blob: 2cc600c26446aba85c58a63ccd6c89f410ec4d6c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
template("component_manager") {
_deps = [
_sources = [
if (defined(invoker.is_test) && invoker.is_test) {
rustc_test(target_name) {
edition = "2021"
sources = _sources
deps = _deps
sources += [
# Test-only deps. Prefer adding deps used only in tests here instead of
# above, which has the benefit of keeping unneeded deps out of the production
# binary and allows depending on 'testonly' targets.
deps += [
} else {
not_needed([ "invoker" ])
rustc_library(target_name) {
name = "component_manager_lib"
edition = "2021"
sources = _sources
deps = _deps
# Only for internal use.
visibility = [
component_manager("lib") {
component_manager("component_manager_test") {
is_test = true
component_manager("component_manager_boot_env_test") {
is_test = true
rustc_binary("bin") {
name = "component_manager"
edition = "2021"
configs += [ "//build/config/rust:bootfs" ]
deps = [
sources = [ "src/" ]
# This v2 component bundles component manager with a config suitable for running
# a nested component manager inside of realm builder.
fuchsia_component("component-manager-realm-builder-cmp") {
deps = [
component_name = "component_manager"
manifest = "meta/component_manager.cml"
# This v2 component bundles component manager with a debug config suitable for running
# a nested component manager inside of realm builder.
fuchsia_component("component-manager-realm-builder-debug-cmp") {
deps = [
component_name = "component_manager"
manifest = "meta/component_manager_debug.cml"
fuchsia_component("component-manager-tests-cmp") {
testonly = true
deps = [
component_name = "component_manager_tests"
manifest = "meta/component_manager_tests.cml"
resource("component_manager_tests_invalid_manifest") {
sources = [ "meta/component_manager_tests.invalid_cm" ]
outputs = [ "meta/{{source_file_part}}" ]
fuchsia_component("component-manager-boot-env-tests-cmp") {
testonly = true
deps = [
component_name = "component_manager_boot_env_tests"
manifest = "meta/component_manager_boot_env_tests.cml"
fuchsia_test_package("component-manager-tests") {
# Many tests generate routing errors.
test_specs = {
log_settings = {
max_severity = "ERROR"
test_components = [
deps = [
measure_tape("measure_tape_for_events") {
target_binding = "rust"
target_types = [ "fuchsia.sys2/Event" ]
fidls = [
measure_tape("measure_tape_for_instance_info") {
target_binding = "rust"
target_types = [ "fuchsia.sys2/InstanceInfo" ]
fidls = [ "//sdk/fidl/fuchsia.sys2" ]
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
group("bootfs") {
deps = [
component_config("component_manager_realm_builder_config") {
sources = [ "configs/realm_builder_config.json5" ]
dest = "data/component_manager_realm_builder_config"
component_config("component_manager_realm_builder_debug_config") {
sources = [ "configs/realm_builder_debug_config.json5" ]
dest = "data/component_manager_realm_builder_debug_config"
component_config("component_manager_bootfs_config") {
sources = [
dest = "config/component_manager"