blob: a35085eb0b80d6a224a2f6d64bea7d8c96ea9ad5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Non-product JIT is "debug". It launches the vm service.
# Non-product AOT is "profile". It also launches the vm service, but lacks tools that rely on JIT.
# Product AOT is "release". It doesn't launch the vm service.
declare_args() {
# Builds the component in a non-product JIT build. This will
# launch the vm service in the runner.
flutter_debug_build_cfg = {
runtime_meta = "//build/flutter/meta/jit_runtime.cml"
runner_dep = "//src/flutter:flutter_jit_runner"
platform_name = "flutter_runner"
is_aot = false
is_product = false
enable_asserts = true
is_debug = true
# Builds the component in a non-product AOT build. This will
# launch the vm service in the runner.
# This configuration is not compatible with a --release build since the
# profile aot runner is built without asserts.
flutter_aot_debug_build_cfg = {
runtime_meta = "//build/flutter/meta/aot_runtime.cml"
runner_dep = "//src/flutter:flutter_aot_runner"
platform_name = "flutter_runner"
is_aot = true
is_product = false
enable_asserts = true
is_debug = true
# Builds the component in a non-product AOT build. This will
# launch the vm service in the runner.
flutter_profile_build_cfg = {
runtime_meta = "//build/flutter/meta/aot_runtime.cml" # profile runner
runner_dep = "//src/flutter:flutter_aot_runner"
platform_name = "flutter_runner"
is_aot = true
is_product = false
enable_asserts = false
is_debug = false
# Builds the component in a product AOT build. This will
# not launch the vm service in the runner.
flutter_release_build_cfg = {
runtime_meta = "//build/flutter/meta/aot_product_runtime.cml"
runner_dep = "//src/flutter:flutter_aot_product_runner"
platform_name = "flutter_runner"
is_aot = true
is_product = true
enable_asserts = false
is_debug = false