blob: 1571976d3d18a07b8c560f1ea2432d47714c8af0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates a manifest in the FINI (Fuchsia INI) format.
# This format maps a source file to its destination in a container with the
# following line:
# ```
# target=source
# ```
# The output of this template is a manifest file that lists all packageable
# elements encountered within `deps`. For more details, see
# //docs/concepts/build_system/internals/
# Parameters
# * deps, data_deps
# - Optional: The targets to generate a manifest for. See generated_file().
# - Default: []
# - Type: list(label)
# * outputs
# - Optional: Singleton list containing the path to the manifest file.
# - Default: [ "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.fini" ]
# - Type: list(path)
# * prefix
# - Optional: Path prefix for destination paths in the manifest.
# If this is not "", then it's prepended with a "/" separator.
# - Default: ""
# - Type: path
# * testonly, visibility, metadata
# - Optional: See `gn help`.
template("fini_manifest") {
main_target = target_name
generate_target = "${target_name}_dist"
# Build the name of the output files.
if (defined(invoker.outputs)) {
_outputs = invoker.outputs
assert(_outputs == [ _outputs[0] ],
"Output list must have exactly one element.")
manifest_file = _outputs[0]
} else {
manifest_file = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.fini"
intermediate_file = "$manifest_file.dist"
# Get a JSON manifest of all runtime objects.
distribution_manifest(generate_target) {
# Metadata needs to be added on this target so that
# any barrier it defines is properly reflected in
# the target's deps.
visibility = [ ":$main_target" ]
outputs = [ intermediate_file ]
# Generate a manifest file with the FINI format.
action(main_target) {
script = "//build/dist/"
sources = [ intermediate_file ]
outputs = [ manifest_file ]
inputs = [ "//build/dist/" ]
args = [
rebase_path(intermediate_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(manifest_file, root_build_dir),
deps = [ ":$generate_target" ]