blob: 09bd1445e42844fa100c8772df1f0f1e5c2e0b03 [file] [log] [blame]
- title: Overview
path: /docs/development/sdk/
- heading: Quickstart
- title: "Get started with the Fuchsia SDK"
path: /docs/get-started/sdk/
- heading: Driver development
- title: "Get started with driver development"
path: /docs/get-started/sdk/
- title: "Codelab: Build a driver"
- include: /docs/get-started/sdk/learn/driver/_toc.yaml
- title: "Driver binding"
- title: "Write bind rules for a driver"
path: /docs/development/sdk/
- title: "Create a new bind library for a driver"
path: /docs/development/sdk/
- title: "FIDL-based bind libraries tutorial"
path: /docs/development/sdk/
- title: "Debug a driver when it fails to load"
path: /docs/development/sdk/
- include: /docs/development/sdk/ffx/_toc.yaml