blob: 18249aa027fccd1af43dc9815ecd605e865f10c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <profile/>
namespace runtests {
namespace {
using IntPtrT = intptr_t;
enum ValueKind {
#define VALUE_PROF_KIND(Enumerator, Value, Descr) Enumerator = (Value),
#include <profile/>
struct __llvm_profile_data {
#define INSTR_PROF_DATA(Type, LLVMType, Name, Initializer) Type Name;
#include <profile/>
struct __llvm_profile_header {
#define INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(Type, Name, Initializer) Type Name;
#include <profile/>
} // namespace
bool ProfilesCompatible(const uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src, size_t size) {
const __llvm_profile_header* src_header = reinterpret_cast<const __llvm_profile_header*>(src);
const __llvm_profile_header* dst_header = reinterpret_cast<const __llvm_profile_header*>(dst);
if (src_header->Magic != dst_header->Magic || src_header->Version != dst_header->Version ||
src_header->DataSize != dst_header->DataSize ||
src_header->CountersSize != dst_header->CountersSize ||
src_header->NamesSize != dst_header->NamesSize)
return false;
const __llvm_profile_data* src_data_start =
reinterpret_cast<const __llvm_profile_data*>(src + sizeof(*src_header));
const __llvm_profile_data* src_data_end = src_data_start + src_header->DataSize;
const __llvm_profile_data* dst_data_start =
reinterpret_cast<const __llvm_profile_data*>(dst + sizeof(*dst_header));
const __llvm_profile_data* dst_data_end = dst_data_start + dst_header->DataSize;
for (const __llvm_profile_data *src_data = src_data_start, *dst_data = dst_data_start;
src_data < src_data_end && dst_data < dst_data_end; ++src_data, ++dst_data) {
if (src_data->NameRef != dst_data->NameRef || src_data->FuncHash != dst_data->FuncHash ||
src_data->NumCounters != dst_data->NumCounters)
return false;
return true;
uint8_t* MergeProfiles(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src, size_t size) {
const __llvm_profile_header* src_header = reinterpret_cast<const __llvm_profile_header*>(src);
const __llvm_profile_data* src_data_start =
reinterpret_cast<const __llvm_profile_data*>(src + sizeof(*src_header));
const __llvm_profile_data* src_data_end = src_data_start + src_header->DataSize;
const uint64_t* src_counters_start = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(src_data_end);
__llvm_profile_header* dst_header = reinterpret_cast<__llvm_profile_header*>(dst);
__llvm_profile_data* dst_data_start =
reinterpret_cast<__llvm_profile_data*>(dst + sizeof(*dst_header));
__llvm_profile_data* dst_data_end = dst_data_start + dst_header->DataSize;
uint64_t* dst_counters_start = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(dst_data_end);
const __llvm_profile_data* src_data = src_data_start;
__llvm_profile_data* dst_data = dst_data_start;
for (; src_data < src_data_end && dst_data < dst_data_end; src_data++, dst_data++) {
const uint64_t* src_counters =
src_counters_start + (src_data->CounterPtr - src_header->CountersDelta) / sizeof(uint64_t);
uint64_t* dst_counters =
dst_counters_start + (dst_data->CounterPtr - dst_header->CountersDelta) / sizeof(uint64_t);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < src_data->NumCounters; i++) {
dst_counters[i] += src_counters[i];
return dst;
} // namespace runtests