blob: debb1f5023ae059261a4477e8f4d6f4936d25c0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library conformance;
table SimpleTable {
1: int64 x;
2: reserved;
3: reserved;
4: reserved;
5: int64 y;
struct StructOfSimpleTable {
SimpleTable table;
resource table SimpleResourceTable {
1: int64 x;
2: reserved;
3: reserved;
4: reserved;
5: int64 y;
resource struct StructOfSimpleResourceTable {
SimpleResourceTable table;
struct SimpleTableThenUint64 {
SimpleTable table;
uint64 number;
table TableWithStringAndVector {
1: string foo;
2: int32 bar;
3: vector<uint8> baz;
struct StructOfTableWithStringAndVector {
TableWithStringAndVector table;
table ReverseOrdinalTable {
4: int64 x;
3: reserved;
2: int64 y;
1: int64 z;
struct StructOfReverseOrdinalTable {
ReverseOrdinalTable table;