blob: 6d943df9643ccd7832b4e07c2766838ae9dd450c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.sys2;
using fuchsia.component;
/// Declares an environment which configures a realm.
table EnvironmentDecl {
/// The name of this environment.
1: name;
/// Specifies how the initial state of this environment is constructed.
2: EnvironmentExtends extends;
/// List of runners available in this environment.
/// This list determines the total set of runners that are available for any
/// component in the environment to use.
3: vector<RunnerRegistration>:MAX runners;
/// List of component resolvers and the URL schemes they are registered to resolve.
/// These registrations determine how components are resolved in the realm.
/// If the component URL scheme does not match any of these resolvers, URL resolution
/// is delegated to the parent environment, if this environment `extends` from `REALM`.
4: vector<ResolverRegistration>:MAX resolvers;
/// Expose capabilties to debug section when component manager allows it.
/// These capabilities are accessible to any component in the environment with a `use` declaration with `source == debug`.
/// Only capabilities intended to support development should be declared here, and they are only allowed if explicitly
/// included in the component manager allowlist.
5: vector<DebugRegistration>:MAX debug_capabilities;
/// The duration in milliseconds that the component will have to stop before
/// it is killed.
6: uint32 stop_timeout_ms;
/// Specifies how a declared environment's initial set of properties are assigned.
enum EnvironmentExtends {
/// The environment has no initial set of properties.
NONE = 0;
/// The environment's initial set of properties are inherited from its realm.
/// Inherited properties include any fields defined in `EnvironmentDecl`.
REALM = 1;
/// A repository of the runners available in an environment.
table RunnerRegistration {
/// The name of the runner capability as it's exposed to, offered, or
/// defined by this component.
1: source_name;
/// The provider of the capability relative to the component itself. Must be
/// `parent`, `self`, or `child`.
2: Ref source;
/// The name by which the runner is made available in this environment.
3: target_name;
/// A mapping of URL scheme to resolver name.
table ResolverRegistration {
/// The name of the resolver.
1: resolver;
/// The provider of the capability relative to the component itself. Must be
/// `parent`, `self`, or `child`.
2: Ref source;
/// The URL scheme the resolver is registered to handle.
/// Only one resolver may be registered to a particular URL scheme.
/// The URL scheme must start with a lowercase ASCII letter (a-z), and may contain
/// lowercase ASCII letters, digits, `+`, `-`, and `.`.
3: fuchsia.component.url_scheme scheme;
/// Declares a capability registered in the debug section of an environment.
flexible union DebugRegistration {
1: DebugProtocolRegistration protocol;
/// Registers a protocol in the environment as a debug capability. This makes
/// it available to any component in the environment that uses it with
/// `source == debug`.
/// To learn more about protocols, see:
table DebugProtocolRegistration {
/// The provider of the capability relative to the component itself. Must be
/// `parent`, `self`, or `child`.
1: Ref source;
/// Name identifying the protocol being offered.
2: source_name;
/// The name by which the capability is being offered.
3: target_name;