blob: 580ca1a913cdea6a04169364ef2e0ad2b5fb7b40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sstream>
#include <fidl/utils.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "error_test.h"
#include "test_library.h"
namespace {
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodTopLevel) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
using foobar = bool;
const bool f_oobar = true;
struct fo_obar {};
struct foo_bar {};
table foob_ar {};
union fooba_r { 1: bool x; };
enum FoObAr { A = 1; };
bits FooBaR { A = 1; };
protocol FoObaR {};
service FOoBAR {};
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodStructMembers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
struct Example {
bool foobar;
bool foo_bar;
bool f_o_o_b_a_r;
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodTableMembers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
table Example {
1: bool foobar;
2: bool foo_bar;
3: bool f_o_o_b_a_r;
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodUnionMembers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
union Example {
1: bool foobar;
2: bool foo_bar;
3: bool f_o_o_b_a_r;
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodEnumMembers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
enum Example {
foobar = 1;
foo_bar = 2;
f_o_o_b_a_r = 3;
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodBitsMembers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
bits Example {
foobar = 1;
foo_bar = 2;
f_o_o_b_a_r = 4;
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodProtocolMethods) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Example {
foobar() -> ();
foo_bar() -> ();
f_o_o_b_a_r() -> ();
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodMethodParameters) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Example {
bool foobar,
bool foo_bar,
bool f_o_o_b_a_r
) -> ();
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodMethodResults) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Example {
example() -> (
bool foobar,
bool foo_bar,
bool f_o_o_b_a_r
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodServiceMembers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
service Example {
P foobar;
P foo_bar;
P f_o_o_b_a_r;
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodUpperAcronym) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
struct HTTPServer {};
struct httpserver {};
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodCurrentLibrary) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
struct example {};
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, GoodDependentLibrary) {
SharedAmongstLibraries shared;
TestLibrary dependency("foobar.fidl", R"FIDL(
library foobar;
struct Something {};
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
using foobar;
using f_o_o_b_a_r = foobar.Something;
const bool f_oobar = true;
struct fo_obar {};
struct foo_bar {};
table foob_ar {};
union fooba_r { 1: bool x; };
enum FoObAr { A = 1; };
bits FooBaR { A = 1; };
protocol FoObaR {};
service FOoBAR {};
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadTopLevel) {
const auto lower = {
"using fooBar = bool;", // these comments prevent clang-format
"const bool fooBar = true;", // from packing multiple items per line
"struct fooBar {};", //
"struct fooBar {};", //
"table fooBar {};", //
"union fooBar { 1: bool x; };", //
"enum fooBar { A = 1; };", //
"bits fooBar { A = 1; };", //
"protocol fooBar {};", //
"service fooBar {};", //
const auto upper = {
"using FooBar = bool;", //
"const bool FooBar = true;", //
"struct FooBar {};", //
"struct FooBar {};", //
"table FooBar {};", //
"union FooBar { 1: bool x; };", //
"enum FooBar { A = 1; };", //
"bits FooBar { A = 1; };", //
"protocol FooBar {};", //
"service FooBar {};", //
for (const auto line1 : lower) {
for (const auto line2 : upper) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << "library example;\n\n" << line1 << '\n' << line2 << '\n';
const auto fidl = s.str();
TestLibrary library(fidl);
ASSERT_FALSE(library.Compile(), "%s", fidl.c_str());
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrNameCollisionCanonical, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "fooBar", "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "FooBar", "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "foo_bar", "%s", fidl.c_str());
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadStructMembers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
struct Example {
bool fooBar;
bool FooBar;
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrDuplicateStructMemberNameCanonical);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "fooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "FooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "foo_bar");
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadTableMembers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
table Example {
1: bool fooBar;
2: bool FooBar;
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrDuplicateTableFieldNameCanonical);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "fooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "FooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "foo_bar");
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadUnionMembers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
union Example {
1: bool fooBar;
2: bool FooBar;
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrDuplicateUnionMemberNameCanonical);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "fooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "FooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "foo_bar");
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadEnumMembers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
enum Example {
fooBar = 1;
FooBar = 2;
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrDuplicateMemberNameCanonical);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "fooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "FooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "foo_bar");
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadBitsMembers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
bits Example {
fooBar = 1;
FooBar = 2;
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrDuplicateMemberNameCanonical);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "fooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "FooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "foo_bar");
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadProtocolMethods) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Example {
fooBar() -> ();
FooBar() -> ();
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrDuplicateMethodNameCanonical);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "fooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "FooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "foo_bar");
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadMethodParameters) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Example {
example(bool fooBar, bool FooBar) -> ();
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrDuplicateMethodParameterNameCanonical);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "fooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "FooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "foo_bar");
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadMethodResults) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Example {
example() -> (bool fooBar, bool FooBar);
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrDuplicateMethodParameterNameCanonical);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "fooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "FooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "foo_bar");
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadServiceMembers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
service Example {
P fooBar;
P FooBar;
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrDuplicateServiceMemberNameCanonical);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "fooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "FooBar");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "foo_bar");
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadUpperAcronym) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
struct HTTPServer {};
struct HttpServer {};
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrNameCollisionCanonical);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "HTTPServer");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "HttpServer");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "http_server");
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadDependentLibrary) {
SharedAmongstLibraries shared;
TestLibrary dependency("foobar.fidl", R"FIDL(
library foobar;
struct Something {};
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
using foobar;
using FOOBAR = foobar.Something;
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrDeclNameConflictsWithLibraryImportCanonical);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "FOOBAR");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "foobar");
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadVariousCollisions) {
const auto base_names = {
"a", "a1", "x_single_start", "single_end_x", "x_single_both_x", "single_x_middle",
const auto functions = {
for (const auto base_name : base_names) {
for (const auto f1 : functions) {
for (const auto f2 : functions) {
std::ostringstream s;
const auto name1 = f1(base_name);
const auto name2 = f2(base_name);
s << "library example;\n\nstruct " << name1 << " {};\nstruct " << name2 << " {};\n";
const auto fidl = s.str();
TestLibrary library(fidl);
ASSERT_FALSE(library.Compile(), "%s", fidl.c_str());
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1, "%s", fidl.c_str());
if (name1 == name2) {
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrNameCollision, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), name1.c_str(), "%s", fidl.c_str());
} else {
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrNameCollisionCanonical, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), name1.c_str(), "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), name2.c_str(), "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), fidl::utils::canonicalize(name1).c_str(), "%s",
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadConsecutiveUnderscores) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
struct it_is_the_same {};
struct it__is___the____same {};
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrNameCollisionCanonical);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "it_is_the_same");
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), "it__is___the____same");
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadInconsistentTypeSpelling) {
const auto decl_templates = {
"using %s = bool;", //
"struct %s {};", //
"struct %s {};", //
"table %s {};", //
"union %s { 1: bool x; };", //
"enum %s { A = 1; };", //
"bits %s { A = 1; };", //
const auto use_template = "struct Example { %s val; };";
const auto names = {
std::make_pair("foo_bar", "FOO_BAR"),
std::make_pair("FOO_BAR", "foo_bar"),
std::make_pair("fooBar", "FooBar"),
for (const auto decl_template : decl_templates) {
for (const auto [decl_name, use_name] : names) {
std::string decl(decl_template), use(use_template);
decl.replace(decl.find("%s"), 2, decl_name);
use.replace(use.find("%s"), 2, use_name);
std::ostringstream s;
s << "library example;\n\n" << decl << '\n' << use << '\n';
const auto fidl = s.str();
TestLibrary library(fidl);
ASSERT_FALSE(library.Compile(), "%s", fidl.c_str());
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrUnknownType, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), use_name, "%s", fidl.c_str());
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadInconsistentConstSpelling) {
const auto names = {
std::make_pair("foo_bar", "FOO_BAR"),
std::make_pair("FOO_BAR", "foo_bar"),
std::make_pair("fooBar", "FooBar"),
for (const auto [decl_name, use_name] : names) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << "library example;\n\n"
<< "const bool " << decl_name << " = false;\n"
<< "const bool EXAMPLE = " << use_name << ";\n";
const auto fidl = s.str();
TestLibrary library(fidl);
ASSERT_FALSE(library.Compile(), "%s", fidl.c_str());
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 1, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrFailedConstantLookup, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), use_name, "%s", fidl.c_str());
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadInconsistentEnumMemberSpelling) {
const auto names = {
std::make_pair("foo_bar", "FOO_BAR"),
std::make_pair("FOO_BAR", "foo_bar"),
std::make_pair("fooBar", "FooBar"),
for (const auto [decl_name, use_name] : names) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << "library example;\n\n"
<< "enum Enum { " << decl_name << " = 1; };\n"
<< "const Enum EXAMPLE = Enum." << use_name << ";\n";
const auto fidl = s.str();
TestLibrary library(fidl);
ASSERT_FALSE(library.Compile(), "%s", fidl.c_str());
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 2, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrUnknownEnumMember, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), use_name, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_ERR(errors[1], fidl::ErrCannotResolveConstantValue, "%s", fidl.c_str());
TEST(CanonicalNamesTests, BadInconsistentBitsMemberSpelling) {
const auto names = {
std::make_pair("foo_bar", "FOO_BAR"),
std::make_pair("FOO_BAR", "foo_bar"),
std::make_pair("fooBar", "FooBar"),
for (const auto [decl_name, use_name] : names) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << "library example;\n\n"
<< "bits Bits { " << decl_name << " = 1; };\n"
<< "const Bits EXAMPLE = Bits." << use_name << ";\n";
const auto fidl = s.str();
TestLibrary library(fidl);
ASSERT_FALSE(library.Compile(), "%s", fidl.c_str());
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 2, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrUnknownBitsMember, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_SUBSTR(errors[0]->msg.c_str(), use_name, "%s", fidl.c_str());
ASSERT_ERR(errors[1], fidl::ErrCannotResolveConstantValue, "%s", fidl.c_str());
} // namespace