blob: a5175e8b663da68be6b92c021e31149819d85ea5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
current_toolchain == default_toolchain,
"This file should only be parsed in the default toolchain, to prevent generating Bazel workspace multiple times.")
# A GN target used to generate at GN-gen time a bazel inputs manifest file
# under the following path which is hard-coded in toplevel.WORKSPACE.bazel:
# $BUILD_DIR/gen/build/bazel/legacy_ninja_build_outputs.inputs_manifest.json
# See bazel_inputs.gni comments for details on the manifest file format,
# and repository_rules.bzl:bazel_inputs_repository() to see how it is parsed
# to generate an external repository for the Bazel project.
# It is possible to build this target to ensure that all Ninja outputs seen
# by the Bazel workspace are properly generated, as in:
# fx build build/bazel:legacy_ninja_build_outputs
# IMPORTANT: Nothing in the GN graph should depend on this directly, but this
# file must be reachable from //:* to ensure that it is parsed and
# that this file is generated at `gn gen` time.
# Doing so allows breaking the testonly boundary, as required to allow
# non-testonly bazel_build_action() targets to depend on
# :generate_main_workspace below, without depending on this target.
bazel_inputs_manifest("legacy_ninja_build_outputs") {
testonly = true
output = bazel_inputs_manifest
# IMPORTANT: All bazel_input_xxx() targets must be reachable from this
# dependencies list!
inputs_deps = gn_labels_for_bazel_inputs + extra_gn_labels_for_bazel_inputs
# Used by bazel_build_action() to only allow one concurrent `bazel build`
# action at a time during the build, since doing so modifies the workspace,
# in particular the `bazel-bin` symlink that is used to copy the Bazel outputs
# to the Ninja output directory.
if (current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
pool("build_action_pool") {
depth = 1
action("generate_main_workspace") {
bazel_top_dir == target_gen_dir,
"Bazel workspace generation action was moved, please update " +
"//build/bazel/bazel_workspace.gni$0x0aOld bazel_top_dir location " +
"[${bazel_top_dir}] new location [${target_gen_dir}")
script = "//build/bazel/scripts/"
# The update script tracks the file and directory entries of FUCHSIA_DIR
# and will update the workspace if they change (i.e. if a file or
# directory is added to / removed from FUCHSIA_DIR itself). However,
# there is no way for Ninja to track these changes, and thus no way
# to enforce the action to be run when this happens, even though these
# are rare occurences, that could happen in the following cases:
# - A developer manually adds or removes a file to/from FUCHSIA_DIR.
# In this case, manually calling the script is needed, and this
# can be done by invoking any `fx bazel ...` command (even
# `fx bazel version`) or `fx build bazel_workspace`.
# - A `jiri update` modifies the content of FUCHSIA_DIR. Depend on
# the top-level //.git/index file to detect this. Note that the
# script will not necessarily update the workspace in this case,
# this simply ensures that it is run to do its checks.
# - A manual `git checkout HEAD^ -- .` command will modify the local
# workspace without modifying the index, so also depend on
# //.git/HEAD to detect this.
inputs = [
# The bazel prebuilt is an implicit input for the script.
# The script expands these templates
# The script reads RBE configs
deps = [
# This dependency is required to properly populate @fuchsia_sdk and
# @internal_sdk for
# @rules_fuchsia//:fuchsia/workspace/fuchsia_sdk_repository.bzl
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(root_build_dir, root_build_dir),
# The generated wrapper includes the absolute path of the Ninja output
# directory, which will be read by Bazel repository rules during workspace
# setup.
no_output_dir_leaks = false
# Generate a symlink to the @fuchsia_sdk repository, after ensuring it was
# properly populated by Bazel. The symlink has a stable path of
# gen/build/bazel/fuchsia_sdk while the actual location of the repository
# depends on Bazel internals (e.g. whether BzlMod is enabled or not).
action("generate_fuchsia_sdk_repository") {
script = "//build/bazel/scripts/"
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/fuchsia_sdk" ]
deps = [
inputs = get_target_outputs(deps[0])
args = [
rebase_path(inputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
metadata = {
# Used by the //:bazel_sdk_info build API module target.
bazel_sdk_info = [
location = rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir)
# This cannot be hermetic as well since it creates a ton of
# files in the output base that cannot be listed in advance.
hermetic_deps = false
# Generate a build_args.bzl file that contains Bazel-specific constant
# declarations that match the current build configuration found in
# Note that another way to pass configuration information is to add
# specific lines to the project's auto-generated .bazelrc file, or even
# to set specific options in the Bazel launcher script.
_build_args_bzl_output = "${target_out_dir}/build_args.bzl"
_build_args_bzl_target = "build_args.bzl.generated"
generated_file(_build_args_bzl_target) {
output_conversion = "list lines"
contents = [ "# Auto-generated - DO NOT EDIT" ]
# Export use_vbmeta boolean flag.
# Boolean values are capitalized differently in GN and Bazel ...
if (use_vbmeta) {
contents += [ "use_vbmeta = True" ]
} else {
contents += [ "use_vbmeta = False" ]
outputs = [ _build_args_bzl_output ]
bazel_input_resource("build_args_bazel_inputs") {
sources = [ _build_args_bzl_output ]
outputs = [ "build_args.bzl" ]
deps = [ ":${_build_args_bzl_target}" ]
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [ "scripts:tests" ]