blob: eef0964dd43dfa4c976bb82a25a11f2f9ae100a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use fidl_fuchsia_identity_authentication::{
AttemptedEvent, Enrollment, Error as ApiError, StorageUnlockMechanismRequest,
use futures::prelude::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
type EnrollmentData = Vec<u8>;
type PrekeyMaterial = Vec<u8>;
lazy_static! {
/// The enrollment data always reported by this authenticator.
static ref FIXED_ENROLLMENT_DATA: Vec<u8> = vec![0, 1, 2];
/// The magic prekey material corresponding to a successful authentication
/// attempt with the account system. This constant is copied to
/// the account_handler implementation and needs to stay in sync.
static ref MAGIC_PREKEY: Vec<u8> = vec![77; 32];
/// Valid prekey material but is not the magic prekey. Should be used to
/// generate authentication failures.
static ref NOT_MAGIC_PREKEY: Vec<u8> = vec![80; 32];
/// Determines the behavior of the authenticator.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Mode {
/// Enroll returns fixed enrollment data and magic prekey material.
/// Authenticate ignores enrollment data and returns magic prekey material.
/// Enroll returns fixed enrollment data and magic prekey material.
/// Authenticate ignores enrollment data and returns prekey material which
/// is valid but not equal to the magic prekey.
/// A development-only implementation of the
/// fuchsia.identity.authentication.StorageUnlockMechanism fidl protocol
/// that responds according to its `mode`.
pub struct StorageUnlockMechanism {
mode: Mode,
impl StorageUnlockMechanism {
pub fn new(mode: Mode) -> Self {
Self { mode }
impl StorageUnlockMechanism {
/// Asynchronously handle fidl requests received on the provided stream.
pub async fn handle_requests_from_stream(
mut stream: StorageUnlockMechanismRequestStream,
) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
while let Some(request) = stream.try_next().await? {
/// Asynchronously handle a fidl request.
fn handle_request(&self, request: StorageUnlockMechanismRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
match request {
StorageUnlockMechanismRequest::Authenticate { enrollments, responder } => {
responder.send(&mut self.authenticate(enrollments))
StorageUnlockMechanismRequest::Enroll { responder } => {
responder.send(&mut self.enroll())
/// Implementation of `authenticate` fidl method.
fn authenticate(&self, enrollments: Vec<Enrollment>) -> Result<AttemptedEvent, ApiError> {
let enrollment = enrollments.into_iter().next().ok_or(ApiError::InvalidRequest)?;
let Enrollment { id, .. } = enrollment;
let prekey_material = match self.mode {
Mode::AlwaysSucceed => MAGIC_PREKEY.clone(),
Mode::AlwaysFailAuthentication => NOT_MAGIC_PREKEY.clone(),
Ok(AttemptedEvent {
timestamp: fuchsia_runtime::utc_time().into_nanos(),
enrollment_id: id,
updated_enrollment_data: None,
/// Implementation of `enroll` fidl method.
fn enroll(&self) -> Result<(EnrollmentData, PrekeyMaterial), ApiError> {
match self.mode {
Mode::AlwaysSucceed | Mode::AlwaysFailAuthentication => {
mod test {
use super::*;
use fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream;
use fidl_fuchsia_identity_authentication::{
StorageUnlockMechanismMarker, StorageUnlockMechanismProxy,
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use futures::future::join;
const TEST_ENROLLMENT_ID: u64 = 0x42;
const TEST_ENROLLMENT_ID_2: u64 = 0xabba;
async fn run_proxy_test<Fn, Fut>(mode: Mode, test_fn: Fn)
Fn: FnOnce(StorageUnlockMechanismProxy) -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = Result<(), fidl::Error>>,
let (proxy, stream) = create_proxy_and_stream::<StorageUnlockMechanismMarker>().unwrap();
let mechanism = StorageUnlockMechanism::new(mode);
let server_fut = mechanism.handle_requests_from_stream(stream);
let test_fut = test_fn(proxy);
let (test_result, server_result) = join(test_fut, server_fut).await;
async fn always_succeed_enroll_and_authenticate_produce_same_prekey() {
run_proxy_test(Mode::AlwaysSucceed, |proxy| async move {
let (enrollment_data, enrollment_prekey) = proxy.enroll().await?.unwrap();
let enrollment = Enrollment { id: TEST_ENROLLMENT_ID, data: enrollment_data.clone() };
let AttemptedEvent { enrollment_id, updated_enrollment_data, prekey_material, .. } =
proxy.authenticate(&mut vec![enrollment].iter_mut()).await?.unwrap();
assert_eq!(enrollment_id, TEST_ENROLLMENT_ID);
assert_eq!(prekey_material, enrollment_prekey);
async fn always_succeed_authenticate_multiple_enrollments() {
run_proxy_test(Mode::AlwaysSucceed, |proxy| async move {
let enrollment = Enrollment { id: TEST_ENROLLMENT_ID, data: vec![3] };
let enrollment_2 = Enrollment { id: TEST_ENROLLMENT_ID_2, data: vec![12] };
let AttemptedEvent { enrollment_id, updated_enrollment_data, prekey_material, .. } =
proxy.authenticate(&mut vec![enrollment, enrollment_2].iter_mut()).await?.unwrap();
assert_eq!(enrollment_id, TEST_ENROLLMENT_ID);
assert_eq!(prekey_material, MAGIC_PREKEY.clone());
async fn always_fail_authentication_enroll_and_authenticate() {
run_proxy_test(Mode::AlwaysFailAuthentication, |proxy| async move {
let (enrollment_data, enrollment_prekey) = proxy.enroll().await?.unwrap();
let enrollment = Enrollment { id: TEST_ENROLLMENT_ID, data: enrollment_data.clone() };
assert_eq!(enrollment_prekey, MAGIC_PREKEY.clone());
let AttemptedEvent { enrollment_id, updated_enrollment_data, prekey_material, .. } =
proxy.authenticate(&mut vec![enrollment].iter_mut()).await?.unwrap();
assert_ne!(prekey_material, MAGIC_PREKEY.clone());
assert_eq!(enrollment_id, TEST_ENROLLMENT_ID);