blob: 806930f0ae62451ceb7826babd67b32679439c0b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "src/storage/fvm/host/container.h"
#include "src/storage/fvm/sparse_reader.h"
#include "src/storage/minfs/host.h"
// This test used to create very large container files (2GB). This combined with so many variants
// resulted in it taking more than 20 minutes to run (bug 37779) and it was disabled. It bitrotted
// severely and and most of the tests now fail.
// To get better coverage, the passing tests are enabled with a much smaller container, partition,
// slice, and file sizes than originally. But most of the tests still fail and are commented out.
// TODO(bug 38188) fix the disabled tests.
namespace {
constexpr uint64_t kBytesPerMB = 1ull << 20;
constexpr uint64_t kDefaultSliceSize = kBytesPerMB / 2;
constexpr uint64_t kPartitionSize = 8 * kBytesPerMB;
constexpr uint64_t kContainerSize = 128 * kBytesPerMB;
constexpr size_t kMaxPartitions = 6;
static constexpr char kEmptyString[] = "";
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultNumDirs = 10;
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultNumFiles = 10;
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultMaxSize = 16385;
enum class FsType {
enum class GuidType {
enum class ContainerType {
kSparse, // Sparse container.
kSparseLZ4, // Sparse container compressed with LZ4.
kSparseZxCrypt, // Sparse container to be stored on a zxcrypt volume.
kFvm, // Explicitly created FVM container.
kFvmNew, // FVM container created on FvmContainer::Create.
kFvmOffset, // FVM container created at an offset within a file.
struct Partition {
FsType fs_type;
GuidType guid_type;
char path[PATH_MAX];
bool created = false;
FvmReservation reserve;
zx_status_t status;
const char* FsTypeName() {
switch (fs_type) {
case FsType::kMinFs:
return kMinfsName;
case FsType::kBlobFs:
return kBlobfsName;
return kEmptyString;
const char* GuidTypeName() {
switch (guid_type) {
case GuidType::kData:
return kDataTypeName;
case GuidType::kDataUnsafe:
return kDataUnsafeTypeName;
case GuidType::kSystem:
return kSystemTypeName;
case GuidType::kBlobStore:
return kBlobTypeName;
case GuidType::kDefault:
return kDefaultTypeName;
return kEmptyString;
void GeneratePath(char* dir) { sprintf(path, "%s%s_%s.bin", dir, FsTypeName(), GuidTypeName()); }
class FvmHostTest : public zxtest::Test {
void SetUp() override {
// Generate test directory.
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
GenerateDirectory("/tmp/", 20, test_dir);
ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir(test_dir, 0755));
// Generate partition paths
partition_count = 0;
GeneratePartitionPath(FsType::kMinFs, GuidType::kData);
GeneratePartitionPath(FsType::kMinFs, GuidType::kDataUnsafe);
GeneratePartitionPath(FsType::kMinFs, GuidType::kSystem);
GeneratePartitionPath(FsType::kMinFs, GuidType::kDefault);
GeneratePartitionPath(FsType::kBlobFs, GuidType::kBlobStore);
GeneratePartitionPath(FsType::kBlobFs, GuidType::kDefault);
ASSERT_EQ(partition_count, kMaxPartitions);
// Generate container paths
sprintf(sparse_path, "%ssparse.bin", test_dir);
sprintf(sparse_lz4_path, "%ssparse.bin.lz4", test_dir);
sprintf(fvm_path, "%sfvm.bin", test_dir);
// Create and populate partitions
PopulatePartitions(kDefaultNumDirs, kDefaultNumFiles, kDefaultMaxSize);
void TearDown() override {
DIR* dir = opendir(test_dir);
struct dirent* de;
while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(de->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(de->d_name, ".."))
ASSERT_EQ(0, unlinkat(dirfd(dir), de->d_name, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(0, closedir(dir));
ASSERT_EQ(0, rmdir(test_dir));
void CreatePartitions() {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partition_count; i++) {
Partition* part = &partitions[i];
switch (part->fs_type) {
case FsType::kMinFs:
case FsType::kBlobFs:
ASSERT_TRUE(false); // Unknown file system type.
part->created = true;
// Adds all created partitions to |container|. Asserts on failures.
void AddPartitions(Container* container, bool enable_data, bool should_pass) {
AddPartitionsReserve(container, enable_data);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partition_count; i++) {
Partition* part = &partitions[i];
if (part->created) {
bool added = part->status == ZX_OK;
bool reserved = part->reserve.Approved();
if ((added && reserved) != should_pass) {
ASSERT_EQ(added && reserved, should_pass);
void DestroyPartitions() {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partition_count; i++) {
Partition* part = &partitions[i];
if (part->created) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, unlink(part->path));
part->created = false;
// Reset reservations for next iteration of the test.
part->reserve = FvmReservation({}, {}, {});
void GeneratePartitionPath(FsType fs_type, GuidType guid_type) {
ASSERT_LT(partition_count, kMaxPartitions);
// Make sure we have not already created a partition with the same fs/guid type combo.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partition_count; i++) {
Partition* part = &partitions[i];
ASSERT_FALSE(part->fs_type == fs_type && part->guid_type == guid_type);
Partition* part = &partitions[partition_count++];
part->fs_type = fs_type;
part->guid_type = guid_type;
void GenerateData(size_t len, std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>* out) {
// Fill a test buffer with data
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> data(new (&ac) uint8_t[len]);
for (unsigned n = 0; n < len; n++) {
data[n] = static_cast<uint8_t>(rand());
*out = std::move(data);
void AddDirectoryMinfs(const char* path) { ASSERT_EQ(0, emu_mkdir(path, 0755)); }
void AddFileMinfs(const char* path, size_t size) {
int fd = emu_open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644);
ASSERT_GT(fd, 0);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> data;
GenerateData(size, &data);
ssize_t result = emu_write(fd, data.get(), size);
ASSERT_GE(result, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(size, static_cast<size_t>(result));
ASSERT_EQ(0, emu_close(fd));
void PopulateMinfs(const char* path, size_t ndirs, size_t nfiles, size_t max_size) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, emu_mount(path));
fbl::Vector<fbl::String> paths;
size_t total_size = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ndirs; i++) {
const char* base_dir = paths[rand() % paths.size()].data();
char new_dir[PATH_MAX];
GenerateDirectory(base_dir, 10, new_dir);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) {
const char* base_dir = paths[rand() % paths.size()].data();
size_t size = 1 + (rand() % max_size);
total_size += size;
char new_file[PATH_MAX];
GenerateFilename(base_dir, 10, new_file);
AddFileMinfs(new_file, size);
uint64_t used_data, used_inodes, used_size;
ASSERT_EQ(0, emu_get_used_resources(path, &used_data, &used_inodes, &used_size));
// Used data should be greater than or equal to total size of the data we added
ASSERT_GE(used_data, total_size);
// Some fs use inodes for internal structures (including root directory).
// So used_nodes should be gt total files+directories created.
ASSERT_GE(used_inodes, nfiles + ndirs);
// Used size should be always greater than used data.
ASSERT_GT(used_size, used_data);
void AddFileBlobfs(blobfs::Blobfs* bs, size_t size) {
char new_file[PATH_MAX];
GenerateFilename(test_dir, 10, new_file);
fbl::unique_fd datafd(open(new_file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0755));
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> data;
GenerateData(size, &data);
ssize_t result = write(datafd.get(), data.get(), size);
ASSERT_GE(result, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(result), size);
ASSERT_OK(blobfs::blobfs_add_blob(bs, nullptr, datafd.get()));
ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink(new_file));
void PopulateBlobfs(const char* path, size_t nfiles, size_t max_size) {
fbl::unique_fd blobfd(open(path, O_RDWR, 0755));
std::unique_ptr<blobfs::Blobfs> bs;
ASSERT_OK(blobfs::blobfs_create(&bs, blobfd.duplicate()));
size_t total_size = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) {
size_t size = 1 + (rand() % max_size);
AddFileBlobfs(bs.get(), size);
total_size += size;
uint64_t used_data, used_inodes, used_size;
// Used data should be greater than or equal to total size of the data we added
ASSERT_OK(blobfs::UsedDataSize(blobfd, &used_data));
ASSERT_GE(used_data, total_size);
// Blobfs uses inodes for internal structures (including file extents).
// So used_nodes should be greater than or equal to total files+directories created.
ASSERT_OK(blobfs::UsedInodes(blobfd, &used_inodes));
ASSERT_GE(used_inodes, nfiles);
// Used size should be always greater than used data.
ASSERT_OK(blobfs::UsedSize(blobfd, &used_size));
ASSERT_GE(used_size, used_data);
void PopulatePartitions(size_t ndirs, size_t nfiles, size_t max_size) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partition_count; i++) {
Partition* part = &partitions[i];
if (!part->created)
switch (part->fs_type) {
case FsType::kMinFs:
PopulateMinfs(part->path, ndirs, nfiles, max_size);
case FsType::kBlobFs:
PopulateBlobfs(part->path, nfiles, max_size);
void DestroySparse(uint32_t flags) {
if ((flags & fvm::kSparseFlagLz4) != 0) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink(sparse_lz4_path));
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink(sparse_path));
void DestroyFvm() { ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink(fvm_path)); }
void GetSparseInfo(ContainerType type, uint32_t* out_flags, char** out_path) {
switch (type) {
case ContainerType::kSparse: {
*out_flags = 0;
*out_path = sparse_path;
case ContainerType::kSparseLZ4: {
*out_flags = fvm::kSparseFlagLz4;
*out_path = sparse_lz4_path;
case ContainerType::kSparseZxCrypt: {
*out_flags = fvm::kSparseFlagZxcrypt;
*out_path = sparse_path;
void CreateReportDestroy(ContainerType type, size_t slice_size, bool test_success = true,
std::optional<uint64_t> data_size = {},
std::optional<uint64_t> inodes_count = {},
std::optional<uint64_t> limit = {}) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partition_count; i++) {
Partition* part = &partitions[i];
part->reserve = FvmReservation(inodes_count, data_size, limit);
switch (type) {
case ContainerType::kSparse:
case ContainerType::kSparseLZ4:
case ContainerType::kSparseZxCrypt: {
uint32_t flags;
char* path;
GetSparseInfo(type, &flags, &path);
CreateSparse(flags, slice_size, test_success);
if (test_success) {
case ContainerType::kFvm: {
CreateFvm(true, 0, slice_size, test_success);
if (test_success) {
ExtendFvm(kContainerSize * 2);
case ContainerType::kFvmNew: {
CreateFvm(false, 0, slice_size, test_success);
if (test_success) {
ExtendFvm(kContainerSize * 2);
case ContainerType::kFvmOffset: {
CreateFvm(true, kDefaultSliceSize, slice_size, test_success);
if (test_success) {
default: {
void CreateFile(const char* path, size_t size) {
int r = open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0755);
ASSERT_GE(r, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(0, ftruncate(r, size));
ASSERT_EQ(0, close(r));
void CreateMinfs(const char* path) {
CreateFile(path, kPartitionSize);
ASSERT_EQ(0, emu_mkfs(path));
void CreateBlobfs(const char* path) {
int r = open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0755);
ASSERT_GE(r, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(0, ftruncate(r, kPartitionSize));
uint64_t block_count;
ASSERT_OK(blobfs::GetBlockCount(r, &block_count));
ASSERT_OK(blobfs::Mkfs(r, block_count));
ASSERT_EQ(0, close(r));
// Adds all create partitions to |container|. If enable_data is false, the DATA partition is
// skipped. This is to avoid discrepancies in disk size calculation due to zxcrypt not being
// implemented on host.
// Stores success or failure of each AddPartition in part->status.
// TODO(planders): Once we are able to create zxcrypt'd FVM images on host, remove enable_data
// flag.
void AddPartitionsReserve(Container* container, bool enable_data) {
// Randomize order in which partitions are added to container.
uint32_t order[partition_count];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partition_count; i++) {
order[i] = i;
uint32_t remaining = partition_count;
while (remaining) {
unsigned index = rand() % remaining;
if (index != remaining - 1) {
unsigned temp = order[remaining - 1];
order[remaining - 1] = order[index];
order[index] = temp;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partition_count; i++) {
Partition* part = &partitions[order[i]];
if (!enable_data && !strcmp(part->GuidTypeName(), kDataTypeName)) {
if (part->created) {
part->status = container->AddPartition(part->path, part->GuidTypeName(), &part->reserve);
// Creates a sparse container and adds partitions to it. When should_pass is false,
// the function surfaces the error in adding partition to caller without asserting.
void CreateSparse(uint32_t flags, size_t slice_size, bool should_pass, bool enable_data = true,
uint64_t max_disk_size = 0) {
const char* path = ((flags & fvm::kSparseFlagLz4) != 0) ? sparse_lz4_path : sparse_path;
std::unique_ptr<SparseContainer> sparseContainer;
ASSERT_OK(SparseContainer::CreateNew(path, slice_size, flags, max_disk_size, &sparseContainer));
AddPartitions(sparseContainer.get(), enable_data, should_pass);
if (should_pass) {
if (max_disk_size > 0) {
ASSERT_EQ(sparseContainer->MaximumDiskSize(), max_disk_size);
uint64_t data_size = 0, inode_count = 0, used_size = 0;
if ((flags & fvm::kSparseFlagLz4) == 0) {
ASSERT_NE(used_size, 0);
ASSERT_NE(data_size, 0);
ASSERT_GT(used_size, data_size);
ASSERT_NE(inode_count, 0);
} else {
void CreateSparseEnsure(uint32_t flags, size_t slice_size, bool enable_data = true) {
CreateSparse(flags, slice_size, true, enable_data);
void StatFile(const char* path, off_t* length) {
fbl::unique_fd fd(open(path, O_RDWR, 0755));
struct stat s;
ASSERT_EQ(0, fstat(fd.get(), &s));
*length = s.st_size;
void ReportContainer(const char* path, off_t offset) {
std::unique_ptr<Container> container;
ASSERT_OK(Container::Create(path, offset, 0, &container));
void ReportSparse(uint32_t flags) {
if ((flags & fvm::kSparseFlagLz4) != 0) {
std::unique_ptr<SparseContainer> compressedContainer;
ASSERT_OK(SparseContainer::CreateExisting(sparse_lz4_path, &compressedContainer));
ReportContainer(sparse_path, 0);
// Check that the calculated disk size passes inspection, but any size lower doesn't.
std::unique_ptr<SparseContainer> container;
ASSERT_OK(SparseContainer::CreateExisting(sparse_path, &container));
size_t expected_size = container->CalculateDiskSize();
ASSERT_NOT_OK(container->CheckDiskSize(expected_size - 1));
// Creates a fvm container and adds partitions to it. When should succeed is false, the function
// surfaces the error in adding partition to caller without asserting.
// Returns the Header corresponding to the configuration used to create FVM for tests to access
// the partition information.
fvm::Header CreateFvm(bool create_before, off_t offset, size_t slice_size, bool should_pass,
bool enable_data = true, std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer>* out = nullptr) {
off_t length = 0;
if (create_before) {
CreateFile(fvm_path, kContainerSize);
StatFile(fvm_path, &length);
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> fvmContainer;
FvmContainer::CreateNew(fvm_path, slice_size, offset, length - offset, &fvmContainer));
AddPartitions(fvmContainer.get(), enable_data, should_pass);
if (should_pass) {
if (out) {
*out = std::move(fvmContainer);
return fvm::Header::FromDiskSize(fvm::kMaxUsablePartitions, length - offset, slice_size);
void CreateFvmEnsure(bool create_before, off_t offset, size_t slice_size,
bool enable_data = true) {
CreateFvm(create_before, offset, slice_size, true, enable_data);
void ExtendFvm(off_t length) {
std::unique_ptr<Container> container;
ASSERT_OK(Container::Create(fvm_path, 0, 0, &container));
off_t current_length;
StatFile(fvm_path, &current_length);
ASSERT_EQ(current_length, length);
void ReportFvm(off_t offset = 0) { ReportContainer(fvm_path, offset); }
void GenerateFilename(const char* dir, size_t len, char* out) {
char filename[len + 1];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; i++) {
filename[i] = 'a' + rand() % 26;
filename[len] = 0;
strcpy(out, dir);
strcat(out, filename);
void GenerateDirectory(const char* dir, size_t len, char* out) {
GenerateFilename(dir, len, out);
strcat(out, "/");
void TestPartitionsFailures(ContainerType container_type, size_t slice_size, bool test_success,
uint64_t data, uint64_t inodes, uint64_t size_limit) {
std::optional<uint64_t> odata = data == 0 ? std::optional<uint64_t>{} : data;
std::optional<uint64_t> osize_limit = size_limit == 0 ? std::optional<uint64_t>{} : size_limit;
std::optional<uint64_t> oinodes = inodes == 0 ? std::optional<uint64_t>{} : inodes;
CreateReportDestroy(container_type, slice_size, test_success, odata, oinodes, osize_limit);
void RunReservationTestForAllTypes(size_t slice_size, bool test_success, uint64_t data,
uint64_t inodes, uint64_t limit) {
TestPartitionsFailures(ContainerType::kSparse, slice_size, test_success, data, inodes, limit);
TestPartitionsFailures(ContainerType::kSparseLZ4, slice_size, test_success, data, inodes,
TestPartitionsFailures(ContainerType::kFvm, slice_size, test_success, data, inodes, limit);
TestPartitionsFailures(ContainerType::kFvmNew, slice_size, test_success, data, inodes, limit);
TestPartitionsFailures(ContainerType::kFvmOffset, slice_size, test_success, data, inodes,
char test_dir[PATH_MAX];
char sparse_path[PATH_MAX];
char sparse_lz4_path[PATH_MAX];
char fvm_path[PATH_MAX];
Partition partitions[kMaxPartitions] = {};
uint32_t partition_count = 0;
#if 0 // TODO(bug 38188)
void VerifyFvmSize(size_t expected_size) {
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> fvm_container;
ASSERT_EQ(FvmContainer::CreateExisting(fvm_path, 0, &fvm_container), ZX_OK);
size_t calculated_size = fvm_container->CalculateDiskSize();
size_t actual_size = fvm_container->GetDiskSize();
ASSERT_EQ(calculated_size, actual_size);
ASSERT_EQ(actual_size, expected_size);
void TestDiskSizeCalculation(ContainerType container_type, size_t slice_size) {
uint32_t flags;
char* path;
GetSparseInfo(container_type, &flags, &path);
ASSERT_TRUE(CreateSparseEnsure(flags, slice_size, false /* enable_data */));
std::unique_ptr<SparseContainer> sparseContainer;
ASSERT_EQ(SparseContainer::CreateExisting(path, &sparseContainer), ZX_OK);
size_t expected_size = sparseContainer->CalculateDiskSize();
ASSERT_EQ(sparseContainer->CheckDiskSize(expected_size), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_NE(sparseContainer->CheckDiskSize(expected_size - 1), ZX_OK);
// Create an FVM using the same partitions and verify its size matches expected.
ASSERT_TRUE(CreateFvmEnsure(false, 0, slice_size, false /* enable_data */));
// Create an FVM by paving the sparse file and verify its size matches expected.
std::unique_ptr<fvm::host::UniqueFdWrapper> wrapper;
ASSERT_EQ(fvm::host::UniqueFdWrapper::Open(fvm_path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0644, &wrapper),
ASSERT_EQ(sparseContainer->Pave(std::move(wrapper), 0, 0), ZX_OK);
// Test to ensure that compression will fail if the buffer is too small.
#if 0 // TODO(bug 38188)
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TestCompressorBufferTooSmall) {
auto result = CompressionContext::Create();
CompressionContext compression = std::move(result.take_ok_result().value);
ASSERT_EQ(compression.Setup(1), ZX_OK);
unsigned int seed = 0;
zx_status_t status = ZX_OK;
for (;;) {
char data = static_cast<char>(rand_r(&seed));
if ((status = compression.Compress(&data, 1)) != ZX_OK) {
// Clean up if possible but don't expect that this can necessarily
// succeed after a failed Compress call.
enum class PaveSizeType {
kSmall, // Allocate disk space for paving smaller than what is required.
kExact, // Allocate exactly as much disk space as is required for a pave.
kLarge, // Allocate additional disk space beyond what is needed for pave.
enum class PaveCreateType {
kBefore, // Create FVM file before paving.
kOffset, // Create FVM at an offset within the file.
// Paving an FVM with a data partition will fail since we zxcrypt is not currently implemented on
// host.
// TODO(planders): Once we are able to create zxcrypt'd FVM images on host, remove this test.
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TestPaveZxcryptFail) {
CreateSparseEnsure(0, kDefaultSliceSize);
std::unique_ptr<SparseContainer> sparseContainer;
ASSERT_OK(SparseContainer::CreateExisting(sparse_path, &sparseContainer));
std::unique_ptr<fvm::host::UniqueFdWrapper> wrapper;
ASSERT_OK(fvm::host::UniqueFdWrapper::Open(fvm_path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644, &wrapper));
ASSERT_NOT_OK(sparseContainer->Pave(std::move(wrapper), 0, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(unlink(fvm_path), 0);
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TestFvmVerifyOK) {
CreateFvm(true, 0, kDefaultSliceSize, true /* should_pass */, true);
chmod(fvm_path, S_IRUSR);
ASSERT_OK(FvmContainer::Verify(fvm_path, 0));
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TestFvmVerifyFail) {
CreateSparseEnsure(0, kDefaultSliceSize);
ASSERT_NOT_OK(FvmContainer::Verify(sparse_path, 0));
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TestCreateWithResizeImageFileToFit) {
size_t offset = 4096;
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> out;
CreateFvm(true, offset, kDefaultSliceSize, true /* should_pass */, true, &out);
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> container;
ASSERT_OK(FvmContainer::CreateExisting(fvm_path, offset, &container));
size_t expected_size = offset + container->CalculateDiskSize();
off_t current_size;
StatFile(fvm_path, &current_size);
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(current_size), expected_size);
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TestResizeImageFileToFitAfterExtend) {
CreateFvm(true, 0, kDefaultSliceSize, true /* should_pass */, true);
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> container;
ASSERT_OK(FvmContainer::CreateExisting(fvm_path, 0, &container));
ASSERT_OK(container->Extend(kContainerSize * 2));
size_t expected_size = container->CalculateDiskSize();
off_t current_size;
StatFile(fvm_path, &current_size);
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(current_size), expected_size);
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, ExtendToSmallerThanCurrentSizeSucceedWithLowerBoundLength) {
CreateFvm(true, 0, kDefaultSliceSize, true /* should_pass */, true);
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> container;
ASSERT_OK(FvmContainer::CreateExisting(fvm_path, 0, &container),
"Failed to initialize fvm container");
ASSERT_OK(container->Extend(kContainerSize - 1));
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, ExtendToSmallerThanCurrentSizeResizeImageFileSizeToDiskSize) {
CreateFvm(true, 0, kDefaultSliceSize, true /* should_pass */, true);
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> container;
ASSERT_OK(FvmContainer::CreateExisting(fvm_path, 0, &container),
"Failed to initialize fvm container");
ASSERT_OK(container->Extend(kContainerSize * 2));
ASSERT_OK(container->Extend(2 * kContainerSize - 1));
// Validate that extend will reset image file size to be equal to the disk size.
off_t current_size;
StatFile(fvm_path, &current_size);
ASSERT_EQ(kContainerSize * 2, current_size);
namespace {
constexpr size_t kAndroidSparseBlockSize = 4096;
union ChunkData {
uint32_t fill_val;
const uint8_t* raw_data;
void ValidateAndroidSparseChunk(const fbl::unique_fd& fd, uint16_t chunk_type, uint32_t chunk_size,
const ChunkData& expected) {
AndroidSparseChunkHeader chunk_header;
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd.get(), &chunk_header, sizeof(chunk_header)), sizeof(chunk_header));
ASSERT_EQ(chunk_header.chunk_type, chunk_type);
ASSERT_EQ(chunk_header.chunk_blocks, chunk_size);
uint32_t fill_val = 0;
switch (chunk_type) {
case kChunkTypeDontCare:
ASSERT_EQ(chunk_header.total_size, sizeof(chunk_header));
case kChunkTypeFill:
ASSERT_EQ(chunk_header.total_size, sizeof(chunk_header) + sizeof(uint32_t));
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd.get(), &fill_val, sizeof(fill_val)), sizeof(fill_val));
ASSERT_EQ(fill_val, expected.fill_val);
case kChunkTypeRaw:
size_t data_size = chunk_header.chunk_blocks * kAndroidSparseBlockSize;
ASSERT_EQ(chunk_header.total_size, sizeof(chunk_header) + data_size);
std::vector<uint8_t> validate(data_size);
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd.get(),, data_size), data_size);
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(, expected.raw_data, data_size);
} // namespace
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, ConverToAndroidSparseFormat) {
uint8_t block_data[kAndroidSparseBlockSize];
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> out;
fvm::Header header = CreateFvm(true, 0, kDefaultSliceSize, true /* should_pass */, true, &out);
size_t disk_size = out->GetDiskSize();
size_t roundup_disk_size = fbl::round_up(disk_size, kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
size_t metadata_size = header.GetDataStartOffset();
// Modify the created fvm by writing custom data to test sparse image conversion logic.
fbl::unique_fd fd(open(fvm_path, O_RDWR, 0644));
// Avoid modifying the superblock. Otherwise it cannot be loaded.
size_t roundup_super_block_size = fbl::round_up(metadata_size, kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
// Make sure the fvm size is block aligned.
ASSERT_EQ(ftruncate(fd.get(), roundup_disk_size), 0);
// Write some new content
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(fd.get(), roundup_super_block_size, SEEK_SET), roundup_super_block_size);
// Write two fill blocks of fill value 0xab.
memset(block_data, 0xab, kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd.get(), block_data, kAndroidSparseBlockSize), kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd.get(), block_data, kAndroidSparseBlockSize), kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
// Write a fill block of fill value 0xcd.
memset(block_data, 0xcd, kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd.get(), block_data, kAndroidSparseBlockSize), kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
// Write two raw blocks
for (size_t i = 0; i < kAndroidSparseBlockSize; i++) {
block_data[i] = i % 0xff;
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd.get(), block_data, kAndroidSparseBlockSize), kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd.get(), block_data, kAndroidSparseBlockSize), kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
roundup_disk_size =
std::max(roundup_disk_size, roundup_super_block_size + 5 * kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
// Create an FVM from it and covert to android sparse image.
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> container;
ASSERT_OK(FvmContainer::CreateExisting(fvm_path, 0, &container),
"Failed to initialize fvm container");
// Add non-empty segments info. Superblock is skipped to simplify the test, so that
// we don't have to deal with the complicated data in it.
roundup_super_block_size + 5 * kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
// Validate the image;
fd.reset(open(fvm_path, O_RDWR, 0644));
// Validate the header
AndroidSparseHeader sparse_header;
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd.get(), &sparse_header, sizeof(sparse_header)), sizeof(sparse_header));
ASSERT_EQ(sparse_header.kMagic, kAndroidSparseHeaderMagic);
ASSERT_EQ(sparse_header.kMajorVersion, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(sparse_header.kMinorVersion, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(sparse_header.file_header_size, sizeof(AndroidSparseHeader));
ASSERT_EQ(sparse_header.chunk_header_size, sizeof(AndroidSparseChunkHeader));
ASSERT_EQ(sparse_header.block_size, static_cast<uint32_t>(kAndroidSparseBlockSize));
ASSERT_EQ(sparse_header.total_blocks, roundup_disk_size / kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
// dont-care chunk, fill chunk 0xab, fill chunk 0xcd, raw chunk, remaining dont-care chunk.
ASSERT_EQ(sparse_header.total_chunks, 5);
ASSERT_EQ(sparse_header.image_checksum, 0);
// Validate chunks
ChunkData expected;
// dont-care superblock chunk
fd, kChunkTypeDontCare, roundup_super_block_size / kAndroidSparseBlockSize, expected));
// Fill chunk 0xab
expected.fill_val = 0xabababab;
ASSERT_NO_FAILURES(ValidateAndroidSparseChunk(fd, kChunkTypeFill, 2, expected));
// Fill chunk 0xcd
expected.fill_val = 0xcdcdcdcd;
ASSERT_NO_FAILURES(ValidateAndroidSparseChunk(fd, kChunkTypeFill, 1, expected));
// Raw chunk
std::vector<uint8_t> expected_raw(2 * kAndroidSparseBlockSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kAndroidSparseBlockSize; i++) {
expected_raw[i] = i % 0xff;
expected_raw[i + kAndroidSparseBlockSize] = expected_raw[i];
expected.raw_data =;
ASSERT_NO_FAILURES(ValidateAndroidSparseChunk(fd, kChunkTypeRaw, 2, expected));
// The rest (if there is any) is dont-care chunk
size_t remaining = roundup_disk_size - roundup_super_block_size - 5 * kAndroidSparseBlockSize;
if (remaining) {
ASSERT_NO_FAILURES(ValidateAndroidSparseChunk(fd, kChunkTypeDontCare,
remaining / kAndroidSparseBlockSize, expected));
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, CompressWithLZ4) {
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> out;
CreateFvm(true, 0, kDefaultSliceSize, true /* should_pass */, true, &out);
// Validate magic value in the lz4 frame header.
fbl::unique_fd fd(open(fvm_path, O_RDONLY, 0644));
uint32_t magic;
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd.get(), &magic, sizeof(magic)), sizeof(magic));
ASSERT_EQ(magic, 0x184D2204);
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, DecompressLZ4) {
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> out;
CreateFvm(true, 0, kDefaultSliceSize, true /* should_pass */, true, &out);
// Decompress to a file using path |sparse_path|.
ASSERT_OK(fvm::SparseReader::DecompressLZ4File(fvm_path, sparse_path));
// Load the fvm from the decompressed file
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> fvm_container;
ASSERT_OK(FvmContainer::CreateExisting(sparse_path, 0, &fvm_container));
// Compare that the decompressed image is the same as the original image.
// |fvm_path| is now a compressed image, need to recreate it.
CreateFvm(true, 0, kDefaultSliceSize, true /* should_pass */, true, &out);
off_t original, decompressed;
StatFile(fvm_path, &original);
StatFile(sparse_path, &decompressed);
ASSERT_EQ(original, decompressed);
fbl::unique_fd fd_original(open(fvm_path, O_RDONLY, 0644));
fbl::unique_fd fd_decompressed(open(fvm_path, O_RDONLY, 0644));
std::vector<uint8_t> original_data(original), decompressed_data(decompressed);
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd_original.get(),, original), original);
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd_decompressed.get(),, decompressed), decompressed);
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(,, original);
// Test extend with values that ensure the FVM metadata size will increase.
#if 0 // TODO(bug 38188)
constexpr size_t CalculateExtendedContainerSize(const size_t initial_container_size,
const size_t extended_container_size) {
const size_t initial_metadata_size = fvm::MetadataSizeForDiskSize(initial_container_size, kDefaultSliceSize);
const size_t extended_metadata_size =
fvm::MetadataSizeForDiskSize(extended_container_size, kDefaultSliceSize);
if (extended_metadata_size == initial_metadata_size) {
return CalculateExtendedContainerSize(initial_container_size, extended_container_size * 2);
return extended_container_size;
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TestExtendChangesMetadataSize) {
CreateFvm(true, 0, kDefaultSliceSize, true /* should_pass */);
size_t extended_container_size = CalculateExtendedContainerSize(kContainerSize, kContainerSize);
ASSERT_GT(fvm::MetadataSizeForDiskSize(extended_container_size, kDefaultSliceSize),
fvm::MetadataSizeForDiskSize(kContainerSize, kDefaultSliceSize));
// Attempts to create a SparseContainer from an existing sparse image when one does not exist.
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, CreateExistingSparseFails) {
std::unique_ptr<SparseContainer> sparseContainer;
ASSERT_NOT_OK(SparseContainer::CreateExisting(sparse_path, &sparseContainer));
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, CreateExistingFvmFails) {
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> fvmContainer;
ASSERT_NOT_OK(FvmContainer::CreateExisting(fvm_path, 0, &fvmContainer));
// Attempts to re-create a sparse image at the same path with a different slice size, verifying
// that the slice size is updated.
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, RecreateSparseWithDifferentSliceSize) {
std::unique_ptr<SparseContainer> sparseContainer;
CreateSparse(0, 8192, true);
ASSERT_OK(SparseContainer::CreateExisting(sparse_path, &sparseContainer));
ASSERT_EQ(sparseContainer->SliceSize(), 8192);
CreateSparse(0, kDefaultSliceSize, true);
ASSERT_OK(SparseContainer::CreateExisting(sparse_path, &sparseContainer));
ASSERT_EQ(sparseContainer->SliceSize(), kDefaultSliceSize);
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, RecreateFvmWithDifferentSliceSize) {
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> fvmContainer;
// Create FVM with the larger slice size first, since this will result in a larger container
// size. Newly created FVM's will use the current container size if it already exists, so
// creation of this container will fail if a smaller one already exists.
// This is not an issue with the sparse test since the container is created from scratch every
// time.
CreateFvm(false, 0, kDefaultSliceSize, true);
ASSERT_OK(FvmContainer::CreateExisting(fvm_path, 0, &fvmContainer));
ASSERT_EQ(fvmContainer->SliceSize(), kDefaultSliceSize);
CreateFvm(false, 0, 8192, true);
ASSERT_OK(FvmContainer::CreateExisting(fvm_path, 0, &fvmContainer));
ASSERT_EQ(fvmContainer->SliceSize(), 8192);
#if 0 // TODO(bug 38188)
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TestCreatePreallocatedSparseImage) {
constexpr uint64_t kMaxSize = 35ull << 30;
CreateSparse(0, kDefaultSliceSize, true, true, kMaxSize);
std::unique_ptr<SparseContainer> sparse_container;
ASSERT_OK(SparseContainer::CreateExisting(sparse_path, &sparse_container));
std::unique_ptr<fvm::host::UniqueFdWrapper> wrapper;
ASSERT_OK(fvm::host::UniqueFdWrapper::Open(sparse_path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644, &wrapper));
ASSERT_OK(sparse_container->Pave(std::move(wrapper), 0, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(sparse_container->MaximumDiskSize(), kMaxSize);
#if 0 // TODO(bug 38188)
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TestCreatePreallocatedSparseImageExceedMaxSize) {
constexpr uint64_t kMaxSize = sizeof(fvm::Header);
CreateSparse(0, kDefaultSliceSize, true, true, kMaxSize);
#if 0 // TODO(bug 38188)
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TestPavePreallocatedSparseImage) {
constexpr uint64_t kMaxSize = kContainerSize;
CreateSparse(0, kDefaultSliceSize, true /* should_pass */, false /* enable_data */, kMaxSize);
std::unique_ptr<SparseContainer> sparse_container;
ASSERT_OK(SparseContainer::CreateExisting(sparse_path, &sparse_container));
std::unique_ptr<fvm::host::UniqueFdWrapper> pave_wrapper;
ASSERT_OK(fvm::host::UniqueFdWrapper::Open(fvm_path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644, &pave_wrapper));
ASSERT_OK(sparse_container->Pave(std::move(pave_wrapper), 0, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(sparse_container->MaximumDiskSize(), kMaxSize);
std::unique_ptr<FvmContainer> fvmContainer;
ASSERT_OK(FvmContainer::CreateExisting(fvm_path, 0, &fvmContainer));
// The amount of space needed by the FVM should be smaller than its max disk size.
// kMaxSize == actual disk size > minimum disk size
ASSERT_EQ(fvmContainer->GetDiskSize(), kMaxSize);
ASSERT_GT(fvmContainer->GetDiskSize(), fvmContainer->CalculateDiskSize());
#if 0 // TODO(bug 38188)
void TestPartitions(ContainerType container_type, size_t slice_size) {
CreateReportDestroy(container_type, slice_size);
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, Partitions) {
// When this is fixed re-enabled, we don't need all these combinations of formats and sizes and
// having this many tests slows things down. Evaluate some reasonable combinations of parameters
// that give reasonable coverate.
TestPartitions(ContainerType::kSparse, 8192);
TestPartitions(ContainerType::kSparseLZ4, 8192);
TestPartitions(FVM, 8192);
TestPartitions(ContainerType::kFvmNew, 8192);
TestPartitions(ContainerType::kFvmOffset, 8192);
TestDiskSizeCalculation(ContainerType::kSparse, 8192);
TestDiskSizeCalculation(ContainerType::kSparseLZ4, 8192);
TestPartitions(ContainerType::kSparse, kDefaultSliceSize);
TestPartitions(ContainerType::kSparseLZ4, kDefaultSliceSize);
TestPartitions(FVM, kDefaultSliceSize);
TestPartitions(ContainerType::kFvmNew, kDefaultSliceSize);
TestPartitions(ContainerType::kFvmOffset, kDefaultSliceSize);
TestDiskSizeCalculation(ContainerType::kSparse, kDefaultSliceSize);
TestDiskSizeCalculation(ContainerType::kSparseLZ4, kDefaultSliceSize);
#if 0 // TODO(bug 38188)
// Creates a file at |fvm_path| to which an FVM is intended to be paved from an existing sparse
// file. The size of the file will depend on the |expected_size|, as well as the |create_type| and
// |size_type| options.
// The intended offset and allocated size for the paved FVM will be returned as |out_pave_offset|
// and |out_pave_size| respectively.
void CreatePaveFile(PaveCreateType create_type, PaveSizeType size_type, size_t expected_size,
size_t* out_pave_offset, size_t* out_pave_size) {
*out_pave_offset = 0;
*out_pave_size = 0;
size_t disk_size = 0;
switch (size_type) {
case PaveSizeType::kSmall:
disk_size = expected_size - 1;
case PaveSizeType::kExact:
disk_size = expected_size;
case PaveSizeType::kLarge:
disk_size = expected_size * 2;
*out_pave_size = disk_size;
*out_pave_offset = 0;
if (create_type == PaveCreateType::kOffset) {
disk_size = disk_size * 2;
ASSERT_GT(disk_size, *out_pave_size);
*out_pave_offset = disk_size - *out_pave_size;
fbl::unique_fd fd(open(fvm_path, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0644));
ASSERT_EQ(ftruncate(fd.get(), disk_size), 0);
void TestPave(PaveCreateType CreateType, PaveSizeType SizeType, ContainerType container_type,
size_t slice_size) {
uint32_t sparse_flags;
char* src_path;
GetSparseInfo(container_type, &sparse_flags, &src_path);
CreateSparseEnsure(sparse_flags, slice_size, false /* enable_data */);
size_t pave_offset = 0;
size_t pave_size = 0;
std::unique_ptr<SparseContainer> sparseContainer;
ASSERT_EQ(SparseContainer::CreateExisting(src_path, &sparseContainer), ZX_OK);
size_t expected_size = sparseContainer->CalculateDiskSize();
CreatePaveFile(CreateType, SizeType, expected_size, &pave_offset, &pave_size);
std::unique_ptr<fvm::host::UniqueFdWrapper> wrapper;
ASSERT_EQ(fvm::host::UniqueFdWrapper::Open(fvm_path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644, &wrapper), ZX_OK);
if (SizeType == PaveSizeType::kSmall) {
ASSERT_NE(sparseContainer->Pave(std::move(wrapper), pave_offset, pave_size), ZX_OK);
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(sparseContainer->Pave(std::move(wrapper), pave_offset, pave_size), ZX_OK);
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, Pave) {
// When this is fixed re-enabled, we don't need all these combinations of formats and sizes and
// having this many tests slows things down. Find some reasonable combinations of parameters
// (maybe ~4 different ones?) that give reasonable coverate
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kBefore, PaveSizeType::kSmall, ContainerType::kSparse, 8192);
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kBefore, PaveSizeType::kSmall, ContainerType::kSparseLZ4, 8192);
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kBefore, PaveSizeType::kExact, ContainerType::kSparse, 8192);
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kBefore, PaveSizeType::kExact, ContainerType::kSparseLZ4, 8192);
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kBefore, PaveSizeType::kLarge, ContainerType::kSparse, 8192);
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kBefore, PaveSizeType::kLarge, ContainerType::kSparseLZ4, 8192);
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kOffset, PaveSizeType::kSmall, ContainerType::kSparse, 8192);
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kOffset, PaveSizeType::kSmall, ContainerType::kSparseLZ4, 8192);
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kOffset, PaveSizeType::kExact, ContainerType::kSparse, 8192);
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kOffset, PaveSizeType::kExact, ContainerType::kSparseLZ4, 8192);
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kOffset, PaveSizeType::kLarge, ContainerType::kSparse, 8192);
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kOffset, PaveSizeType::kLarge, ContainerType::kSparseLZ4, 8192);
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kBefore, PaveSizeType::kSmall, ContainerType::kSparse,
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kBefore, PaveSizeType::kSmall, ContainerType::kSparseLZ4,
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kBefore, PaveSizeType::kExact, ContainerType::kSparse,
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kBefore, PaveSizeType::kExact, ContainerType::kSparseLZ4,
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kBefore, PaveSizeType::kLarge, ContainerType::kSparse,
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kBefore, PaveSizeType::kLarge, ContainerType::kSparseLZ4,
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kOffset, PaveSizeType::kSmall, ContainerType::kSparse,
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kOffset, PaveSizeType::kSmall, ContainerType::kSparseLZ4,
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kOffset, PaveSizeType::kExact, ContainerType::kSparse,
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kOffset, PaveSizeType::kExact, ContainerType::kSparseLZ4,
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kOffset, PaveSizeType::kLarge, ContainerType::kSparse,
TestPave(PaveCreateType::kOffset, PaveSizeType::kLarge, ContainerType::kSparseLZ4,
// Too small total limit for inodes. Expect failure
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TooSmallInodeLimit) { RunReservationTestForAllTypes(8192, false, 1, 0, 10); }
// Too small total limit for 100 bytes of data
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TooSmallTotalLimit) {
RunReservationTestForAllTypes(8192, false, 0, 1000, 999);
// Too small limit for data + inodes
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, TooSmallDataLimit) {
RunReservationTestForAllTypes(kDefaultSliceSize, false, 200, 10, 1000);
#if 0 // TODO(bug 38188)
// Limitless capacity for 10 inodes and 100 bytes
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, LimitlessCapacity) {
RunReservationTestForAllTypes(8192, true, 10, 100, 0);
// Creating large total_bytes partition leads to increased test run time.
// Keep the total_bytes within certain limit.
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, LargeSize) {
RunReservationTestForAllTypes(8192, true, 100, 10, 300 * 1024 * 1024);
// Limitless capacity for 10k inodes and 10k bytes of data
TEST_F(FvmHostTest, LotsOfInodes) {
RunReservationTestForAllTypes(kDefaultSliceSize, true, 10000, 1024 * 10, 0);
} // namespace