blob: 5eb1ea8c0f7785592dfae37d925d0ddc70bdd2a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/screen_reader/recover_a11y_focus_action.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/screen_reader/util/util.h"
namespace a11y {
RecoverA11YFocusAction::RecoverA11YFocusAction(ActionContext* action_context,
ScreenReaderContext* screen_reader_context)
: ScreenReaderAction(action_context, screen_reader_context) {}
RecoverA11YFocusAction::~RecoverA11YFocusAction() = default;
void RecoverA11YFocusAction::Run(ActionData process_data) {
auto a11y_focus_manager = screen_reader_context_->GetA11yFocusManager();
auto a11y_focus = a11y_focus_manager->GetA11yFocus();
if (!a11y_focus) {
if (!action_context_->semantics_source->ViewHasSemantics(a11y_focus->view_ref_koid)) {
// Get the node in focus.
const auto* focused_node = action_context_->semantics_source->GetSemanticNode(
a11y_focus->view_ref_koid, a11y_focus->node_id);
if (focused_node) {
// If the semantic tree has been updated, it's possible that the bounding
// box of the currently focused node has changed. Therefore, we should
// redraw highlights.
// the node still exists, we can stop here.
// The node is no longer present but the view is still providing semantics.
// The current strategy is from the root, tries to find the first focusable node and set the focus
// to it.
const int starting_id = 0;
focused_node =
action_context_->semantics_source->GetSemanticNode(a11y_focus->view_ref_koid, starting_id);
if (!focused_node) {
// Now, put in focus a node that is describable and speak it to the user, to inform where the
// Screen Reader navigated.
if (!NodeIsDescribable(focused_node)) {
focused_node = action_context_->semantics_source->GetNextNode(
a11y_focus->view_ref_koid, starting_id,
[](const fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node* node) {
return NodeIsDescribable(node);
if (!focused_node) {
// This tree does not have a node that is describable.
uint32_t focused_node_id = focused_node->node_id();
auto promise =
ExecuteAccessibilityActionPromise(a11y_focus->view_ref_koid, focused_node_id,
.and_then([this, focused_node_id, a11y_focus]() mutable {
return SetA11yFocusPromise(focused_node_id, a11y_focus->view_ref_koid);
.and_then([this, a11y_focus, focused_node_id]() mutable {
return BuildSpeechTaskFromNodePromise(a11y_focus->view_ref_koid, focused_node_id);
// Cancel any promises if this class goes out of scope.
auto* executor = screen_reader_context_->executor();
} // namespace a11y