blob: 5332f2b7cbd30d1ff90215d0a92ec9a7e265308d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:sl4f/sl4f.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:sl4f/trace_processing.dart' as trace;
import 'helpers.dart';
enum Protocol { udp, tcp }
enum Direction { send, recv }
// This test adds e2e performance benchmarks using iperf3 for TCP and UDP
// traffic. This runs iperf3 in 2 ways:
// - client and server both running in Fuchsia over loopback.
// - server running in Fuchsia and client on the host.
// Some of the benchmarks are:
// throughput - send/recv rate of transfer in bits/second
// loss - number of UDP packets that were sent but failed to reach the
// receiving application.
// jitter - mean deviation of latency experienced by receiver in msec for UDP.
// CPU usage - Avg CPU usage during the iperf3 sessions.
void main(List<String> args) {
const componentUrl = 'fuchsia-pkg://';
// TCP/UDP port number that the Fuchsia side will listen on.
const port = 9001;
// systemMetricsStarted indicates if we have waited for system_metrics
// daemon to be launched.
bool systemMetricsStarted = false;
// Process the json output from iperf3 and convert that to Catapult format.
// 'send' indicates if the iperf output has device transmit stats.
// 'recv' indicates if the iperf output has device receive stats.
// 'deviceLocal' if the iperf sessions were local to the device over loopback.
Future<void> processIperfResults(
{@required bool send,
@required bool recv,
@required bool deviceLocal,
@required PerfTestHelper helper,
@required String resultsFile,
@required List<double> cpuPercentages}) async {
File localResultsFile;
if (deviceLocal) {
// Make a local copy of the json file generated by iperf3.
localResultsFile =
await, 'iperf', 'json');
} else {
localResultsFile = File(resultsFile);
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> results = [];
var iperfResults = jsonDecode(await localResultsFile.readAsString());
// Retrieve records from iperf json.
var setup = iperfResults['start']['test_start'];
var protocol = setup['protocol'];
var msgSize = setup['blksize'];
var end = iperfResults['end'];
var testSuite = 'fuchsia.netstack.iperf_benchmarks';
Map<String, dynamic> sender;
Map<String, dynamic> receiver;
if (protocol == 'TCP') {
sender = end['sum_sent'];
receiver = end['sum_received'];
} else {
sender = end['sum'];
// For UDP, there is no sum_received record, but we gather the
// receiver information from server-output.
var serverOutput = iperfResults['server_output_json'];
receiver = serverOutput['end']['sum'];
// server output summary contains only the sent-bytes, but
// the interval data has the bytes transferred which we can
// use to compute the received bit rate.
if (!receiver['sender']) {
var intervals = serverOutput['intervals'];
int bytesTransferred = 0;
for (var i in intervals) {
bytesTransferred += i['sum']['bytes'];
receiver['bits_per_second'] =
(bytesTransferred * 8) / receiver['seconds'];
String testRun = '';
if (deviceLocal) {
testRun = 'lo/';
String unit(String key) {
switch (key) {
case 'bits_per_second':
return 'count';
case 'lost_packets':
return 'count';
case 'jitter_ms':
return 'milliseconds';
return 'unknown';
// Translate iperf json to fuchsiaperf.json.
if (send) {
var key = 'bits_per_second';
'label': '$testRun$protocol/send/${msgSize}bytes/$key',
'test_suite': testSuite,
'unit': unit(key),
'values': [sender[key]]
if (recv) {
for (var key in receiver.keys) {
if (key == 'bits_per_second' ||
key == 'lost_packets' ||
key == 'jitter_ms') {
'label': '$testRun$protocol/recv/${msgSize}bytes/$key',
'test_suite': testSuite,
'unit': unit(key),
'values': [receiver[key]]
'label': '$testRun$protocol/send/${msgSize}bytes/CPU',
'test_suite': testSuite,
'unit': 'percent',
'values': cpuPercentages
var fuchsiaperfFile = await Dump().writeAsString(
'netstack_iperf_results', 'fuchsiaperf.json', jsonEncode(results));
// Translate fuchsiaperf.json to Catapult format.
await helper.performance.convertResults('runtime_deps/catapult_converter',
fuchsiaperfFile, Platform.environment);
Future<void> startIperfServer(PerfTestHelper helper) async {
// Start iperf server on the target device.
await helper.sl4fDriver.ssh.start(
'/bin/run $componentUrl --server --port $port --json',
mode: ProcessStartMode.detached);
// Poll for the server to have started listening for client
// connection on the expected port.
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
final inspect = Inspect(helper.sl4fDriver);
final results =
await inspect.snapshot(['netstack.cmx:Socket Info/*:LocalAddress']);
if (results != null && results.isNotEmpty) {
for (var j = 0; j < results.length; j++) {
if (results[j]['payload'] != null &&
results[j]['payload']['Socket Info'] != null) {
for (final entry in results[j]['payload']['Socket Info'].entries) {
if (entry.value['LocalAddress'] != null &&
entry.value['LocalAddress'].endsWith(':$port')) {
throw Sl4fException('Failed to start Iperf server.');
Future<Iterable> getCpuUsages(Performance performance, File traceFile) async {
const String _trace2jsonPath = 'runtime_deps/trace2json';
final traceResults =
await performance.convertTraceFileToJson(_trace2jsonPath, traceFile);
final model = await trace.createModelFromFile(traceResults);
return trace.getArgValuesFromEvents<double>(
category: 'system_metrics', name: 'cpu_usage'),
// Wait for system_metrics daemon to start logging CPU usage metrics.
// At the time of writing this test, on NUC7, this sometimes can take
// ~30sec for us to start getting CPU usage metrics.
Future<void> waitSystemMetricsDaemonStart(PerfTestHelper helper) async {
if (systemMetricsStarted) {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
final performance = Performance(helper.sl4fDriver, Dump());
final traceSession = await performance.initializeTracing(categories: [
await traceSession.start();
// Do nothing for sometime to let system_metrics to be logged.
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 10));
await traceSession.stop();
final cpuPercentages = await getCpuUsages(
performance, await traceSession.terminateAndDownload('iperf'));
if (cpuPercentages.isNotEmpty) {
systemMetricsStarted = true;
throw Sl4fException(
'Failed to retrieve CPU stats from system_metrics daemon.');
Future<void> runIperfClientTests(PerfTestHelper helper, Protocol proto,
{bool send = true, bool recv = true, bool deviceLocal = true}) async {
String protocolOption = '';
String bwValue = '';
String dirOption = '';
String serverIp;
if (proto == Protocol.udp) {
protocolOption = '--udp';
if (deviceLocal) {
// For localhost test, use maximum possible bandwidth.
bwValue = '0';
} else {
// TODO( Until we define separate link for ssh and data,
// enforce a < 1Gbps rate on NUC7. After the bug is resolved, this can
// be changed to '0' which means as much as the system and link can
// transmit.
bwValue = '100M';
if (send && !recv) {
// This reverses the default direction of traffic flow such that
// the target device sends traffic.
dirOption = '--reverse';
if (deviceLocal) {
serverIp = '';
} else {
// TODO( Currently, we are using the link used for ssh to also
// inject data traffic. This is prone to interference to ssh and to the tests.
// On NUC7, we can use a separate usb-ethernet interface for the test traffic.
serverIp =;
var msgSizes = {64, 1024, 1400};
for (var size in msgSizes) {
try {
var cmdArgs = [
await startIperfServer(helper);
// Start tracing.
final performance = Performance(helper.sl4fDriver, Dump());
final traceSession = await performance.initializeTracing(categories: [
await traceSession.start();
String resultsFile;
if (deviceLocal) {
resultsFile = '/tmp/iperf_results.json';
var args = cmdArgs.join(' ');
final result = await helper.sl4fDriver.ssh
.run('/bin/run $componentUrl $args > $resultsFile');
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0));
} else {
// Run iperf3 client from the host-tools.
final hostPath =
final result = await, cmdArgs, runInShell: true);
var iperfFile =
await Dump().writeAsString('iperf', 'json', result.stdout);
resultsFile = iperfFile.path;
// Wait for trace record to complete.
await traceSession.stop();
final cpuPercentages = await getCpuUsages(
performance, await traceSession.terminateAndDownload('iperf'));
await processIperfResults(
helper: helper,
resultsFile: resultsFile,
cpuPercentages: cpuPercentages.toList(),
send: send,
recv: recv,
deviceLocal: deviceLocal);
} finally {
await'killall iperf3.cmx');
List<void Function()> tests = [];
void addIperfTest(String label, Protocol proto,
{bool send = false, bool recv = false, bool deviceLocal = true}) {
tests.add(() {
test(label, () async {
final helper = await PerfTestHelper.make();
await waitSystemMetricsDaemonStart(helper);
try {
await runIperfClientTests(helper, proto,
send: send, recv: recv, deviceLocal: deviceLocal);
} finally {
// Kill the iperf3 server process.
await'killall iperf3.cmx');
}, timeout: Timeout.none);
// Localhost tests where both ends of iperf3 sessions are within
// the target device over loopback interface.
// Run iperf3 client and capture both sender and receiver stats.
addIperfTest('Localhost/TCP', Protocol.tcp, send: true, recv: true);
addIperfTest('Localhost/UDP', Protocol.udp, send: true, recv: true);
// Tests across host and target device
// Run iperf3 to capture data about the send only and receive only
// performance of the target device, for TCP and UDP. Note that we
// are only interested in the send/recv performance of the target device.
addIperfTest('e2e/TCP/send', Protocol.tcp, send: true, deviceLocal: false);
addIperfTest('e2e/TCP/recv', Protocol.tcp, recv: true, deviceLocal: false);
addIperfTest('e2e/UDP/send', Protocol.udp, send: true, deviceLocal: false);
addIperfTest('e2e/UDP/recv', Protocol.udp, recv: true, deviceLocal: false);
runShardTests(args, tests);