blob: c38196026100cf9320d6512fe0b785529f8b14f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:core';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:sl4f/sl4f.dart' as sl4f;
const Duration pollPeriod = Duration(seconds: 1);
const Duration maxHostDiff = Duration(minutes: 1);
const Duration maxUserspaceKernelDiff = Duration(seconds: 2);
void main() {
sl4f.Sl4f sl4fDriver;
sl4f.Time sl4fTime;
setUp(() async {
sl4fDriver = sl4f.Sl4f.fromEnvironment();
await sl4fDriver.startServer();
sl4fTime = sl4f.Time(sl4fDriver);
tearDown(() async {
await sl4fDriver.stopServer();
group('time sync tests', () {
test('time is synchronized', () async {
await waitUntilTimeSynchronized(sl4fTime);
final hostTime =;
// All UTC clocks on the DUT should roughly align with the host time.
final systemTime = await sl4fTime.systemTime();
expect(systemTime.isAfter(hostTime.subtract(maxHostDiff)), isTrue);
expect(systemTime.isBefore(hostTime.add(maxHostDiff)), isTrue);
final userspaceTime = await sl4fTime.userspaceTime();
expect(userspaceTime.isAfter(hostTime.subtract(maxHostDiff)), isTrue);
expect(userspaceTime.isBefore(hostTime.add(maxHostDiff)), isTrue);
final kernelTime = await sl4fTime.kernelTime();
expect(kernelTime.isAfter(hostTime.subtract(maxHostDiff)), isTrue);
expect(kernelTime.isBefore(hostTime.add(maxHostDiff)), isTrue);
test('utc clocks agree', () async {
await waitUntilTimeSynchronized(sl4fTime);
// Verify that all UTC clocks on the DUT roughly agree by checking that
// their offsets from the host time agree.
final systemTime = await sl4fTime.systemTime();
final systemTimeOffset =;
final userspaceTime = await sl4fTime.userspaceTime();
final userspaceTimeOffset =;
final kernelTime = await sl4fTime.kernelTime();
final kernelTimeOffset =;
expect((systemTimeOffset - userspaceTimeOffset).abs(),
expect((systemTimeOffset - kernelTimeOffset).abs(),
expect((userspaceTimeOffset - kernelTimeOffset).abs(),
}, timeout: Timeout(Duration(minutes: 1)));
Future<void> waitUntilTimeSynchronized(sl4f.Time sl4fTime) async {
while (!await sl4fTime.isSystemTimeSynchronized()) {
await Future.delayed(pollPeriod);