blob: b9a6518f6d92d632c2d6fae2571c417dc3bc388a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <memory>
#include "src/media/sounds/soundplayer/opus_decoder.h"
#include "third_party/ogg/include/ogg/ogg.h"
namespace soundplayer {
class OggDemux {
// Processes the file. |fd| must be positioned at the beginning of the file. This method does
// not close |fd| regardless of the result, but will leave |fd| at an arbitrary position. The
// first valid stream in the file is decoded.
fit::result<Sound, zx_status_t> Process(int fd);
class Stream {
static std::unique_ptr<Stream> Create(int serial_number);
explicit Stream(int serial_number);
int serial_number() const { return serial_number_; }
ogg_stream_state& state() { return state_; }
OpusDecoder* decoder() { return decoder_.get(); }
void SetDecoder(std::unique_ptr<OpusDecoder> decoder) { decoder_ = std::move(decoder); }
int serial_number_;
ogg_stream_state state_;
std::unique_ptr<OpusDecoder> decoder_;
// Reads a page into |page_|. Returns true if a page is read successfully, false if the read
// fails or we've reached end-of-file. If we've reached end-of-file, this method sets
// |end_of_file_| to true.
bool ReadPage(int fd);
// Gets or creates the |Stream| for the given serial number. Returns null if the stream should be
// ignored.
Stream* GetOrCreateStream(int serial_number);
// Gets the |Stream| for the given serial number. Returns null if the stream doesn't exist.
Stream* GetStream(int serial_number);
// Rejects the specified stream. Returns true if processing should continue, false if not.
bool RejectStream(Stream* stream);
// Handles a complete packet for the stream identified by |serial_number|. Returns false if the
// packet was rejected and file processing should stop.
bool OnPacket(const ogg_packet& packet, int serial_number);
ogg_sync_state sync_state_;
ogg_page page_;
bool end_of_file_ = false;
// For now, we only support one stream.
std::unique_ptr<Stream> stream_;
} // namespace soundplayer