blob: 3a22ca99c16a4a7b03651decfea5c8ad27d5e909 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Directory where the Clang toolchain binaries ("clang", "llvm-nm", etc.) are
# found. If this is "", then the behavior depends on $clang_prefix.
# This toolchain is expected to support both Fuchsia targets and the host.
clang_tool_dir = ""
# This is a string identifying the particular toolchain version in use. Its
# only purpose is to be unique enough that it changes when switching to a new
# toolchain, so that recompilations with the new compiler can be triggered.
# When using the prebuilt, the CIPD instance ID of the prebuilt is perfect.
# When not using the prebuilt, there isn't a quick way to extract the compiler
# version. But at least changing the setting to a different compiler will
# change the string.
clang_version_string = ""
if (clang_tool_dir == "") {
if (clang_prefix == default_clang_prefix) {
_prebuilt_clang_dir = "//prebuilt/third_party/clang/$host_platform"
clang_tool_dir = "${_prebuilt_clang_dir}/bin"
_prebuilt_cipd_version =
read_file("$_prebuilt_clang_dir/.versions/clang.cipd_version", "json")
clang_version_string = _prebuilt_cipd_version.instance_id
} else {
clang_tool_dir = rebase_path(clang_prefix, "", root_build_dir)
_clang_lib_dir = "$clang_tool_dir/../lib"
# Human-readable identifier for the toolchain version.
# clang_version_string is useful for Fuchsia standard prebuilts, since it's
# the CIPD instance ID that can be looked up to find the compiler build.
# clang_version_description is something that can lead a human to find the
# specific toolchain, such as a source repository URL and revision identifier.
# TODO(mcgrathr): Make this the same repo/revision info from `clang --version`.
# e.g., clang_version_description = read_file("$_clang_lib_dir/VERSION")
clang_version_description = ""
# This file is provided by the toolchain to describe the runtime
# dependencies implied by linking a binary based on --target and other
# compiler switches. The file contains a JSON array of objects that map to
# the following GN schema. Each entry matches a single compilation mode
# and yields all the runtime dependencies implied by that mode.
# Type: list(scope)
# target
# Required: --target tuple a la ${toolchain.target_tuple}.
# Type: string
# cflags
# Optional: List of compilation flags that select this mode,
# e.g. "-fsanitizer=..." and the like.
# Type: list(string)
# Default: []
# ldflags
# Optional: Link-time flags that select this mode.
# This is either [ "-static-libstdc++" ] or [].
# Type: list(string)
# Default: []
# runtime
# Required: List of runtime files needed by binaries in this mode.
# Type: list(scope)
# soname
# Required: `DT_SONAME` string in the ELF shared library.
# Type: string
# dist
# Required: File to load to satisfy $soname `DT_NEEDED` entries.
# Type: path relative to JSON file's directory
# debug
# Optional: Unstripped or separate debug file matching $dist.
# Type: path relative to JSON file's directory
_clang_runtime_file = "$_clang_lib_dir/runtime.json"
clang_runtime = read_file(_clang_runtime_file, "json")
# This is the prefix of labels generated for targets to generate Breakpad
# symbols for toolchain-provided debug files.
clang_runtime_breakpad_syms_label =
# This is where those files go.
clang_runtime_breakpad_syms_dir =
"target_out_dir") + "/clang-runtime.sym"
# TODO(digit): toolchain_runtime_deps()