blob: d91715827bd0d5c8b5d72833833d070435dd432d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "aml-pwm-init.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ddk/metadata/init-step.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/composite.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include "src/devices/pwm/drivers/aml-pwm-init/aml-pwm-init-bind.h"
namespace pwm_init {
zx_status_t PwmInitDevice::Create(void* ctx, zx_device_t* parent) {
zx_status_t status;
ddk::CompositeProtocolClient composite(parent);
if (!composite.is_valid()) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "PwmInitDevice::Could not get composite protocol");
ddk::PwmProtocolClient pwm(composite, "pwm");
ddk::GpioProtocolClient wifi_gpio(composite, "gpio-wifi");
ddk::GpioProtocolClient bt_gpio(composite, "gpio-bt");
if (!pwm.is_valid() || !wifi_gpio.is_valid() || !bt_gpio.is_valid()) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: could not get fragments", __func__);
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
std::unique_ptr<PwmInitDevice> dev(new (&ac) PwmInitDevice(parent, pwm, wifi_gpio, bt_gpio));
if (!ac.check()) {
if ((status = dev->Init()) != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: could not initialize PWM for bluetooth and SDIO", __func__);
return status;
zx_device_prop_t props[] = {
status = dev->DdkAdd(ddk::DeviceAddArgs("aml-pwm-init")
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// dev is now owned by devmgr.
__UNUSED auto ptr = dev.release();
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t PwmInitDevice::Init() {
zx_status_t status = ZX_OK;
// Configure SOC_WIFI_LPO_32k768 pin for PWM_E
if (((status = wifi_gpio_.SetAltFunction(1)) != ZX_OK)) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: could not initialize GPIO for WIFI", __func__);
if ((status = pwm_.Enable()) != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: Could not enable PWM", __func__);
return status;
aml_pwm::mode_config two_timer = {
.mode = aml_pwm::TWO_TIMER,
.two_timer =
.period_ns2 = 30052,
.duty_cycle2 = 50.0,
.timer1 = 0x0a,
.timer2 = 0x0a,
pwm_config_t init_cfg = {
.polarity = false,
.period_ns = 30053,
.duty_cycle = static_cast<float>(49.931787176),
.mode_config_buffer = &two_timer,
.mode_config_size = sizeof(two_timer),
if ((status = pwm_.SetConfig(&init_cfg)) != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: Could not initialize PWM", __func__);
return status;
// set GPIO to reset Bluetooth module
if ((status = bt_gpio_.ConfigOut(0)) != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: Could not initialize GPIO for Bluetooth", __func__);
return status;
usleep(10 * 1000);
if ((status = bt_gpio_.Write(1)) != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: Could not initialize GPIO for Bluetooth", __func__);
return status;
usleep(100 * 1000);
return ZX_OK;
static constexpr zx_driver_ops_t driver_ops = []() {
zx_driver_ops_t ops = {};
ops.version = DRIVER_OPS_VERSION;
ops.bind = PwmInitDevice::Create;
return ops;
} // namespace pwm_init
ZIRCON_DRIVER(pwm_init, pwm_init::driver_ops, "zircon", "0.1");