blob: 7b680a8fa27caac8d6c8aa838809a93c0296d5eb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <region-alloc/region-alloc.h>
// Support for Pool allocated bookkeeping
RegionAllocator::RegionPool::RefPtr RegionAllocator::RegionPool::Create(size_t max_memory) {
// Sanity check our allocation arguments.
if (SLAB_SIZE > max_memory) {
return nullptr;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto ret = fbl::AdoptRef(new (&ac) RegionPool(max_memory / SLAB_SIZE));
if (!ac.check()) {
return nullptr;
return ret;
RegionAllocator::~RegionAllocator() {
// No one should be destroying us while we have allocations in flight.
// We should have the same number of regions sorted by base address and by
// size.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(avail_regions_by_base_.size() == avail_regions_by_size_.size());
// Return all of our bookkeeping to our region pool.
while (!avail_regions_by_size_.is_empty()) {
void RegionAllocator::Reset() {
fbl::AutoLock alloc_lock(&alloc_lock_);
Region* removed;
while ((removed = avail_regions_by_base_.pop_front()) != nullptr) {
zx_status_t RegionAllocator::SetRegionPool(const RegionPool::RefPtr& region_pool) {
fbl::AutoLock alloc_lock(&alloc_lock_);
if (!allocated_regions_by_base_.is_empty() || !avail_regions_by_base_.is_empty()) {
region_pool_ = region_pool;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t RegionAllocator::AddRegion(const ralloc_region_t& region, AllowOverlap allow_overlap) {
fbl::AutoLock alloc_lock(&alloc_lock_);
// Start with sanity checks
zx_status_t ret = AddSubtractSanityCheckLocked(region);
if (ret != ZX_OK) {
return ret;
// Make sure that we do not intersect with the available regions if we do
// not allow overlaps.
if ((allow_overlap != AllowOverlap::Yes) && IntersectsLocked(avail_regions_by_base_, region)) {
// All sanity checks passed. Grab a piece of free bookkeeping from our pool,
// fill it out, then add it to the sets of available regions (indexed by
// base address as well as size)
Region* to_add = CreateRegion();
if (to_add == nullptr) {
to_add->base = region.base;
to_add->size = region.size;
AddRegionToAvailLocked(to_add, allow_overlap);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t RegionAllocator::SubtractRegion(const ralloc_region_t& to_subtract,
AllowIncomplete allow_incomplete) {
fbl::AutoLock alloc_lock(&alloc_lock_);
// Start with sanity checks
zx_status_t ret = AddSubtractSanityCheckLocked(to_subtract);
if (ret != ZX_OK) {
return ret;
// Make a copy of the region to subtract. We may need to modify the region
// as part of the subtraction algorithm.
ralloc_region_t region = to_subtract;
// Find the region whose base address is <= the specified region (if any).
// If we do not allow incomplete subtraction, this is the region which must
// entirely contain the subtracted region.
// Additionally, the only time we should ever need any extra bookkeeping
// allocation is if this region (if present) needs to be split into two
// regions.
auto before = avail_regions_by_base_.upper_bound(region.base);
auto after = before--;
uint64_t region_end = region.base + region.size; // exclusive end
uint64_t before_end = 0;
if (before.IsValid()) {
before_end = before->base + before->size; // exclusive end
if ((region.base >= before->base) && (region_end <= before_end)) {
// Looks like we found an available region which completely contains the
// region to be subtracted. Handle the 4 possible cases.
// Case 1: The regions are the same. This one is easy.
if ((region.base == before->base) && (region_end == before_end)) {
Region* removed = avail_regions_by_base_.erase(before);
return ZX_OK;
// Case 2: before completely contains region. The before region needs
// to be split into two regions. If we are out of bookkeeping space, we
// are out of luck.
if ((region.base != before->base) && (region_end != before_end)) {
Region* second = CreateRegion();
if (second == nullptr) {
// Looks like we have the memory we need. Compute the base/size of
// the two regions which will be left over, then update the first
// region's position in the size index, and add the second region to
// the set of available regions.
Region* first = avail_regions_by_size_.erase(*before);
first->size = region.base - first->base;
second->base = region_end;
second->size = before_end - region_end;
return ZX_OK;
// Case 3: region trims the front of before. Update before's base and
// size, and recompute its position in the size index. Note: there is
// no need to recompute its position in the base index, this has not
// changed.
if (region.base == before->base) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(region_end < before_end);
Region* bptr = avail_regions_by_size_.erase(*before);
bptr->base += region.size;
bptr->size -= region.size;
return ZX_OK;
// Case 4: region trims the end of before. Update before's size and
// recompute its position in the size index.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(region.base != before->base);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(region_end == before_end);
Region* bptr = avail_regions_by_size_.erase(*before);
bptr->size -= region.size;
return ZX_OK;
// If we have gotten this far, then there is no single region in the
// available set which completely contains the subtraction region. We
// cannot continue unless allow_incomplete is Yes.
if (allow_incomplete != AllowIncomplete::Yes) {
// Great! At this point we know that we are going to succeed, we just need
// to go about updating all of the bookkeeping. We may need to trim the end
// of the region which comes before us, and then consume some of the regions
// which come after us, finishing by trimming the front of (at most) one of
// the regions which comes after us. At no point in time do we need to
// allocate any more bookkeeping, success is guaranteed. Start by
// considering the before region.
if (before.IsValid()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(region.base >= before->base);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(region_end > before_end);
if (before_end > region.base) {
// No matter what, 'before' needs to be removed from the size index.
Region* bptr = avail_regions_by_size_.erase(*before);
// If before's base is the same as the region's base, then we are
// subtracting out all of before. Otherwise, we are trimming the back
// before and need to recompute its size and position in the size index.
if (bptr->base == region.base) {
} else {
bptr->size = region.base - bptr->base;
// Either way, the region we are subtracting now starts where before
// used to end.
region.base = before_end;
region.size = region_end - region.base;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(region.size > 0);
// While there are regions whose base address comes after the base address
// of what we want to subtract, we need to do one of three things...
// 1) Consume entire regions which are contained entirely within our
// subtraction region.
// 2) Trim the front of a region which is clipped by our subtraction region.
// 3) Stop because all remaining regions start after the end of our
// subtraction region.
while (after.IsValid()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(after->base > region.base);
// Case #3
if (after->base >= region_end) {
// Cases #1 and #2. No matter what, we need to...
// 1) Advance after, re-naming the old 'after' to 'trim in the process.
// 2) Remove trim from the size index.
auto trim_iter = after++;
Region* trim = avail_regions_by_size_.erase(*trim_iter);
uint64_t trim_end = trim->base + trim->size;
if (trim_end > region_end) {
// Case #2. We are guaranteed to be done at this point.
trim->base = region_end;
trim->size = trim_end - trim->base;
// Case #1. Advance the subtraction region to the end of the region we
// just trimmed into oblivion. If we have run out of region to trim,
// then we know we are done.
region.base = trim_end;
region.size = region_end - region.base;
if (!region.size) {
// Sanity check. The number of elements in the base index should match the
// number of elements in the size index.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(avail_regions_by_base_.size() == avail_regions_by_size_.size());
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t RegionAllocator::GetRegion(uint64_t size, uint64_t alignment,
Region::UPtr& out_region) {
fbl::AutoLock alloc_lock(&alloc_lock_);
// Sanity check the arguments.
out_region = nullptr;
if (!size || !alignment || !fbl::is_pow2(alignment)) {
// Compute the things we will need round-up align base addresses.
uint64_t mask = alignment - 1;
uint64_t inv_mask = ~mask;
// Start by using our size index to look up the first available region which
// is large enough to hold this allocation (if any)
auto iter = avail_regions_by_size_.lower_bound({.base = 0, .size = size});
// Consider all of the regions which are large enough to hold our
// allocation. Stop as soon as we find one which can satisfy the alignment
// restrictions.
uint64_t aligned_base = 0;
while (iter.IsValid()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(iter->size >= size);
aligned_base = (iter->base + mask) & inv_mask;
uint64_t overhead = aligned_base - iter->base;
uint64_t leftover = iter->size - size;
// We have a usable region if the aligned base address has not wrapped
// the address space, and if overhead required to align the allocation
// is not larger than what is leftover in the region after performing
// the allocation.
if ((aligned_base >= iter->base) && (overhead <= leftover)) {
if (!iter.IsValid()) {
return AllocFromAvailLocked(iter, out_region, aligned_base, size);
zx_status_t RegionAllocator::GetRegion(const ralloc_region_t& requested_region,
Region::UPtr& out_region) {
fbl::AutoLock alloc_lock(&alloc_lock_);
uint64_t base = requested_region.base;
uint64_t size = requested_region.size;
// Sanity check the arguments.
out_region = nullptr;
if (!size || ((base + size) < base)) {
// Find the first available region whose base address is strictly greater
// than the one we are looking for, then back up one.
auto iter = avail_regions_by_base_.upper_bound(base);
// If the iterator is invalid, then we cannot satisfy this request. If it
// is valid, then we can satisfy this request if and only if the region we
// found completely contains the requested region.
if (!iter.IsValid()) {
// We know that base must be >= iter->base
// We know that iter->size is non-zero.
// Therefore, we know that base is in the range [iter.start, iter.end]
// We know that request.end is > base
// Therefore request.end is > iter.base
// So, if request.end <= iter.end, we know that request is completely
// contained within iter. It does not matter if we use the inclusive or
// exclusive end to check, as long as we are consistent.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(iter->size > 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(iter->base <= base);
uint64_t req_end = base + size - 1;
uint64_t iter_end = iter->base + iter->size - 1;
if (req_end > iter_end) {
// Great, we have found a region which should be able to satisfy our
// allocation request. Get an iterator for the by-size index, then use the
// common AllocFromAvailLocked method to handle the bookkeeping involved.
auto by_size_iter = avail_regions_by_size_.make_iterator(*iter);
return AllocFromAvailLocked(by_size_iter, out_region, base, size);
zx_status_t RegionAllocator::AddSubtractSanityCheckLocked(const ralloc_region_t& region) {
// Sanity check the region to make sure that it is well formed. We do not
// allow a region which is of size zero, or which wraps around the
// allocation space.
if ((region.base + region.size) <= region.base) {
// Next, make sure the region we are adding or subtracting does not
// intersect any region which is currently allocated.
if (IntersectsLocked(allocated_regions_by_base_, region)) {
return ZX_OK;
void RegionAllocator::ReleaseRegion(Region* region) {
fbl::AutoLock alloc_lock(&alloc_lock_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(region != nullptr);
// When a region comes back from a user, it should be in the
// allocated_regions_by_base tree, but not in either of the avail_regions
// trees, and not in any free list. Remove it from the allocated_regions
// bookkeeping and add it back to the available regions.
zx_status_t RegionAllocator::AllocFromAvailLocked(Region::WAVLTreeSortBySize::iterator source,
Region::UPtr& out_region, uint64_t base,
uint64_t size) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(out_region == nullptr);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(base >= source->base);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(size <= source->size);
uint64_t overhead = base - source->base;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(overhead < source->size);
uint64_t leftover = source->size - size;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(leftover >= overhead);
// Great, we found a region. We may have to split the available region into
// up to 2 sub regions depending on where the aligned allocation lies in the
// region. Figure out how much splitting we need to do and attempt to
// allocate the bookkeeping.
bool split_before = base != source->base;
bool split_after = overhead < leftover;
if (!split_before && !split_after) {
// If no splits are required, then this should be easy. Take the region
// out of the avail bookkeeping, add it to the allocated bookkeeping and
// we are finished.
Region* region = avail_regions_by_size_.erase(source);
} else if (!split_before) {
// If we only have to split after, then this region is aligned with what
// we want to allocate, but we will not use all of it. Break it into
// two pieces and return the one which comes first.
Region* before_region = CreateRegion();
if (before_region == nullptr) {
Region* after_region = avail_regions_by_size_.erase(source);
before_region->base = after_region->base;
before_region->size = size;
after_region->base += size;
after_region->size -= size;
} else if (!split_after) {
// If we only have to split before, then this region is not aligned
// properly with what we want to allocate, but we will use the entire
// region (after aligning). Break it into two pieces and return the one
// which comes after.
Region* after_region = CreateRegion();
if (after_region == nullptr) {
Region* before_region = avail_regions_by_size_.erase(source);
after_region->base = base;
after_region->size = size;
before_region->size -= size;
} else {
// Looks like we need to break our region into 3 chunks and return the
// middle chunk. Start by grabbing the bookkeeping we require first.
Region* region = CreateRegion();
if (region == nullptr) {
Region* after_region = CreateRegion();
if (after_region == nullptr) {
Region* before_region = avail_regions_by_size_.erase(source);
region->base = before_region->base + overhead;
region->size = size;
after_region->base = region->base + region->size;
after_region->size = before_region->size - size - overhead;
before_region->size = overhead;
return ZX_OK;
void RegionAllocator::AddRegionToAvailLocked(Region* region, AllowOverlap allow_overlap) {
// Sanity checks. This region should not exist in any bookkeeping, and
// should not overlap with any of the regions we are currently tracking.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!IntersectsLocked(allocated_regions_by_base_, *region));
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((allow_overlap == AllowOverlap::Yes) ||
!IntersectsLocked(avail_regions_by_base_, *region));
// Find the region which comes before us and the region which comes after us
// in the tree.
auto before = avail_regions_by_base_.upper_bound(region->base);
auto after = before--;
// Merge with the region which comes before us if we can.
uint64_t region_end = (region->base + region->size); // exclusive end
if (before.IsValid()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(before->base <= region->base);
uint64_t before_end = (before->base + before->size); // exclusive end
if ((allow_overlap == AllowOverlap::Yes) ? (before_end >= region->base)
: (before_end == region->base)) {
region_end = std::max(region_end, before_end);
region->base = before->base;
auto removed = avail_regions_by_base_.erase(before);
// Merge with the region which comes after us if we can, keep merging if we
// allow overlaps.
while (after.IsValid()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(region->base < after->base);
if (!((allow_overlap == AllowOverlap::Yes) ? (region_end >= after->base)
: (region_end == after->base))) {
uint64_t after_end = (after->base + after->size);
region_end = std::max(region_end, after_end);
auto remove_me = after++;
auto removed = avail_regions_by_base_.erase(remove_me);
if (allow_overlap != AllowOverlap::Yes) {
// Update the region's size to reflect any mergers which may have taken
// place, then add the region to the two indexes.
region->size = region_end - region->base;
bool RegionAllocator::IntersectsLocked(const Region::WAVLTreeSortByBase& tree,
const ralloc_region_t& region) const {
// Find the first entry in the tree whose base is >= region.base. If this
// element exists, and its base is < the exclusive end of region, then
// we have an intersection.
auto iter = tree.lower_bound(region.base);
if (iter.IsValid() && (iter->base < (region.base + region.size))) {
return true;
// Check the element before us in the tree. If it exists, we know that it's
// base is < region.base. If it's exclusive end is >= region.base, then we
// have an intersection.
if (iter.IsValid() && (region.base < (iter->base + iter->size))) {
return true;
return false;
bool RegionAllocator::ContainedByLocked(const Region::WAVLTreeSortByBase& tree,
const ralloc_region_t& region) const {
// Find the first entry in the tree whose base is > region.base, then back up
// one. Our iterator now points to the first entry in a set of disjoint
// regions sorted by ascending base address, whose base address is <= to ours.
// If we are completely contained by any block, it must be this one. We
// already know that the region after this one (if any) has a base address which is
// strictly > than |region|, so it cannot contain |region|. Also,
// All of the regions are disjoint (by nature of the data structure). So, any
// region which comes before |iter| one must have an end address strictly < the
// base address of |iter|. Since |region|'s base address is >= |iter|'s base
// address, we know that the region which comes before |iter| cannot contain
// region either.
auto iter = --(tree.upper_bound(region.base));
if (iter.IsValid() && ((iter->base + iter->size) >= (region.base + region.size))) {
return true;
return false;
RegionAllocator::Region* RegionAllocator::CreateRegion() {
if (region_pool_ != nullptr) {
return region_pool_->New(this);
} else {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
Region* ret = new (&ac) Region(this);
return ac.check() ? ret : nullptr;
void RegionAllocator::DestroyRegion(Region* region) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(region != nullptr);
if (region_pool_ != nullptr) {
} else {
delete region;