blob: aa5732b12f29e9b2c91bf09690b0e7af558b229e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
board_name = "as370"
board_description = "as370"
board_configs += [ "//build/config/arm64:cortex-a53" ]
_common_bootfs_deps = [
_common_bootfs_deps += [
_common_bootfs_deps += [ "//src/security/policy/zxcrypt:null" ]
board_bootfs_labels += _common_bootfs_deps
board_zedboot_bootfs_labels += _common_bootfs_deps
board_recovery_bootfs_labels += _common_bootfs_deps
board_driver_package_labels += [ "//src/graphics/drivers/msd-vsi-vip" ]
# TODO( add back in the future
board_package_labels += [
# "//src/power/thermd",
# "//src/power/thermd:config",
custom_signing_script =
custom_signing_script_deps = [ "//zircon/kernel/target/arm64/boot-shim:as370" ]
custom_signing_script_tools = [
data_filesystem_format = "minfs"
zircon_a_partition = "boot"
pre_erase_flash = true
build_uefi_disk = false
use_vbmeta = false
use_gigaboot = false
# Supports only physical devices.
board_is_emu = false
board_is_phys = true
partitions_config_label = "//boards/partitions:as370"