self>) -> Self;
/// Provide a blanket implementation for all Sized types.
impl<T: Sized> Unless for T {
fn unless(self, option: Option<Self>) -> Self {
mod tests {
use super::Unless;
fn tests() {
assert_eq!("default", "default".unless(None));
assert_eq!("other", "default".unless(Some("other")));