blob: 26dec912014d2ad620edb83ba798f265525c0344 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# The common phys tests, built as QEMU executables and ZBI tests.
common_tests = [
if (current_toolchain != default_toolchain) {
if (zx == "/") {
} else {
if (zx == "/") {
assert(toolchain.environment == "kernel.phys" ||
toolchain.environment_label == qemu_environment)
} else {
assert(toolchain.environment == "kernel.phys" ||
toolchain_variant.base == qemu_environment)
# This provides a PhysMain function appropriate for zbi_test() targets.
source_set("qemu-test-main") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "" ]
defines = [ "ZBI_TEST_SUCCESS_STRING=\"$zbi_test_success_string\"" ]
deps = [
public_deps = [
# This is public to propagate its public_deps so dependents
# of qemu-test-main can use #include "test-main.h".
source_set("zbi-test-main") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "" ]
defines = [ "ZBI_TEST_SUCCESS_STRING=\"$zbi_test_success_string\"" ]
public_deps = [ ":test-main" ]
deps = [ "$zx/kernel/lib/libc" ]
source_set("test-main") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "test-main.h" ]
public_deps = [
# Build a test that runs directly as a QEMU kernel. This is wired up as a
# zbi_test() for infrastructure purposes though there is nothing in the ZBI.
template("phys_qemu_test") {
main_target = target_name
executable_target = "_qemu_phys_test.$target_name.executable"
zbi_target = "_qemu_phys_test.$target_name.zbi_test"
phys_executable(executable_target) {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
deps = []
deps += qemu_deps + [ ":qemu-test-main" ]
zbi_test(zbi_target) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
# The ZBI is empty other than the boilerplate cmdline, and does not
# contain a ZBI-bootable kernel.
args = []
cpu = ""
deps = []
tags = [ "incomplete" ]
if (defined(invoker.tags)) {
tags += invoker.tags
# The special kernel is all that really matters for this test.
device_types = [ "QEMU" ]
qemu_kernel = ":$executable_target"
# Set a short timeout since the tests don't necessarily shut down QEMU
# after printing the success string.
timeout = qemu_short_timeout
if (zx == "/") {
# The "null redirect" is needed to perform variant selection consistent
# with what the phys_executable will do. That way the $executable_target
# label is in the right toolchain to be found in images.json.
environment_redirect(main_target) {
testonly = true
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
environment_label = qemu_environment
deps = [ ":$zbi_target" ]
} else {
group(main_target) {
testonly = true
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
public_deps = [ ":$zbi_target($qemu_environment)" ]
# TODO( We provide a dummy resource to contrive 'completeness'
# in the following ZBI tests, which is a requirement for bootability under the
# current policy of zedboot, gigaboot, and the boot-shims using the old
# `zbi_check`. Once that is no longer a requirement, remove this target.
generated_resource("dummy.txt") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
contents = "This space is intentionally left blank."
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/dummy.txt" ]
# Build tests in both phys_qemu_test() and zbi_executable()/zbi_test()
# incarnations.
foreach(test, common_tests) {
phys_qemu_test("qemu-$test") {
deps = [ ":$test" ]
zbi_executable("zbi-$test.executable") {
testonly = true
deps = [
zbi_test("zbi-$test") {
args = []
deps = [
# TODO(mcgrathr): enable on hardware too
device_types = [
# Set a short timeout since the tests don't reliably reboot the machine.
timeout = qemu_short_timeout
source_set("hello-world-test") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
source_set("backtrace-test") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
# Ideally we'd test all four combinations on arm64 and both combinations on
# x86. But the common library code is always compiled with shadow-call-stack
# on arm64 so we can't disable the ABI support for it and with safe-stack on
# x86 so we can't disable the ABI support for it there. The start.S code only
# enables extra stack support conditionally so as not to waste space, so there
# isn't a good way to test non-default configurations.
source_set("phys-unittests") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
source_set("phys-memory-test") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
zbi_executable("decompress-test") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
data_deps = [ ":decompress-test-data" ]
zbi_input("decompress-test-data") {
testonly = true
type = "ramdisk"
args = [
zbi_test("phys-zbi-decompress-test") {
args = []
deps = [
# TODO(mcgrathr): enable on hardware too
device_types = [
# Set a short timeout since the tests don't reliably reboot the machine.
timeout = qemu_short_timeout
group("test") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":phys-zbi-decompress-test" ]
foreach(test, common_tests) {
deps += [
} else { # current_toolchain == default_toolchain
# We create mexec-chainloading variations of all of the phys ZBI tests.
# Once there is no longer a separate zircon build, we can define these targets
# directly, instead of sifting through zircon's zbi_tests.json to synthesize
# targets in this build.
test_deps = []
foreach(test, common_tests) {
mexec_zbi_test("mexec-$test") {
child_zbi = ":zbi-$test(//zircon/kernel/phys:kernel.phys_$current_cpu)"
child_zbi_file =
get_label_info(child_zbi, "target_out_dir") + "/zbi-$test.zbi"
test_deps += [ ":mexec-$test" ]
group("test") {
testonly = true
deps =
[ ":test(//zircon/kernel/phys:kernel.phys_$current_cpu)" ] + test_deps