blob: 4a8f6f337955d38f8b5594d4de5b78bdf2d81d80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/accessibility/tts/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/component_context.h>
namespace a11y {
// A class to intermediate interaction between speakers and Tts Engines.
// The Tts manager implements |fuchsia.accessibility.tts.TtsManager| and
// |fuchsia.accessibility.tts.EngineRegistry| interfaces. It it registers a
// speaker (assistive technology wanting to produce speech output), as well as a
// Tts engine which is capable of producing the speech output.
// The speaker, after registration, calls methods defined by |fuchsia.accessibility.tts.Engine|,
// which are then forwarded to the registered Tts Engine.
class TtsManager : public fuchsia::accessibility::tts::TtsManager,
public fuchsia::accessibility::tts::EngineRegistry,
public fuchsia::accessibility::tts::Engine {
using TTSEngineReadyCallback = fit::function<void()>;
// On initialization, this class exposes the services defined in
// |fuchsia.accessibility.tts.(TtsManager|EngineRegistry|Engine)|
explicit TtsManager(sys::ComponentContext* startup_context);
~TtsManager() override;
// |fuchsia.accessibility.tts.TtsManager|
void OpenEngine(fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::accessibility::tts::Engine> engine_request,
OpenEngineCallback callback) override;
// |fuchsia.accessibility.tts.EngineRegistry|
void RegisterEngine(fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::accessibility::tts::Engine> engine,
RegisterEngineCallback callback) override;
// Registers a callback that will be invoked once the TTS engine is ready to receive speak
// requests.
virtual void RegisterTTSEngineReadyCallback(TTSEngineReadyCallback callback);
// Unregisters the currently registered callback (if any).
virtual void UnregisterTTSEngineReadyCallback();
// |fuchsia.accessibility.tts.Engine|
void Enqueue(fuchsia::accessibility::tts::Utterance utterance, EnqueueCallback callback) override;
// |fuchsia.accessibility.tts.Engine|
void Speak(SpeakCallback callback) override;
// |fuchsia.accessibility.tts.Engine|
void Cancel(CancelCallback callback) override;
// Executes TTS engine ready callback(s) if both engine and speaker are
// connected.
void CheckIfTtsEngineIsReadyAndRunCallback();
// Bindings to services implemented by this class.
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::accessibility::tts::TtsManager> manager_bindings_;
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::accessibility::tts::EngineRegistry> registry_bindings_;
fidl::Binding<fuchsia::accessibility::tts::Engine> engine_binding_;
// Registered engine with this Tts manager. For now, only one engine is
// allowed to be registered at a time.
fuchsia::accessibility::tts::EnginePtr engine_;
// Callback that will be invoked once the TTS engine is ready to receive speak requests.
TTSEngineReadyCallback tts_engine_ready_callback_;
} // namespace a11y