blob: d1d471043121330d25ee84e1c1cd231058e3a4f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ftdi-i2c.h"
#include <fuchsia/hardware/ftdi/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
#include <ddk/debug.h>
#include <ddk/device.h>
#include <ddk/driver.h>
#include <ddk/metadata.h>
#include <ddk/metadata/i2c.h>
#include "ftdi.h"
namespace ftdi_mpsse {
zx_status_t FtdiI2c::Enable() {
zx_status_t status;
status = mpsse_.Init();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (!mpsse_.IsValid()) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "ftdi_i2c: mpsse is invalid!");
status = mpsse_.Sync();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "ftdi_i2c: mpsse failed to sync %d", status);
return status;
status = mpsse_.FlushGpio();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "ftdi_i2c: mpsse failed flush GPIO");
return status;
status = mpsse_.SetClock(false, true, 100000);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Enable drive-zero mode -- this means sending 0 to GPIO drives outputs low
// and sending 1 drives them with tri-state. This matches the I2C protocol
// and lets multiple devices share the bus.
uint8_t buf[3] = {kFtdiCommandDriveZeroMode, 0x07, 0x00};
status = mpsse_.Write(buf, sizeof(buf));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(6);
size_t bytes_written;
status = WriteIdleToBuf(0, &buffer, &bytes_written);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
status = mpsse_.Write(, buffer.size());
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FtdiI2c::Bind() {
return DdkAdd("ftdi-i2c");
void FtdiI2c::DdkInit(ddk::InitTxn txn) {
std::vector<i2c_channel_t> i2c_channels(i2c_devices_.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < i2c_devices_.size(); i++) {
i2c_channel_t& chan = i2c_channels[i];
I2cDevice& dev = i2c_devices_[i];
chan.bus_id = 0;
chan.address = static_cast<uint16_t>(dev.address);
chan.vid = dev.vid; =;
chan.did = dev.did;
zx_status_t status = DdkAddMetadata(DEVICE_METADATA_I2C_CHANNELS,,
i2c_channels.size() * sizeof(i2c_channel_t));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// We will reply to the init txn once the device is ready to become visible
// and able to be unbound.
init_txn_ = std::move(txn);
auto f = [](void* arg) -> int {
auto dev = reinterpret_cast<FtdiI2c*>(arg);
dev->enable_thread_started_ = true;
zx_status_t status = dev->Enable();
dev->init_txn_->Reply(status); // Make the device visible and able to be unbound.
return status;
int rc = thrd_create_with_name(&enable_thread_, f, this, "ftdi-i2c-enable-thread");
if (rc != thrd_success) {
// If the thread was created successfully, it will reply to the |init_txn_| once
// |Enable| completes, which will make the device visible and able to be unbound.
// This adds the command to set SCL and SDA high into buffer. It must be called
// at least once for initial setup.
zx_status_t FtdiI2c::WriteIdleToBuf(size_t index, std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer,
size_t* bytes_written) {
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.scl, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::HIGH);
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.sda_out, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::HIGH);
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.sda_in, Mpsse::Direction::IN, Mpsse::Level::LOW);
mpsse_.GpioWriteCommandToBuffer(index, buffer, bytes_written);
return ZX_OK;
// This adds the command to write one byte over I2C into the buffer.
void FtdiI2c::WriteI2CByteWriteToBuf(size_t index, uint8_t byte, std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer,
size_t* bytes_written) {
size_t new_index = index;
(*buffer)[new_index++] = kI2cWriteCommandByte1;
(*buffer)[new_index++] = kI2cWriteCommandByte2;
(*buffer)[new_index++] = kI2cWriteCommandByte3;
(*buffer)[new_index++] = byte;
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.scl, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::LOW);
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.sda_out, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::HIGH);
size_t temp_written = 0;
mpsse_.GpioWriteCommandToBuffer(new_index, buffer, &temp_written);
new_index += temp_written;
// Read bit for ACK/NAK.
(*buffer)[new_index++] = kI2cReadAckCommandByte1;
(*buffer)[new_index++] = kI2cReadAckCommandByte2;
*bytes_written = new_index - index;
void FtdiI2c::WriteI2CByteReadToBuf(size_t index, bool final_byte, std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer,
size_t* bytes_written) {
size_t temp_written = 0;
size_t new_index = index;
if (final_byte) {
memcpy(buffer->data() + new_index, kI2cReadFinalByteCommand, sizeof(kI2cReadFinalByteCommand));
new_index += sizeof(kI2cReadFinalByteCommand);
} else {
memcpy(buffer->data() + new_index, kI2cReadOneByteCommand, sizeof(kI2cReadOneByteCommand));
new_index += sizeof(kI2cReadOneByteCommand);
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.scl, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::LOW);
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.sda_out, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::HIGH);
mpsse_.GpioWriteCommandToBuffer(new_index, buffer, &temp_written);
new_index += temp_written;
*bytes_written = new_index - index;
void FtdiI2c::DdkUnbind(ddk::UnbindTxn txn) {
if (enable_thread_started_) {
enable_thread_started_ = false;
thrd_join(enable_thread_, NULL);
zx_status_t FtdiI2c::Transact(uint8_t bus_address, std::vector<uint8_t> write_data,
std::vector<uint8_t>* read_data) {
size_t transaction_size;
size_t expected_reads = 0;
size_t read_size = (read_data == nullptr) ? 0 : read_data->size();
bool is_read = (read_size != 0);
if (!is_read) {
transaction_size =
kI2cNumCommandBytesPerFullWrite + (kI2cNumCommandBytesPerWriteByte * write_data.size());
} else {
transaction_size = kI2cNumCommandBytesPerFullReadWrite +
(kI2cNumCommandBytesPerWriteByte * write_data.size()) +
(kI2cNumCommandBytesPerReadByte * read_size);
std::vector<uint8_t> transaction(transaction_size);
size_t transaction_index = 0;
size_t bytes_written = 0;
zx_status_t status = WriteIdleToBuf(transaction_index, &transaction, &bytes_written);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
transaction_index += bytes_written;
status = WriteTransactionStartToBuf(transaction_index, &transaction, &bytes_written);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
transaction_index += bytes_written;
auto it = write_data.begin();
it = write_data.insert(it, static_cast<uint8_t>(bus_address << 1));
for (size_t i = 0; i < write_data.size(); i++) {
WriteI2CByteWriteToBuf(transaction_index, write_data[i], &transaction, &bytes_written);
transaction_index += bytes_written;
status = WriteTransactionEndToBuf(transaction_index, &transaction, &bytes_written);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
transaction_index += bytes_written;
if (is_read) {
zx_status_t status = WriteIdleToBuf(transaction_index, &transaction, &bytes_written);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
transaction_index += bytes_written;
status = WriteTransactionStartToBuf(transaction_index, &transaction, &bytes_written);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
transaction_index += bytes_written;
WriteI2CByteWriteToBuf(transaction_index, static_cast<uint8_t>(bus_address << 1 | 0x1),
&transaction, &bytes_written);
transaction_index += bytes_written;
// Send the read commands.
for (size_t i = 0; i < read_size; i++) {
WriteI2CByteReadToBuf(transaction_index, (i == (read_size - 1)), &transaction,
transaction_index += bytes_written;
status = WriteTransactionEndToBuf(transaction_index, &transaction, &bytes_written);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
transaction_index += bytes_written;
// Ask for response immediately
transaction[transaction_index++] = kI2cCommandFinishTransaction;
if (transaction_index != transaction.size()) {
status = mpsse_.Write(, transaction.size());
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
std::vector<uint8_t> response(expected_reads);
status = mpsse_.Read(, response.size());
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Check each response byte to see if its an ACK (zero) or NACK (non-zero).
for (size_t i = 0; i < response.size() - read_size; i++) {
if ((response[i] & 0x1) != 0) {
zxlogf(INFO, "Ftdi-i2c: Recieved NACK on byte %ld (data=%d)", i, response[i]);
// Copy the read information.
if (read_size) {
memcpy(read_data->data(), + (response.size() - read_size), read_size);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FtdiI2c::Ping(uint8_t bus_address) {
std::vector<uint8_t> data(1);
data[0] = 0x00;
return Transact(bus_address, data, nullptr);
// This adds the command to transition SCL from high to low.
zx_status_t FtdiI2c::WriteTransactionStartToBuf(size_t index, std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer,
size_t* bytes_written) {
size_t sub_written = 0;
*bytes_written = 0;
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.scl, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::HIGH);
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.sda_out, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::LOW);
mpsse_.GpioWriteCommandToBuffer(index + *bytes_written, buffer, &sub_written);
*bytes_written += sub_written;
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.scl, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::LOW);
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.sda_out, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::LOW);
mpsse_.GpioWriteCommandToBuffer(index + *bytes_written, buffer, &sub_written);
*bytes_written += sub_written;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FtdiI2c::WriteTransactionEndToBuf(size_t index, std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer,
size_t* bytes_written) {
size_t sub_written = 0;
*bytes_written = 0;
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.scl, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::LOW);
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.sda_out, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::LOW);
mpsse_.GpioWriteCommandToBuffer(index + *bytes_written, buffer, &sub_written);
*bytes_written += sub_written;
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.scl, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::HIGH);
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.sda_out, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::LOW);
mpsse_.GpioWriteCommandToBuffer(index + *bytes_written, buffer, &sub_written);
*bytes_written += sub_written;
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.scl, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::HIGH);
mpsse_.SetGpio(pin_layout_.sda_out, Mpsse::Direction::OUT, Mpsse::Level::HIGH);
mpsse_.GpioWriteCommandToBuffer(index + *bytes_written, buffer, &sub_written);
*bytes_written += sub_written;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FtdiI2c::I2cImplTransact(uint32_t bus_id, const i2c_impl_op_t* op_list,
size_t op_count) {
zx_status_t status;
std::vector<uint8_t> write_data(kFtdiI2cMaxTransferSize);
std::vector<uint8_t> read_data(kFtdiI2cMaxTransferSize);
size_t total_read_bytes = 0;
size_t total_write_bytes = 0;
size_t last_stopped_op = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < op_count; i++) {
if (op_list[i].is_read) {
total_read_bytes += op_list[i].data_size;
} else {
size_t copy_amt = op_list[i].data_size;
uint8_t* data_buffer = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(op_list[i].data_buffer);
size_t data_buffer_index = 0;
while (copy_amt--) {
if (total_write_bytes == kFtdiI2cMaxTransferSize) {
write_data[total_write_bytes++] = data_buffer[data_buffer_index++];
if (op_list[i].stop) {
status = Transact(static_cast<uint8_t>(op_list[i].address), write_data, &read_data);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "I2c transact failed with %d", status);
return status;
if (total_read_bytes > 0) {
size_t read_back_index = 0;
for (size_t j = last_stopped_op + 1; j <= i; j++) {
if (op_list[j].is_read) {
memcpy(op_list[j].data_buffer, + read_back_index,
read_back_index += op_list[j].data_size;
// Reset the write_data for the next transaction.
total_write_bytes = 0;
// Reset the read data for the next transaction.
total_read_bytes = 0;
last_stopped_op = i;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FtdiI2c::Create(zx_device_t* device,
const ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::ftdi::I2cBusLayout* layout,
const ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::ftdi::I2cDevice* i2c_dev) {
// TODO(dgilhooley: Support i2c on different sets of pins and then remove this check.
if (layout->scl != 0 && layout->sda_out != 1 && layout->sda_in != 2) {
ftdi_mpsse::FtdiI2c::I2cLayout i2c_layout;
i2c_layout.scl = layout->scl;
i2c_layout.sda_out = layout->sda_out;
i2c_layout.sda_in = layout->sda_in;
std::vector<ftdi_mpsse::FtdiI2c::I2cDevice> i2c_devices(1);
i2c_devices[0].address = i2c_dev->address;
i2c_devices[0].vid = i2c_dev->vid;
i2c_devices[0].pid = i2c_dev->pid;
i2c_devices[0].did = i2c_dev->did;
auto dev = std::make_unique<ftdi_mpsse::FtdiI2c>(device, i2c_layout, i2c_devices);
zx_status_t status = dev->Bind();
if (status == ZX_OK) {
// devmgr is now in charge of the memory for dev
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace ftdi_mpsse