blob: 90b5d0ff0150cfc0d6fc3bea6b16fe6a23bf217f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::time::system_time_conversion::{
checked_system_time_to_micros_from_epoch, micros_from_epoch_to_system_time,
use futures::future::{BoxFuture, FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
use log::error;
use std::time::SystemTime;
mod memory;
pub use memory::MemStorage;
mod stub;
pub use stub::StubStorage;
/// The Storage trait is used to access typed key=value storage, for persisting protocol state and
/// other data between runs of the update check process.
/// Implementations of this trait should cache values until commit() is called, and then perform
/// an atomic committing of all outstanding value changes. On a given instance of Storage, a
/// get() following a set(), but before a commit() should also return the set() value (not the
/// previous value).
/// However, the expected usage of this trait within the library is to perform a series of get()'s
/// at startup, and then only set()+commit() after that. The expectation being that this is being
/// used to persist state that needs to be maintained for continuity over a reboot (or power
/// outage).
/// A note on using the wrong type with a key: the result should be as if there is no value for
/// the key. This is so that the Result::uwrap_or(<...default...>) pattern will work.
/// ```
/// let storage = SomeStorageImpl::new();
/// storage.set_int("key", 345);
/// // value should be None
/// let value: Option<String> = storage.get_string("key");
/// // value should be "default"
/// let value: String = storage.get_string("key").unwrap_or("default");
/// ```
pub trait Storage {
type Error: std::error::Error;
/// Get a string from the backing store. Returns None if there is no value for the given key,
/// or if the value for the key has a different type.
fn get_string<'a>(&'a self, key: &'a str) -> BoxFuture<'_, Option<String>>;
/// Get an int from the backing store. Returns None if there is no value for the given key,
/// or if the value for the key has a different type.
fn get_int<'a>(&'a self, key: &'a str) -> BoxFuture<'_, Option<i64>>;
/// Get a boolean from the backing store. Returns None if there is no value for the given key,
/// or if the value for the key has a different type.
fn get_bool<'a>(&'a self, key: &'a str) -> BoxFuture<'_, Option<bool>>;
/// Set a value to be stored in the backing store. The implementation should cache the value
/// until the |commit()| fn is called, and then persist all cached values at that time.
fn set_string<'a>(
&'a mut self,
key: &'a str,
value: &'a str,
) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<(), Self::Error>>;
/// Set a value to be stored in the backing store. The implementation should cache the value
/// until the |commit()| fn is called, and then persist all cached values at that time.
fn set_int<'a>(
&'a mut self,
key: &'a str,
value: i64,
) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<(), Self::Error>>;
/// Set a value to be stored in the backing store. The implementation should cache the value
/// until the |commit()| fn is called, and then persist all cached values at that time.
fn set_bool<'a>(
&'a mut self,
key: &'a str,
value: bool,
) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<(), Self::Error>>;
/// Remove the value for |key| from the backing store. The implementation should cache that
/// the value has been removed until the |commit()| fn is called, and then persist all changes
/// at that time.
/// If there is no value for the key, this should return without error.
fn remove<'a>(&'a mut self, key: &'a str) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<(), Self::Error>>;
/// Persist all cached values to storage.
fn commit(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<(), Self::Error>>;
/// Extension trait that adds some features to Storage that can be implemented using the base
/// `Storage` implementation.
pub trait StorageExt: Storage {
/// Set an Option<i64> to be stored in the backing store. The implementation should cache the
/// value until the |commit()| fn is called, and then persist all cached values at that time.
/// If the Option is None, the implementation should call |remove()| for the key.
fn set_option_int<'a>(
&'a mut self,
key: &'a str,
value: Option<i64>,
) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<(), Self::Error>> {
match value {
Some(value) => self.set_int(key, value),
None => self.remove(key),
/// Get a SystemTime from the backing store. Returns None if there is no value for the given
/// key, or if the value for the key has a different type.
fn get_time<'a>(&'a self, key: &'a str) -> BoxFuture<'_, Option<SystemTime>> {
/// Set a SystemTime to be stored in the backing store. The implementation should cache the
/// value until the |commit()| fn is called, and then persist all cached values at that time.
/// Note that submicrosecond will be dropped.
fn set_time<'a>(
&'a mut self,
key: &'a str,
value: impl Into<SystemTime>,
) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<(), Self::Error>> {
self.set_option_int(key, checked_system_time_to_micros_from_epoch(value.into()))
/// Remove the value for |key| from the backing store, log an error message on error.
fn remove_or_log<'a>(&'a mut self, key: &'a str) -> BoxFuture<'_, ()> {
self.remove(key).unwrap_or_else(move |e| error!("Unable to remove {}: {}", key, e)).boxed()
/// Persist all cached values to storage, log an error message on error.
fn commit_or_log(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'_, ()> {
self.commit().unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("Unable to commit persisted data: {}", e)).boxed()
impl<T> StorageExt for T where T: Storage {}
/// The storage::tests module contains test vectors that implementations of the Storage trait should
/// pass. These can be called with a Storage implementation as part of a test.
/// These are public so that implementors of the Storage trait (in other libraries or binaries) can
/// call them.
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use std::time::Duration;
/// These are tests for verifying that a given Storage implementation acts as expected.
/// Test that the implementation stores, retrieves, and clears String values correctly.
pub async fn do_test_set_get_remove_string<S: Storage>(storage: &mut S) {
assert_eq!(None, storage.get_string("some key").await);
storage.set_string("some key", "some value").await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some("some value".to_string()), storage.get_string("some key").await);
storage.set_string("some key", "some other value").await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some("some other value".to_string()), storage.get_string("some key").await);
storage.remove("some key").await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(None, storage.get_string("some key").await);
/// Test that the implementation stores, retrieves, and clears int values correctly.
pub async fn do_test_set_get_remove_int<S: Storage>(storage: &mut S) {
assert_eq!(None, storage.get_int("some int key").await);
storage.set_int("some int key", 42).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(42), storage.get_int("some int key").await);
storage.set_int("some int key", 1).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(1), storage.get_int("some int key").await);
storage.remove("some int key").await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(None, storage.get_int("some int key").await);
/// Test that the implementation stores, retrieves, and clears Option<i64> values correctly.
pub async fn do_test_set_option_int<S: Storage>(storage: &mut S) {
assert_eq!(None, storage.get_int("some int key").await);
storage.set_option_int("some int key", Some(42)).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(42), storage.get_int("some int key").await);
storage.set_option_int("some int key", None).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(None, storage.get_int("some int key").await);
/// Test that the implementation stores, retrieves, and clears bool values correctly.
pub async fn do_test_set_get_remove_bool<S: Storage>(storage: &mut S) {
assert_eq!(None, storage.get_bool("some bool key").await);
storage.set_bool("some bool key", false).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(false), storage.get_bool("some bool key").await);
storage.set_bool("some bool key", true).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(true), storage.get_bool("some bool key").await);
storage.remove("some bool key").await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(None, storage.get_bool("some bool key").await);
/// Test that the implementation stores, retrieves, and clears bool values correctly.
pub async fn do_test_set_get_remove_time<S: Storage>(storage: &mut S) {
assert_eq!(None, storage.get_time("some time key").await);
storage.set_time("some time key", SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH), storage.get_time("some time key").await);
let time = SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(1234);
storage.set_time("some time key", time).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(time), storage.get_time("some time key").await);
storage.remove("some time key").await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(None, storage.get_time("some time key").await);
/// Test that the implementation returns None for a mismatch between value types
pub async fn do_return_none_for_wrong_value_type<S: Storage>(storage: &mut S) {
storage.set_int("some int key", 42).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(None, storage.get_string("some int key").await);
/// Test that a remove of a non-existent key causes no errors
pub async fn do_ensure_no_error_remove_nonexistent_key<S: Storage>(storage: &mut S) {
storage.set_string("some key", "some value").await.unwrap();
storage.remove("some key").await.unwrap();
storage.remove("some key").await.unwrap();