blob: 842297c5cafa7cd41a514da8d0502a3ff7c32400 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/accessibility/semantics/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/accessibility/tts/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fit/bridge.h>
#include <lib/fit/promise.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/screen_reader/screen_reader_message_generator.h"
namespace a11y {
// A Speaker manages speech tasks to be executed by the Screen Reader.
// Speech tasks are represented in the form of fit::promises. A task manages the dispatch of
// utterances, in the right order and at the right time, that together make a node description.
// Please see ScreenReaderMessageGenerator for more details. Speech tasks must run at the same
// executor. A task can wait on another task to finish before it starts or start right away,
// depending on the option selected. Please see Options for details. A task is not added to the
// queue of tasks until it runs. This allows creating multiple speech tasks in any order, but
// controlling the order they will run at dispatch time, not at building time. Important! The
// description of a node is built at task creation time, not during run time. this simplifies the
// management of semantic nodes and their life time. This guarantees that no reference to a semantic
// node is kept inside of the task, creating the problem of keeping a node alive until the task
// finishes running.
class Speaker {
// Options that controls how a task will run.
struct Options {
// If true, this task will interrupt any playing tts and cancels pending utterances to be
// spoken. It starts right away.
bool interrupt = true;
// Delay before utterance is vocalized.
zx::duration delay = zx::msec(0);
// Whether the utterance of the task is saved for later inspection.
bool save_utterance = true;
explicit Speaker(fuchsia::accessibility::tts::EnginePtr* tts_engine_ptr,
std::unique_ptr<ScreenReaderMessageGenerator> screen_reader_message_generator);
virtual ~Speaker();
// Returns a speech task that speaks the node description.
virtual fit::promise<> SpeakNodePromise(const fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node* node,
Options options);
// Returns a speech task that speaks the provided |message|.
virtual fit::promise<> SpeakMessagePromise(fuchsia::accessibility::tts::Utterance utterance,
Options options);
// Returns a speech task that speaks the canonical message specified by
// |message_id|.
virtual fit::promise<> SpeakMessageByIdPromise(fuchsia::intl::l10n::MessageIds message_id,
Options options);
// Returns a promise that cancels pending or in progress tts utterances.
virtual fit::promise<> CancelTts();
// Returns a string with the last spoken utterance.
virtual const std::string& last_utterance() const { return last_utterance_; }
// Sets a message to be spoken just before this object is destroyed.
virtual void set_epitaph(fuchsia::intl::l10n::MessageIds epitaph) { epitaph_ = epitaph; }
// For mocks.
Speaker() = default;
// A speech task holds the data needed to speak a description. The object is passed to the several
// async blocks of code (promises), that run in some determined sequence to speak the utterances
// of the description, in the correct order and at the right time. If a task goes out of scope,
// this implies that it has been canceled, meaning that the async blocks that may consume it must
// always check for its validity before accessing. The owner of a SpeechTask, normally a queue of
// tasks, constructs them in a std::shared_ptr, while async code receive a std::weak_ptr, which
// must be locked before accessing, to guarantee the existence of the task.
struct SpeechTask {
SpeechTask(std::vector<ScreenReaderMessageGenerator::UtteranceAndContext> utterances_arg);
std::vector<ScreenReaderMessageGenerator::UtteranceAndContext> utterances;
// The current utterance in |utterances| being spoken.
int utterance_index = 0;
// Invoked when this task is at the front of the queue and can be executed.
fit::completer<> starter;
// Prepares the task for execution. If interrupting or at the front of the queue, starts right
// away, waits for its turn otherwise.
fit::promise<> PrepareTask(std::shared_ptr<SpeechTask> task, bool interrupt, bool save_utterance);
// Dispatches all utterances of this task to be spoken, respecting their order and time spacing
// requirements.
fit::promise<> DispatchUtterances(std::shared_ptr<SpeechTask> task, bool interrupt);
// Dispatches a single utterance to the tts engine.
fit::promise<> DispatchSingleUtterance(std::weak_ptr<SpeechTask> weak_task);
// Ends this speech task, removing it from the queue. If the queue is not empty after removal,
// also informs the new front of the queue task that it can start running.
fit::promise<> EndSpeechTask(std::weak_ptr<SpeechTask> weak_task, bool success);
// The task waits in queue until it reaches the front of the queue.
fit::promise<> WaitInQueue(std::weak_ptr<SpeechTask> weak_task);
// Returns a promise that enqueues an utterance. An error is thrown if the atempt to enqueue the
// utterance is rejected by the TTS service.
fit::promise<> EnqueueUtterance(fuchsia::accessibility::tts::Utterance utterance);
// Returns a promise that speaks enqueued utterances. An error is thrown if the atempt to speak
// the utterance(s) is rejected by the TTS service.
fit::promise<> Speak();
// Interface to the tts service that receives utterance requests.
fuchsia::accessibility::tts::EnginePtr* tts_engine_ptr_ = nullptr;
// Used to generate node descriptions.
std::unique_ptr<ScreenReaderMessageGenerator> screen_reader_message_generator_;
// queue of speech tasks. Only the front of the queue is running, while others wait for it to
// finish.
std::queue<std::shared_ptr<SpeechTask>> queue_;
// The last spoken utterance.
std::string last_utterance_;
// If set, contains a message to be spoken just before this object is destroyed.
std::optional<fuchsia::intl::l10n::MessageIds> epitaph_;
} // namespace a11y