blob: c5cb7ed97a5de9283e457ef90985aaca8694b372 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use fidl_fuchsia_test_manager::{HarnessMarker, HarnessProxy};
use futures::prelude::*;
use run_test_suite_lib::{Outcome, RunResult, TestParams};
use std::io::Write;
use std::str::from_utf8;
/// split and sort output as output can come in any order.
/// `output` is of type vec<u8> and `expected_output` is a string.
macro_rules! assert_output {
($output:expr, $expected_output:expr) => {
let mut expected_output = $expected_output.split("\n").collect::<Vec<_>>();
// no need to check for lines starting with "[output - ". We just want to make sure that
// we are printing important details.
let mut output = from_utf8(&$output)
.expect("we should not get utf8 error.")
.filter(|x| !x.starts_with("[output - "))
assert_eq!(output, expected_output);
fn new_test_params(test_url: &str, harness: HarnessProxy) -> TestParams {
TestParams {
test_url: test_url.to_string(),
harness: harness,
timeout: None,
test_filter: None,
also_run_disabled_tests: false,
test_args: None,
parallel: None,
/// run specified test once.
async fn run_test_once<W: Write>(
test_params: TestParams,
writer: &mut W,
) -> Result<RunResult, anyhow::Error> {
let mut results =
run_test_suite_lib::run_test(test_params, 1, writer).await.collect::<Vec<_>>().await;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1, "{:?}", results);
return results.pop().unwrap();
async fn launch_and_test_no_clean_exit() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let run_result = run_test_once(
&mut output
.expect("Running test should not fail");
let expected_output = "[RUNNING] Example.Test1
log1 for Example.Test1
log2 for Example.Test1
log3 for Example.Test1
[PASSED] Example.Test1
[RUNNING] Example.Test2
log1 for Example.Test2
log2 for Example.Test2
log3 for Example.Test2
[PASSED] Example.Test2
[RUNNING] Example.Test3
log1 for Example.Test3
log2 for Example.Test3
log3 for Example.Test3
[PASSED] Example.Test3
assert_output!(output, expected_output);
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Passed);
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, run_result.passed);
let expected = vec!["Example.Test1", "Example.Test2", "Example.Test3"];
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, expected);
async fn launch_and_test_passing_v2_test() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let run_result = run_test_once(
&mut output
.expect("Running test should not fail");
let expected_output = "[RUNNING] Example.Test1
log1 for Example.Test1
log2 for Example.Test1
log3 for Example.Test1
[PASSED] Example.Test1
[RUNNING] Example.Test2
log1 for Example.Test2
log2 for Example.Test2
log3 for Example.Test2
[PASSED] Example.Test2
[RUNNING] Example.Test3
log1 for Example.Test3
log2 for Example.Test3
log3 for Example.Test3
[PASSED] Example.Test3
assert_output!(output, expected_output);
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Passed);
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, run_result.passed);
let expected = vec!["Example.Test1", "Example.Test2", "Example.Test3"];
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, expected);
async fn launch_and_test_passing_v2_test_multiple_times() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let run_results = run_test_suite_lib::run_test(
10, &mut output
assert_eq!(run_results.len(), 10);
for run_result in run_results {
let run_result = run_result.expect("Running test should not fail");
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Passed);
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, run_result.passed);
let expected = vec!["Example.Test1", "Example.Test2", "Example.Test3"];
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, expected);
async fn launch_and_test_with_filter() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let mut test_params = new_test_params(
test_params.test_filter = Some("*Test3".to_string());
let run_result =
run_test_once(test_params, &mut output).await.expect("Running test should not fail");
let expected_output = "[RUNNING] Example.Test3
log1 for Example.Test3
log2 for Example.Test3
log3 for Example.Test3
[PASSED] Example.Test3
assert_output!(output, expected_output);
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Passed);
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, run_result.passed);
let expected = vec!["Example.Test3"];
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, expected);
async fn launch_and_test_empty_test() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let run_result = run_test_once(
&mut output,
.expect("Running test should not fail");
assert_eq!(run_result.executed.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(run_result.passed.len(), 0);
#[ignore = " test is timing out"]
async fn launch_and_test_huge_test() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let run_result = run_test_once(
&mut output,
.expect("Running test should not fail");
assert_eq!(run_result.executed.len(), 1_000);
assert_eq!(run_result.passed.len(), 1_000);
async fn launch_and_test_disabled_test_exclude_disabled() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let run_result = run_test_once(
&mut output,
.expect("Running test should not fail");
let expected_output = "[RUNNING] Example.Test1
log1 for Example.Test1
log2 for Example.Test1
log3 for Example.Test1
[PASSED] Example.Test1
[RUNNING] Example.Test2
[SKIPPED] Example.Test2
[RUNNING] Example.Test3
[SKIPPED] Example.Test3
assert_output!(output, expected_output);
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Passed);
// "skipped" is a form of "executed"
let expected_executed = vec!["Example.Test1", "Example.Test2", "Example.Test3"];
let expected_passed = vec!["Example.Test1"];
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, expected_executed);
assert_eq!(run_result.passed, expected_passed);
async fn launch_and_test_disabled_test_include_disabled() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let mut test_params = new_test_params(
test_params.also_run_disabled_tests = true;
let run_result =
run_test_once(test_params, &mut output).await.expect("Running test should not fail");
let expected_output = "[RUNNING] Example.Test1
log1 for Example.Test1
log2 for Example.Test1
log3 for Example.Test1
[PASSED] Example.Test1
[RUNNING] Example.Test2
log1 for Example.Test2
log2 for Example.Test2
log3 for Example.Test2
[PASSED] Example.Test2
[RUNNING] Example.Test3
log1 for Example.Test3
log2 for Example.Test3
log3 for Example.Test3
[FAILED] Example.Test3
assert_output!(output, expected_output);
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Failed);
// "skipped" is a form of "executed"
let expected_executed = vec!["Example.Test1", "Example.Test2", "Example.Test3"];
let expected_passed = vec!["Example.Test1", "Example.Test2"];
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, expected_executed);
assert_eq!(run_result.passed, expected_passed);
async fn launch_and_test_failing_test() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let run_result = run_test_once(
&mut output,
.expect("Running test should not fail");
let expected_output = "[RUNNING] Example.Test1
log1 for Example.Test1
log2 for Example.Test1
log3 for Example.Test1
[PASSED] Example.Test1
[RUNNING] Example.Test2
log1 for Example.Test2
log2 for Example.Test2
log3 for Example.Test2
[FAILED] Example.Test2
[RUNNING] Example.Test3
log1 for Example.Test3
log2 for Example.Test3
log3 for Example.Test3
[PASSED] Example.Test3
assert_output!(output, expected_output);
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Failed);
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, vec!["Example.Test1", "Example.Test2", "Example.Test3"]);
assert_eq!(run_result.passed, vec!["Example.Test1", "Example.Test3"]);
async fn launch_and_test_failing_v2_test_multiple_times() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let run_results = run_test_suite_lib::run_test(
10, &mut output
assert_eq!(run_results.len(), 10);
for run_result in run_results {
let run_result = run_result.expect("Running test should not fail");
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Failed);
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, vec!["Example.Test1", "Example.Test2", "Example.Test3"]);
assert_eq!(run_result.passed, vec!["Example.Test1", "Example.Test3"]);
async fn launch_and_test_incomplete_test() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let run_result = run_test_once(
&mut output,
.expect("Running test should not fail");
let expected_output = "[RUNNING] Example.Test1
[RUNNING] Example.Test2
log1 for Example.Test1
log2 for Example.Test1
log3 for Example.Test1
log1 for Example.Test2
log2 for Example.Test2
log3 for Example.Test2
[PASSED] Example.Test2
[RUNNING] Example.Test3
log1 for Example.Test3
log2 for Example.Test3
log3 for Example.Test3
The following test(s) never completed:
assert_output!(output, expected_output);
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Inconclusive);
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, vec!["Example.Test1", "Example.Test2", "Example.Test3"]);
assert_eq!(run_result.passed, vec!["Example.Test2"]);
async fn launch_and_test_invalid_test() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let run_result = run_test_once(
&mut output,
.expect("Running test should not fail");
let expected_output = "[RUNNING] Example.Test1
log1 for Example.Test1
log2 for Example.Test1
log3 for Example.Test1
[ERROR] Example.Test1
[RUNNING] Example.Test2
log1 for Example.Test2
log2 for Example.Test2
log3 for Example.Test2
[PASSED] Example.Test2
[RUNNING] Example.Test3
log1 for Example.Test3
log2 for Example.Test3
log3 for Example.Test3
[ERROR] Example.Test3
assert_output!(output, expected_output);
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Error);
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, vec!["Example.Test1", "Example.Test2", "Example.Test3"]);
assert_eq!(run_result.passed, vec!["Example.Test2"]);
// This test also acts an example on how to right a v2 test.
// This will launch a echo_realm which will inject echo_server, launch v2 test which will
// then test that server out and return back results.
async fn launch_and_run_echo_test() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let run_result = run_test_once(
&mut output,
.expect("Running test should not fail");
let expected_output = "[RUNNING] EchoTest
[PASSED] EchoTest
assert_output!(output, expected_output);
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Passed);
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, vec!["EchoTest"]);
assert_eq!(run_result.passed, vec!["EchoTest"]);
async fn test_timeout() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let mut test_params = new_test_params(
test_params.timeout = std::num::NonZeroU32::new(1);
let run_result =
run_test_once(test_params, &mut output).await.expect("Running test should not fail");
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Timedout);
assert_eq!(run_result.passed, Vec::<String>::new());
// when a test times out, we should not run it again.
async fn test_timeout_multiple_times() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let mut test_params = new_test_params(
test_params.timeout = std::num::NonZeroU32::new(1);
let mut run_results =
run_test_suite_lib::run_test(test_params, 10, &mut output).await.collect::<Vec<_>>().await;
assert_eq!(run_results.len(), 1);
let run_result = run_results.pop().unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Timedout);
assert_eq!(run_result.passed, Vec::<String>::new());
async fn test_passes_with_large_timeout() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let harness = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<HarnessMarker>()
.expect("connecting to HarnessProxy");
let mut test_params = new_test_params(
test_params.timeout = std::num::NonZeroU32::new(600);
let run_result =
run_test_once(test_params, &mut output).await.expect("Running test should not fail");
let expected_output = "[RUNNING] EchoTest
[PASSED] EchoTest
assert_output!(output, expected_output);
assert_eq!(run_result.outcome, Outcome::Passed);
assert_eq!(run_result.executed, vec!["EchoTest"]);
assert_eq!(run_result.passed, vec!["EchoTest"]);