blob: d6dd198546aa99876bf3422b0b479a80a6d7c556 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines a new core realm.
# The core realm on Fuchsia is a packaged non-executable component that holds
# most of the interesting packaged CFv2 components. This realm is configurable
# on a per-product basis to allow product owners to control which features and
# functionality the component instance tree is capable of on their product.
# For typical product definitions, the arguments to this template are set
# through GN arguments, declared in //build/product.gni.
# Parameters
# package_name (required)
# The name of the package holding the core realm on this product. This
# package name should be unique across all products, and thus usually is
# set to "core-$PRODUCT_NAME", for example "core-workstation" or
# "core-core".
# restrict_persistent_storage (optional)
# If true, only components listed in the component ID index may use the
# persistent `data` storage capability. If false, any component which is
# offered the `data` storage capability may use it. Default is true.
# restrict_core_env_to_base (optional)
# If true, must use the base resolver to resolve packages. If false, the
# component has access to the package resolver and can auto-update.
# Default is true.
# deps
# testonly
# visibility
template("core_realm") {
"The `package_name` argument is missing")
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
shard_deps = invoker.deps
} else {
shard_deps = []
restrict_persistent_storage = true
if (defined(invoker.restrict_persistent_storage)) {
restrict_persistent_storage = invoker.restrict_persistent_storage
if (restrict_persistent_storage) {
shard_deps += [ "//src/sys/core:core-storage-restricted" ]
} else {
shard_deps += [ "//src/sys/core:core-storage-unrestricted" ]
restrict_core_env_to_base = true
if (defined(invoker.restrict_core_env_to_base)) {
restrict_core_env_to_base = invoker.restrict_core_env_to_base
if (restrict_core_env_to_base) {
shard_deps += [ "//src/sys/core:core-env-base-resolver" ]
} else {
shard_deps += [ "//src/sys/core:core-env-full-resolver" ]
# TODO( remove all dart runners when Dart is
# extracted from fuchsia.git into an external repository.
_without_dart_runners = shard_deps
_without_dart_runners += [ "//src/dart:dart_runner_core_shard" ]
_without_dart_runners -= [ "//src/dart:dart_runner_core_shard" ]
if (shard_deps != _without_dart_runners) {
# The dart_runner_core_shard was added to the shard deps, which
# defines the `laboratory-env`. Ensure the default developer env is
# not also included.
shard_deps += [ "//src/developer:default-laboratory-env-core-shard" ]
shard_deps -= [ "//src/developer:default-laboratory-env-core-shard" ]
generated_file_target = "${target_name}_shard_list"
generated_file(generated_file_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
deps = shard_deps
data_keys = [ "shard_files" ]
outputs = [ "$target_out_dir/${target_name}_core_shard_list" ]
core_shard_list = get_target_outputs(":$generated_file_target")
merged_manifest_target = "${target_name}_merged_manifest"
cmc_merge(merged_manifest_target) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":${generated_file_target}" ]
sources = [ "//src/sys/core/meta/core.cml" ]
from_file = core_shard_list[0]
output_name = "$target_name.cml"
merge_outputs = get_target_outputs(":${merged_manifest_target}")
component_target = "${target_name}_component"
fuchsia_component(component_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
visibility = [ ":*" ]
manifest = merge_outputs[0]
component_name = "core"
check_includes = false
deps = [ "//src/sys/core:core_proxy" ]
manifest_deps = [ ":${merged_manifest_target}" ]
fuchsia_package(target_name) {
deps = [ ":${component_target}" ]