blob: 437b63d19259c0b9338f6936f2c8bdafbb2d5163 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/async_binding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/async_transaction.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/message.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/server.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
std::optional<UnbindInfo> AsyncTransaction::Dispatch(std::shared_ptr<AsyncBinding>&& binding,
fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg) {
bool moved = false;
moved_ = &moved;
// Take ownership of the internal (dispatcher) reference to the AsyncBinding. Until code executed
// in this scope releases ownership, no other thread may access the binding via keep_alive_.
owned_binding_ = std::move(binding);
// Avoid static_pointer_cast for now since it results in atomic inc/dec.
auto* binding_raw = static_cast<AnyAsyncServerBinding*>(owned_binding_.get());
fidl::DispatchResult dispatch_result = binding_raw->interface_->dispatch_message(msg, this);
if (moved)
return {}; // Return if `this` is no longer valid.
moved_ = nullptr;
// Transfer ownership of the binding back to the dispatcher if we still have it.
if (owned_binding_)
binding_raw->keep_alive_ = std::move(owned_binding_);
switch (dispatch_result) {
case fidl::DispatchResult::kFound:
// Propagate any error that happened during the message handling.
return unbind_info_;
case fidl::DispatchResult::kNotFound:
// The message was not recognized by the |dispatch_fn_|.
return UnbindInfo{UnbindInfo::kUnexpectedMessage, ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED};
zx_status_t AsyncTransaction::Reply(fidl::OutgoingMessage* message) {
ZX_ASSERT(txid_ != 0);
auto txid = txid_;
txid_ = 0;
// Get a strong reference to the binding. Avoid unnecessarily copying the reference if
// owned_binding_ is valid. On error, the reference will be consumed by Close().
std::shared_ptr<AsyncBinding> tmp = owned_binding_ ? nullptr : unowned_binding_.lock();
auto& binding = owned_binding_ ? owned_binding_ : tmp;
if (!binding)
// The encoding process should ensure that the message is valid.
ZX_ASSERT(message->byte_actual() >= sizeof(fidl_message_header_t));
auto hdr = reinterpret_cast<fidl_message_header_t*>(message->bytes());
hdr->txid = txid;
return message->status();
void AsyncTransaction::EnableNextDispatch() {
if (!owned_binding_)
return; // Has no effect if the Transaction does not own the binding.
auto* binding_raw = static_cast<AnyAsyncServerBinding*>(owned_binding_.get());
unowned_binding_ = owned_binding_; // Preserve a weak reference to the binding.
binding_raw->keep_alive_ = std::move(owned_binding_);
if (binding_raw->EnableNextDispatch() == ZX_OK) {
*binding_released_ = true;
} else {
unbind_info_ = {UnbindInfo::kUnbind, ZX_OK};
void AsyncTransaction::Close(zx_status_t epitaph) {
if (!owned_binding_) {
if (auto binding = unowned_binding_.lock()) {
auto* binding_raw = static_cast<AnyAsyncServerBinding*>(binding.get());
binding_raw->Close(std::move(binding), epitaph);
unbind_info_ = {UnbindInfo::kClose, epitaph}; // OnUnbind() will run after Dispatch() returns.
// Return ownership of the binding to the dispatcher.
auto* binding_raw = static_cast<AnyAsyncServerBinding*>(owned_binding_.get());
binding_raw->keep_alive_ = std::move(owned_binding_);
void AsyncTransaction::InternalError(UnbindInfo error) {
if (!owned_binding_) {
if (auto binding = unowned_binding_.lock()) {
auto* binding_raw = static_cast<AnyAsyncServerBinding*>(binding.get());
binding_raw->InternalError(std::move(binding), error);
unbind_info_ = error; // OnUnbind() will run after Dispatch() returns.
// Return ownership of the binding to the dispatcher.
auto* binding_raw = static_cast<AnyAsyncServerBinding*>(owned_binding_.get());
binding_raw->keep_alive_ = std::move(owned_binding_);
std::unique_ptr<Transaction> AsyncTransaction::TakeOwnership() {
*moved_ = true;
moved_ = nullptr; // This should only ever be called once.
unowned_binding_ = owned_binding_; // Preserve a weak reference to the binding.
auto* binding_raw = static_cast<AnyAsyncServerBinding*>(owned_binding_.get());
binding_raw->keep_alive_ = std::move(owned_binding_);
return std::make_unique<AsyncTransaction>(std::move(*this));
bool AsyncTransaction::IsUnbound() {
// The channel is unbound if this transaction neither owns the binding nor can get a strong
// reference to it.
return !owned_binding_ && !unowned_binding_.lock();
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl