blob: bf07166286f317804bdaacae421eed5e3d1fd966 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
A set of repository rules used by the Bazel workspace for the Fuchsia
platform build.
load("//:build/bazel/repository_utils.bzl", "workspace_root_path")
def _ninja_target_from_gn_label(gn_label):
"""Convert a GN label into an equivalent Ninja target name"""
# E.g.:
# //build/bazel:something(//build/toolchain/fuchsia:x64)
# --> build/bazel:something
# //build/bazel/something:something(//....)
# --> build/bazel:something
# This assumes that all labels are in the default toolchain (since
# otherwise the corresponding Ninja label is far too complex to compute).
ninja_target = gn_label.split("(")[0].removeprefix("//")
dir_name, _, target_name = ninja_target.partition(":")
if dir_name.endswith("/" + target_name):
ninja_target = dir_name.removesuffix(target_name).removesuffix("/") + ":" + target_name
return ninja_target
def _bazel_inputs_repository_impl(repo_ctx):
build_bazel_content = '''# Auto-generated - do not edit
default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]
# The Ninja output directory is passed by the launcher script at
# gen/build/bazel/bazel as an environment variable.
# This is the root directory for all source entries in the manifest.
# Create a //:ninja_output symlink in the repository to point to it.
ninja_output_dir = repo_ctx.os.environ["BAZEL_FUCHSIA_NINJA_OUTPUT_DIR"]
source_prefix = ninja_output_dir + "/"
ninja_targets = []
# //build/bazel/bazel_inputs.gni for the schema definition.
for entry in json.decode(
gn_label = entry["gn_label"]
content = '''# From GN target: {label}
name = "{name}",
'''.format(label = gn_label, name = entry["name"])
if "sources" in entry:
# A regular filegroup that list sources explicitly.
content += " srcs = [\n"
for src, dst in zip(entry["sources"], entry["destinations"]):
content += ' "{dst}",\n'.format(dst = dst)
src_file = source_prefix + src
repo_ctx.symlink(src_file, dst)
content += " ],\n"
elif "source_dir" in entry:
# A directory filegroup which uses glob() to group input files.
src_dir = source_prefix + entry["source_dir"]
dst_dir = entry["dest_dir"]
content += ' srcs = glob(["{dst_dir}**"])\n'.format(dst_dir = dst_dir)
repo_ctx.symlink(src_dir, dst_dir)
fail("Invalid inputs manifest entry: %s" % entry)
content += ")\n\n"
build_bazel_content += content
# Convert GN label into the corresponding Ninja target.
repo_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", build_bazel_content)
repo_ctx.file("WORKSPACE.bazel", "")
repo_ctx.file("MODULE.bazel", 'module(name = "{name}", version = "1"),\n'.format(name =
bazel_inputs_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _bazel_inputs_repository_impl,
attrs = {
"inputs_manifest": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
mandatory = True,
doc = "Label to the inputs manifest file describing the repository's content",
doc = "A repository rule used to populate a workspace with filegroup() entries " +
"exposing Ninja build outputs as Bazel inputs. Its content is described by " +
"a Ninja-generated input manifest, a JSON array of objects describing each " +
def _googletest_repository_impl(repo_ctx):
"""Create a @com_google_googletest repository that supports Fuchsia."""
workspace_dir = str(workspace_root_path(repo_ctx))
# This uses a git bundle to ensure that we can always work from a
# Jiri-managed clone of //third_party/googletest/src/. This is more reliable
# than the previous approach that relied on patching.
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/build/bazel/scripts/"),
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/third_party/googletest/src"),
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/build/bazel/patches/googletest/fuchsia-support.bundle"),
quiet = False, # False for debugging.
googletest_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _googletest_repository_impl,
doc = "A repository rule used to create a googletest repository that " +
"properly supports Fuchsia through local patching.",
def _mini_chromium_repository_impl(repo_ctx):
workspace_dir = str(workspace_root_path(repo_ctx))
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/build/bazel/scripts/"),
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/third_party/mini_chromium"),
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/build/bazel/patches/mini_chromium/fuchsia-support.bundle"),
quiet = False,
mini_chromium_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _mini_chromium_repository_impl,
doc = "A repository rule used to create a mini_chromium repository that " +
"properly supports Fuchsia through local patching.",
def _linux_syscall_support_repository_impl(repo_ctx):
workspace_dir = str(workspace_root_path(repo_ctx))
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/build/bazel/scripts/"),
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/third_party/linux-syscall-support"),
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/build/bazel/patches/linux-syscall-support/fuchsia-support.bundle"),
quiet = False,
linux_syscall_support_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _linux_syscall_support_repository_impl,
doc = "A repository rule used to create a linux_syscall_support " +
"repository that properly supports Fuchsia through local patching.",