blob: eba8d95a7b38a0dbd01887c95e1117c29c312940 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
rustc_binary("bin") {
name = "factory_store_providers"
edition = "2018"
with_unit_tests = true
deps = [
test_deps = [ "//src/lib/storage/vfs/rust:vfs" ]
sources = [
package("factory_store_providers") {
deps = [ ":bin" ]
binaries = [
name = "factory_store_providers"
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/factory_store_providers.cmx")
dest = "factory_store_providers.cmx"
config_data("config") {
for_pkg = "sysmgr"
sources = [ "factory_store_providers.config" ]
rustc_test("factory_store_providers_test") {
edition = "2018"
source_root = "tests/"
deps = [
sources = [ "tests/" ]
test_files = [
zbi_deps = []
foreach(file, test_files) {
name = "zbi_$file"
zbi_deps += [ ":$name" ]
resource(name) {
testonly = true
sources = [ "testdata/input/$file" ]
outputs = [ file ]
zbi("items") {
testonly = true
cpu = "" # Mark the zbi as incomplete.
compress = false
deps = zbi_deps
items_zbi_outputs = get_target_outputs(":items")
test_package("factory_store_providers_ext4_tests") {
deps = [
binaries = [
name = "ext4_readonly"
name = "factory_store_providers"
resources = [
path = rebase_path("testdata/factory_ext4.img")
dest = "factory_ext4.img"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/another_cast_file")
dest = "another_cast_file"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/other/misc")
dest = "misc"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/passed_misc_file")
dest = "passed_misc_file"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/multi_validated_file")
dest = "multi_validated_file"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/pr/file1")
dest = "file1"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/some_cast_file")
dest = "some_cast_file"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/widevine_file")
dest = "widevine_file"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/weave_file")
dest = "weave_file"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/alpha_file")
dest = "alpha_file"
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/factory_store_providers.cmx")
dest = "factory_store_providers.cmx"
path = rebase_path("//src/storage/ext4/server/meta/ext4_readonly.cmx")
dest = "ext4_readonly.cmx"
tests = [
name = "factory_store_providers_test"
dest = "factory_store_providers_ext4_test"
environments = basic_envs
test_package("factory_store_providers_tests") {
deps = [
binaries = [
name = "factory_store_providers"
name = "fake_factory_items"
resources = [
path = items_zbi_outputs[0]
dest = "items.zbi"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/another_cast_file")
dest = "another_cast_file"
path = rebase_path("testdata/fake_factory_items.json")
dest = "fake_factory_items.json"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/other/misc")
dest = "misc"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/passed_misc_file")
dest = "passed_misc_file"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/multi_validated_file")
dest = "multi_validated_file"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/pr/file1")
dest = "file1"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/some_cast_file")
dest = "some_cast_file"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/widevine_file")
dest = "widevine_file"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/weave_file")
dest = "weave_file"
path = rebase_path("testdata/input/alpha_file")
dest = "alpha_file"
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/factory_store_providers.cmx")
dest = "factory_store_providers.cmx"
path = rebase_path("../fake_factory_items/meta/fake_factory_items.cmx")
dest = "fake_factory_items.cmx"
tests = [
name = "factory_store_providers_test"
environments = basic_envs
name = "factory_store_providers_bin_test"
environments = basic_envs
config_data("factory_store_providers_ext4_tests_config") {
for_pkg = "factory_store_providers_ext4_tests"
sources = [
config_data("factory_store_providers_tests_config") {
for_pkg = "factory_store_providers_tests"
sources = [
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [