blob: 55e9f77e49e39868fe00f80a550daedfde18c09e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/arch/intrin.h>
#include <lib/counters.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <reg.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/limits.h>
#include <zircon/rights.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <array>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <dev/interrupt.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <kernel/auto_lock.h>
#include <object/dispatcher.h>
#include <object/interrupt_dispatcher.h>
#include <object/msi_dispatcher.h>
#include <vm/vm_address_region.h>
#include <vm/vm_object.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_msi_create_count, "msi_dispatcher.create")
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_msi_interrupt_count, "msi_dispatcher.interrupts")
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_msi_mask_count, "msi_dispatcher.mask")
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_msi_unmask_count, "msi_dispatcher.unmask")
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_msi_destroy_count, "msi_dispatcher.destroy")
// Creates an a derived MsiDispatcher determined by the flags passed in
zx_status_t MsiDispatcher::Create(fbl::RefPtr<MsiAllocation> alloc, uint32_t msi_id,
const fbl::RefPtr<VmObject>& vmo, zx_paddr_t vmo_offset,
uint32_t options, zx_rights_t* out_rights,
KernelHandle<InterruptDispatcher>* out_interrupt,
RegisterIntFn register_int_fn) {
"out_rights = %p, out_interrupt = %p\nvmo: %s, %s, %s\nsize = %lu, "
"vmo_offset = %lu, options = %#x, cache policy = %u\n",
out_rights, out_interrupt, vmo->is_paged() ? "paged" : "physical",
vmo->is_contiguous() ? "contiguous" : "not contiguous",
vmo->is_resizable() ? "resizable" : "not resizable", vmo->size(), vmo_offset, options,
bool is_msix = (options & ZX_MSI_MODE_MSI_X) == ZX_MSI_MODE_MSI_X;
options &= ~ZX_MSI_MODE_MSI_X;
if (!out_rights || !out_interrupt ||
(vmo->is_paged() && (vmo->is_resizable() || !vmo->is_contiguous())) ||
vmo_offset >= vmo->size() || options ||
vmo->GetMappingCachePolicy() != ZX_CACHE_POLICY_UNCACHED_DEVICE) {
uint32_t base_irq_id = 0;
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&alloc->lock()};
if (msi_id >= alloc->block().num_irq) {
LTRACEF("msi_id %u is out of range for the block (num_irqs: %u)\n", msi_id,
base_irq_id = alloc->block().base_irq_id;
zx_status_t st = alloc->ReserveId(msi_id);
if (st != ZX_OK) {
LTRACEF("failed to reserve msi_id %u: %d\n", msi_id, st);
return st;
auto cleanup = fbl::MakeAutoCall([alloc, msi_id]() { alloc->ReleaseId(msi_id); });
// To handle MSI masking we need to create a kernel mapping for the VMO handed
// to us, this will provide access to the register controlling the given MSI.
// The VMO must be a contiguous VMO with the cache policy already configured.
// Size checks will come into play when we know what type of capability we're
// working with.
auto vmar = VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->RootVmar();
uint32_t vector = base_irq_id + msi_id;
ktl::array<char, ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN> name{};
snprintf(, name.max_size(), "msi id %u (vector %u)", msi_id, vector);
fbl::RefPtr<VmMapping> mapping;
st = vmar->CreateVmMapping(0, vmo->size(), 0, 0, vmo, 0,
if (st != ZX_OK) {
LTRACEF("Failed to create MSI mapping: %d\n", st);
return st;
st = mapping->MapRange(0, vmo->size(), true);
if (st != ZX_OK) {
LTRACEF("Falled to MapRange for the mapping: %d\n", st);
return st;
LTRACEF("Mapping mapped at %#lx, size %zx, vmo size %lx, vmo_offset = %#lx\n", mapping->base(),
mapping->size(), vmo->size(), vmo_offset);
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
fbl::RefPtr<MsiDispatcher> disp;
// MSI lives inside a device's config space within an MSI Capability. MSI-X has a similar
// capability, but has another table mapped elsewhere which contains individually maskable bits
// per vector. The capability itself is managed by the PCI bus driver, and the mask bits are
// handled by this dispatcher. So in the event of MSI-X there is no capability id to check, since
// we don't touch the capability at all at this level.
size_t add_result = 0;
if (is_msix) {
// Most validation for MSI-X is done in the PCI driver since it can confirm that the Table
// Structure is appropriately large for the number of interrupts, and the allocation by now has
// already been made.
if (add_overflow(vmo_offset, (msi_id + 1) * sizeof(MsixTableEntry), &add_result) ||
add_result > vmo->size()) {
disp = fbl::AdoptRef<MsiDispatcher>(new (&ac) MsixDispatcherImpl(
ktl::move(alloc), base_irq_id, msi_id, ktl::move(mapping), vmo_offset, register_int_fn));
} else {
auto* cap = reinterpret_cast<MsiCapability*>(mapping->base() + vmo_offset);
if (cap->id != kMsiCapabilityId) {
// MSI capabilities fit within a given device's configuration space which is either 256
// or 4096 bytes. But in most cases the VMO containing config space is going to be at
// least the size of a full PCI bus's worth of devices, and physical VMOs cannot be sliced
// into children. We can validate that the capability fits within the offset given, but
// otherwise cannot rely on the VMO's size for validation.
if (add_overflow(vmo_offset, sizeof(MsiCapability), &add_result) || add_result > vmo->size()) {
uint16_t ctrl_val = cap->control;
bool has_pvm = !!(ctrl_val & kMsiPvmSupported);
bool has_64bit = !!(ctrl_val & kMsi64bitSupported);
disp = fbl::AdoptRef<MsiDispatcher>(
new (&ac) MsiDispatcherImpl(ktl::move(alloc), base_irq_id, msi_id, ktl::move(mapping),
vmo_offset, has_pvm, has_64bit, register_int_fn));
if (!ac.check()) {
LTRACEF("Failed to allocate MsiDispatcher\n");
// If we allocated MsiDispatcher successfully then its dtor will release
// the id if necessary.
// MSI / MSI-X interrupts share a masking approach and should be masked while
// being serviced and unmasked while waiting for an interrupt message to arrive.
st = disp->RegisterInterruptHandler();
if (st != ZX_OK) {
LTRACEF("Failed to register interrupt handler for msi id %u (vector %u): %d\n", msi_id, vector,
return st;
*out_rights = default_rights();
LTRACEF("MsiDispatcher successfully created.\n");
return ZX_OK;
MsiDispatcher::MsiDispatcher(fbl::RefPtr<MsiAllocation>&& alloc, fbl::RefPtr<VmMapping>&& mapping,
uint32_t base_irq_id, uint32_t msi_id, RegisterIntFn register_int_fn)
: alloc_(ktl::move(alloc)),
msi_id_(msi_id) {
kcounter_add(dispatcher_msi_create_count, 1);
MsiDispatcher::~MsiDispatcher() {
zx_status_t st = alloc_->ReleaseId(msi_id_);
if (st != ZX_OK) {
LTRACEF("MsiDispatcher: Failed to release MSI id %u (vector %u): %d\n", msi_id_,
base_irq_id_ + msi_id_, st);
LTRACEF("MsiDispatcher: cleaning up MSI id %u\n", msi_id_);
kcounter_add(dispatcher_msi_destroy_count, 1);
// This IrqHandler acts as a trampoline to call into the base
// InterruptDispatcher's InterruptHandler() routine. Masking and signaling will
// be handled there based on flags set in the constructor.
interrupt_eoi MsiDispatcher::IrqHandler(void* ctx) {
auto* self = reinterpret_cast<MsiDispatcher*>(ctx);
kcounter_add(dispatcher_msi_interrupt_count, 1);
zx_status_t MsiDispatcher::RegisterInterruptHandler() {
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&alloc_->lock()};
register_int_fn_(&alloc_->block(), msi_id_, IrqHandler, this);
return ZX_OK;
void MsiDispatcher::UnregisterInterruptHandler() {
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&alloc_->lock()};
register_int_fn_(&alloc_->block(), msi_id_, nullptr, this);
void MsiDispatcherImpl::MaskInterrupt() {
kcounter_add(dispatcher_msi_mask_count, 1);
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&allocation()->lock()};
if (has_platform_pvm_) {
msi_mask_unmask(&allocation()->block(), msi_id(), true);
if (has_cap_pvm_) {
*mask_bits_reg_ |= (1 << msi_id());
void MsiDispatcherImpl::UnmaskInterrupt() {
kcounter_add(dispatcher_msi_unmask_count, 1);
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&allocation()->lock()};
if (has_platform_pvm_) {
msi_mask_unmask(&allocation()->block(), msi_id(), false);
if (has_cap_pvm_) {
*mask_bits_reg_ &= ~(1 << msi_id());
MsixDispatcherImpl::MsixDispatcherImpl(fbl::RefPtr<MsiAllocation>&& alloc, uint32_t base_irq_id,
uint32_t msi_id, fbl::RefPtr<VmMapping>&& mapping,
zx_off_t table_offset, RegisterIntFn register_int_fn)
: MsiDispatcher(ktl::move(alloc), ktl::move(mapping), base_irq_id, msi_id, register_int_fn),
table_entries_(reinterpret_cast<MsixTableEntry*>(this->mapping()->base() + table_offset)) {
// Disable the vector, set up the address and data registers, then re-enable
// it for our given msi_id. Per PCI Local Bus Spec v3 section 6.8.2
// implementation notes, all accesses to these registers must be DWORD or
// QWORD only. We write upper and lower halves of the address unconditionally
// because if the address is 32 bits then we want to write zeroes to the upper
// half regardless. The msg_data field is incremented by msi_id because unlike
// MSI, MSI-X does not adjust the data payload. This allows us to point
// multiple table entries at the same vector, but requires us to specify the
// vector in the data field.
writel(allocation()->block().tgt_addr & UINT32_MAX, &table_entries_[msi_id].msg_addr);
writel(static_cast<uint32_t>(allocation()->block().tgt_addr >> 32),
writel(allocation()->block().tgt_data + msi_id, &table_entries_[msi_id].msg_data);
void MsixDispatcherImpl::MaskInterrupt() {
kcounter_add(dispatcher_msi_mask_count, 1);
RMWREG32(&table_entries_[msi_id()].vector_control, kMsixVectorControlMaskBit, 1, 1);
void MsixDispatcherImpl::UnmaskInterrupt() {
kcounter_add(dispatcher_msi_unmask_count, 1);
RMWREG32(&table_entries_[msi_id()].vector_control, kMsixVectorControlMaskBit, 1, 0);
MsixDispatcherImpl::~MsixDispatcherImpl() {
writel(0, &table_entries_[msi_id()].msg_addr);
writel(0, &table_entries_[msi_id()].msg_upper_addr);
writel(0, &table_entries_[msi_id()].msg_data);