blob: 3da36af1e4f0a90139d6ce5e1d18750444662c23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
type validCase struct {
value string
comment string
type invalidCase struct {
value string
comment string
type exclude struct {
testCase interface{}
overrideBindingsAllowlist string
var cases = []interface{}{
// All the following test cases check boundary conditions of code units
validCase{"\x00", "single byte, min: 0"},
validCase{"\x7f", "single byte, max: 127"},
validCase{"\xc2\x80", "two bytes, min: 128"},
validCase{"\xdf\xbf", "two bytes, max: 2047"},
validCase{"\xe1\x80\x80", "three bytes, min: 2048"},
validCase{"\xef\xbf\xbf", "three bytes, max: 65535"},
validCase{"\xf0\x90\x80\x80", "four bytes, min: 65536"},
validCase{"\xf4\x8f\xbf\xbf", "four bytes, max: 1114111"},
invalidCase{"\x80", "1 above max single byte"},
invalidCase{"\xc2\x7f", "1 below min two bytes"},
invalidCase{"\xdf\xc0", "1 above max two bytes"},
invalidCase{"\xe1\x80\x7f", "1 below min three bytes"},
invalidCase{"\xef\xbf\xc0", "1 above max three bytes"},
invalidCase{"\xf0\x80\x80\x80", "1 below min four bytes"},
invalidCase{"\xf7\xbf\xbf\xc0", "1 above max four bytes"},
// Invalid continuations for two, three, and four bytes.
// - 1 test for the first following byte of an initial two byte value not
// having the high bit set.
// - 2 tests for the first and second following byte of an initial three
// byte value not having the high bit set.
// - 3 tests for the first, second, and third following byte of an initial
// four byte value not having the high bit set.
validCase{"\xc2\x80", ""},
invalidCase{"\xc2\x7f", "first byte following two byte value not starting with 0b10"},
invalidCase{"\xe1\x7f\x80", "first byte following three byte value not starting with 0b10"},
invalidCase{"\xe1\x80\x7f", "second byte following three byte value not starting with 0b10"},
validCase{"\xf0\x90\x80\x80", ""},
invalidCase{"\xf0\x7f\x80\x80", "first byte following four byte value not starting with 0b10"},
invalidCase{"\xf0\x90\x7f\x80", "second byte following four byte value not starting with 0b10"},
invalidCase{"\xf0\x90\x80\x7f", "third byte following four byte value not starting with 0b10"},
// All encodings of slash, only the shortest is valid.
// For further details, see "code unit" defined to be 'The minimal bit
// combination that can represent a unit of encoded text for processing or
// interchange.'
validCase{"\x2f", "ascii slash"},
invalidCase{"\xc0\xaf", "slash (2)"},
invalidCase{"\xe0\x80\xaf", "slash (3)"},
invalidCase{"\xf0\x80\x80\xaf", "slash (4)"},
// All the following test cases are valid non-character code points
validCase{"\xd8\x9d", "U+061D"},
validCase{"\xd7\xb6", "U+05F6"},
validCase{"\xe0\xab\xb4", "U+0AF4"},
validCase{"\xe0\xb1\x92", "U+0C52"},
validCase{"\xf0\x9e\x91\x94", "U+1E454"},
validCase{"\xf0\x9f\xa5\xb8", "U+1F978"},
// All the following test cases are various miscelleneous strings
validCase{"", "empty string"},
validCase{"a", "simply the letter a"},
validCase{"€", `euro sign, i.e \xe2\x82\xac`},
validCase{"\x00\xf4\x8f\xbf\xbf\x7f\xf0\x90\x80\x80\xc2\x80", "mix and match from earlier cases"},
validCase{"\xdf\xbf\xef\xbf\xbf\xe1\x80\x80", "mix and match from earlier cases"},
// UTF-8 BOM
// TODO( Dart consumes the UTF-8 BOM
exclude{validCase{"\xef\xbb\xbf", "UTF-8 BOM"}, "[go,rust,]"},
invalidCase{"\xef", "Partial UTF-8 BOM (1)"},
invalidCase{"\xef\xbb", "Partial UTF-8 BOM (2)"},
invalidCase{"\xdf\x80\x80", "invalid partial sequence"},
invalidCase{"\xe0\x80\x80", "long U+0000, non shortest form"},
validCase{"\xe1\x80\x80", ""},
invalidCase{"\xc3\x28", "invalid 2 octet sequence"},
// All the following test cases are taken from Chromium's
// Some are duplicative to other tests, and have been kept to ease
// comparison and translation of the tests.
validCase{"\r", ""},
validCase{"\n", ""},
validCase{"a", ""},
validCase{"\xc2\x81", ""},
validCase{"\xe1\x80\xbf", ""},
validCase{"\xf1\x80\xa0\xbf", ""},
// TODO( Dart consumes the UTF-8 BOM
exclude{validCase{"\xef\xbb\xbf", "UTF-8 BOM"}, "[go,rust,]"},
// always invalid bytes
invalidCase{"\xc0", ""},
invalidCase{"\xc1", ""},
invalidCase{"\xf5", ""},
invalidCase{"\xf6", ""},
invalidCase{"\xf7", ""},
invalidCase{"\xf8", ""},
invalidCase{"\xf9", ""},
invalidCase{"\xfa", ""},
invalidCase{"\xfb", ""},
invalidCase{"\xfc", ""},
invalidCase{"\xfd", ""},
invalidCase{"\xfe", ""},
invalidCase{"\xff", ""},
// surrogate code points
invalidCase{"\xed\xa0\x80", "U+D800, high surrogate, first"},
invalidCase{"\xed\xb0\x80", "low surrogate, first"},
invalidCase{"\xed\xbf\xbf", "low surrogate, last"},
// overlong sequences
invalidCase{"\xc0\x80", "U+0000"},
invalidCase{"\xc1\x80", "\"A\""},
invalidCase{"\xc1\x81", "\"B\""},
invalidCase{"\xe0\x80\x80", "U+0000"},
invalidCase{"\xe0\x82\x80", "U+0080"},
invalidCase{"\xe0\x9f\xbf", "U+07ff"},
invalidCase{"\xf0\x80\x80\x8D", "U+000D"},
invalidCase{"\xf0\x80\x82\x91", "U+0091"},
invalidCase{"\xf0\x80\xa0\x80", "U+0800"},
invalidCase{"\xf0\x8f\xbb\xbf", "U+FEFF (BOM)"},
invalidCase{"\xf8\x80\x80\x80\xbf", "U+003F"},
invalidCase{"\xfc\x80\x80\x80\xa0\xa5", ""},
// Beyond U+10FFFF
invalidCase{"\xf4\x90\x80\x80", "U+110000"},
invalidCase{"\xf8\xa0\xbf\x80\xbf", "5 bytes"},
invalidCase{"\xfc\x9c\xbf\x80\xbf\x80", "6 bytes"},
// BOMs in UTF-16(BE|LE)
invalidCase{"\xfe\xff", "BOMs in UTF-16 BE"},
invalidCase{"\xff\xfe", "BOMs in UTF-16 LE"},
// TODO( UTF8 encoding and decoding is not conformant in Dart.
var successTmpl = template.Must(template.New("tmpls").Parse(
`{{ if .comment }}// {{ .comment }}{{ end }}
success("StringsValidCase{{ .index }}") {
{{- if .overrideBindingsAllowlist }}
bindings_allowlist = {{ .overrideBindingsAllowlist }},
{{- else }}
bindings_allowlist = [go,rust,hlcpp,llcpp,dart,],
{{- end }}
value = StringWrapper {
str: "{{ .escapedValue }}",
bytes = {
v1 = [
// length, present
num({{ .lenValue }}):8,
// content
{{- range .bytesValue }}
{{ . }},
{{- end }}
{{- if .padding }}
padding:{{ .padding }},
{{- end }}
// In Rust, we cannot represent non-UTF8 strings in domain objects since
// std::string::String validates on construction. We therefore omit Rust
// from the 'encode_failure' cases since this could not occur.
// See
var decodeFailureTmpl = template.Must(template.New("tmpls").Parse(
`{{ if .comment }}// {{ .comment }}{{ end }}
encode_failure("StringsInvalidCase{{ .index }}") {
bindings_allowlist = [go,hlcpp,llcpp,],
value = StringWrapper {
str: "{{ .escapedValue }}",
{{ if .comment }}// {{ .comment }}{{ end }}
decode_failure("StringsInvalidCase{{ .index }}") {
bindings_allowlist = [go,rust,hlcpp,llcpp,],
type = StringWrapper,
bytes = {
v1 = [
// length, present
num({{ .lenValue }}):8,
// content
{{- range .bytesValue }}
{{ . }},
{{- end }}
{{- if .padding }}
padding:{{ .padding }},
{{- end }}
func escapeStr(value string) string {
var (
buf bytes.Buffer
src = []byte(value)
dstLen = hex.EncodedLen(len(src))
dst = make([]byte, dstLen)
hex.Encode(dst, src)
for i := 0; i < dstLen; i += 2 {
return buf.String()
func fidlAlign(len int) int {
return (len + 7) & ^7
func toTmplParams(index int, value, comment, overrideBindingsAllowlist string) map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
"index": index,
"comment": comment,
"escapedValue": escapeStr(value),
"lenValue": len(value),
"bytesValue": []byte(value),
"padding": fidlAlign(len(value)) - len(value),
"overrideBindingsAllowlist": overrideBindingsAllowlist,
type printer struct {
validIndex, invalidIndex int
func (p *printer) print(testCase interface{}, overrideBindingsAllowlist string) {
switch testCase := testCase.(type) {
case validCase:
if !utf8.ValidString(testCase.value) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("supposedly valid example seems invalid: %+v", testCase))
p.printValidCase(toTmplParams(p.validIndex, testCase.value, testCase.comment, overrideBindingsAllowlist))
case invalidCase:
if utf8.ValidString(testCase.value) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("supposedly invalid example seems valid: %+v", testCase))
p.printInvalidCase(toTmplParams(p.invalidIndex, testCase.value, testCase.comment, overrideBindingsAllowlist))
case exclude:
p.print(testCase.testCase, testCase.overrideBindingsAllowlist)
func (p *printer) printValidCase(params map[string]interface{}) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := successTmpl.Execute(&buf, params); err != nil {
func (p *printer) printInvalidCase(params map[string]interface{}) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := decodeFailureTmpl.Execute(&buf, params); err != nil {
func main() {
fmt.Printf(`// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// DO NOT EDIT; Cases below are generated with:
// go run src/tests/fidl/conformance_suite/gen_strings.go > src/tests/fidl/conformance_suite/strings_utf8.gen.gidl
var p printer
for _, testCase := range cases {
p.print(testCase, "")