blob: bc4f149f02846717c41e2ad71037fab528ec10a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/math/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/input/accessibility/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/gesture_manager/arena/gesture_arena.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/gesture_manager/arena/recognizer.h"
namespace a11y {
// A GestureHandler binds gestures to actions, and allows gestures to call these
// actions when necessary.
class GestureHandler {
// Callback which will be used to add recognizers to gesture arena.
using AddRecognizerToArenaCallback = fit::function<void(GestureRecognizer*)>;
// The high-level gestures identified by this class.
enum GestureType {
// Some gestures need additional information about what was touched and where it was touched on
// the screen. Callers of OnGesture() may provide this information.
// TODO(lucasradaelli): Expand this arguments to support multi-pointer IDs.
struct GestureArguments {
// Viewref koid of the view where the gesture was performed.
std::optional<zx_koid_t> viewref_koid;
// Local view coordinate when the pointer ID on a DOWN event.
// TODO(lucasradaelli): Implement multi-pointer ID coordinate storage. Right now, only one
// finger tap is implemented, so this is enough here.
std::optional<fuchsia::math::PointF> coordinates;
// Callback invoked when the gesture it is bound to is detected.
using OnGestureCallback = fit::function<void(zx_koid_t, fuchsia::math::PointF)>;
explicit GestureHandler(AddRecognizerToArenaCallback add_recognizer_callback);
virtual ~GestureHandler() = default;
// Binds the action defined in |callback| with the gesture |kOneFingerSingleTap|. The action is
// invoked only after the gesture is detected.
virtual bool BindOneFingerSingleTapAction(OnGestureCallback callback);
// Binds the action defined in |callback| with the gesture |kOneFingerDoubleTap|. The action is
// invoked only after the gesture is detected.
virtual bool BindOneFingerDoubleTapAction(OnGestureCallback callback);
// Binds the actions with the gesture |kOneFingerDrag|.
// They are called when the drag starts, updates and completes, respectively.
virtual bool BindOneFingerDragAction(OnGestureCallback on_start, OnGestureCallback on_update,
OnGestureCallback on_complete);
// Binds the action defined in |callback| with the |gesture_type|. Returns true if the |callback|
// is bound, false otherwise
virtual bool BindSwipeAction(OnGestureCallback callback, GestureType gesture_type);
// Binds the action defined in |callback| with the |kTwoFingerSingleTap|. The
// action is invoked only after the gesture is detected.
virtual bool BindTwoFingerSingleTapAction(OnGestureCallback callback);
// Binds a recognizer that consumes everything.
void ConsumeAll();
// Constructor for mocks.
GestureHandler() = default;
// The handlers for each gesture recognizer event.
struct GestureEventHandlers {
OnGestureCallback on_start;
OnGestureCallback on_update;
OnGestureCallback on_complete;
enum class GestureEvent { kStart, kUpdate, kComplete };
// Calls an action bound to |gesture_type| if it exists.
void OnGesture(const GestureType gesture_type, const GestureEvent gesture_event,
GestureArguments args);
// Helper function to bind the action defined in |callback| with the tap recognizer where taps
// equal to |num_of_taps| if no action is currently binded for the given |gesture_type|. Returns
// true if the |callback| is bound, false otherwise.
bool BindOneFingerNTapAction(OnGestureCallback callback, int number_of_taps);
// Helper function to bind the action defined in |callback| with the gesture Up swipe gesture with
// |gesture_type| if no action is currently binded. Returns true if the |callback| is bound,
// false otherwise.
bool BindUpSwipeAction(OnGestureCallback callback, GestureType gesture_type);
// Helper function to bind the action defined in |callback| with the gesture Down swipe gesture
// with |gesture_type| if no action is currently binded. Returns true if the |callback| is
// bound, false otherwise.
bool BindDownSwipeAction(OnGestureCallback callback, GestureType gesture_type);
// Helper function to bind the action defined in |callback| with the gesture Left swipe gesture
// with |gesture_type| if no action is currently binded. Returns true if the |callback| is
// bound, false otherwise.
bool BindLeftSwipeAction(OnGestureCallback callback, GestureType gesture_type);
// Helper function to bind the action defined in |callback| with the gesture Right swipe gesture
// with |gesture_type| if no action is currently binded. Returns true if the |callback| is
// bound, false otherwise.
bool BindRightSwipeAction(OnGestureCallback callback, GestureType gesture_type);
// Callback to add recognizer to gesture arena.
AddRecognizerToArenaCallback add_recognizer_callback_;
// Map to store callback associated with the gesture.
std::unordered_map<GestureType, GestureEventHandlers> gesture_handlers_;
// As callbacks are added to the handler to be invoked when a gesture is
// performed, the recognizers capable of identifying them are instantiated and
// stored here.
std::unordered_map<GestureType, std::unique_ptr<GestureRecognizer>> gesture_recognizers_;
} // namespace a11y