blob: 4c80e39ac69a97a002475c4aa4e802d3ce4e1d3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// NOTE: reevaluate the HotSort/VK API once "Physical Storage Buffer
// Access" is more widely supported.
#include <vulkan/vulkan_core.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// HotSort/VK relies on pipeline layout compatibility:
// Push constants:
// - offset : 0
// - size : 12
// Descriptor sets:
// - Input:
// * storage buffer at layout(set=in.set,binding=in.binding)
// * key-vals beginning at offset 'in'
// - Output:
// * storage buffer at layout(set=out.set,binding=out.binding)
// * key-vals beginning at offset 'out'
// The locations of the input and output buffers are declared at
// HotSort instance creation.
// The buffer offsets can vary with each invocation of hotsort_vk_sort().
// A HotSort target is an opaque structure containing target-specific
// configuration parameters and a bundle of SPIR-V modules.
// Targets are generated and specific to a particular device vendor,
// architecture and key-val configuration.
struct hotsort_vk_target;
struct hotsort_vk_target_requirements
uint32_t ext_name_count;
char const ** ext_names;
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures * pdf;
// Yields the extensions and features required by a HotSort target.
// If target is not NULL and requirements.ext_names is NULL then the
// respective count will be initialized.
// Returns false if:
// * target is NULL
// * requirements is NULL
// * requirements.ext_names is NULL
// * requirements.pdf is NULL
// * requirements.ext_name_count is too small
// Otherwise returns true.
hotsort_vk_target_get_requirements(struct hotsort_vk_target const * const target,
struct hotsort_vk_target_requirements * const requirements);
// HotSort push constants are expected at offset 0
struct hotsort_vk_push
uint32_t kv_offset_in;
uint32_t kv_offset_out;
uint32_t kv_count;
// clang-format off
#define HOTSORT_VK_PUSH_CONSTANT_RANGE_SIZE sizeof(struct hotsort_vk_push)
// clang-format on
// Declare the offsets of the key-value arrays before sorting.
struct hotsort_vk_ds_offsets
VkDeviceSize in;
VkDeviceSize out;
// Create a HotSort instance for a target that operates on storage
// buffers at specific descriptor set locations.
struct hotsort_vk *
hotsort_vk_create(VkDevice device,
VkAllocationCallbacks const * allocator,
VkPipelineCache pipeline_cache,
VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout,
struct hotsort_vk_target const * const target);
// Resources will be disposed of with the same device and allocator
// used for creation.
hotsort_vk_release(VkDevice device,
VkAllocationCallbacks const * const allocator,
struct hotsort_vk * const hs);
// Explicitly reveal what padding of maximum valued key-vals will be
// applied to the input and output buffers.
// Input:
// count : Input number of key-vals
// Output:
// slabs_in : Number of slabs for input key-vals
// padded_in : Padded number of input key-vals
// padded_out : Padded number of output key-vals
// Instead of implicitly padding the buffers, HotSort requires this
// explicit step to support use cases like:
// - Dynamically allocating an output buffer
// - Avoiding writing past the end of the input buffer
hotsort_vk_pad(struct hotsort_vk const * const hs,
uint32_t const count,
uint32_t * const slabs_in,
uint32_t * const padded_in,
uint32_t * const padded_out);
// Append commands to the command buffer that, when enqueued, will:
// 1. Possibly pad the input buffer with max-valued keys
// 2. Load padded_in key-vals from the input buffer
// 3. Sort the key-vals
// 4. Store padded_out key-vals to the output buffer
// Pipeline barriers should be applied as necessary, both before and
// after invoking this function.
// Note that the algorithm *may* perform transfer operations before
// executing the first compute shader read.
// The algorithm ends with a compute shader write to a storage buffer.
hotsort_vk_sort(VkCommandBuffer cb,
struct hotsort_vk const * const hs,
struct hotsort_vk_ds_offsets const * const offsets,
uint32_t const count,
uint32_t const padded_in,
uint32_t const padded_out,
bool const linearize);
#ifdef __cplusplus