blob: be3074c39e0c9d5904015e1f3dda2c4974b08ca8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Optional name to report in the output.
"name": "Example benchmark spec.",
// Optional global configuraton.
"config": {
// Optional priority to set the main executive thread to avoid starvation.
"priority": 25
// Optional set of objects that actions can refer to by name.
"objects": {
"my timer": { "type": "timer" },
"my port": { "type": "port" },
"my channel": { "type": "channel" }
// Optional set of behaviors that workers may refer to by name.
"behaviors": {
"spinner": { "action": "spin", "uniform": { "min": "10ms", "max": "100ms" } },
"sequence": [
{ "action": "spin", "interval": "fixed short" },
{ "action": "sleep", "interval": "varying short" }
// Optional set of intervals that actions may refer to by name.
"intervals": {
"fixed short": { "duration": "10ms" },
"varying short": { "uniform": { "min": "1ms", "max": "10ms" } }
// Array of worker definitions.
"workers": [
// Worker defintion.
// Optional name of the worker to report in output.
"name": "optional string name",
// Array of actions the worker performs in sequence in a loop.
"actions": [
{ "action": "spin", "uniform": { "min": "10ms", "max": "100ms" } },
{ "action": "sleep", "interval": "fixed short" },
{ "action": "write", "channel": "my channel", "side": 0, "bytes": 65536 },
{ "action": "read", "channel": "my channel", "side": 1 },
{ "action": "behavior", "name": "spinner" },
{ "action": "behavior", "name": "sequence" },
{ "action": "exit" }
// Defines a set of workers.
"instances" : 10,
"actions": "sequence"
// Optional kernel tracing.
"tracing": {
"group mask": "KTRACE_GRP_ALL",
"filepath": "/tmp/latest.ktrace",
"string ref": "clock_read",