blob: dc9643019121d72c55eccc8b10000007e923362f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/promise.h>
#include "src/devices/lib/driver2/namespace.h"
namespace promise {
template <typename T>
class ContinueWith;
namespace internal {
// Connects to the given |path| in |ns|, and returns a fit::result containing a
// fidl::Client on success.
template <typename T>
fit::result<fidl::Client<T>, zx_status_t> ConnectWithResult(const Namespace& ns,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
std::string_view path) {
auto result = ns.Connect(path);
if (result.is_error()) {
return fit::error(result.status_value());
return fit::ok(fidl::Client<T>(std::move(result.value()), dispatcher));
// Helps to call a fit::promise lambda function.
template <typename Func, size_t size>
struct ContinueCall {
static_assert(size == 2, "Unexpected number of arguments");
using return_type = typename fit::callable_traits<Func>::return_type;
using value_type = typename fit::callable_traits<Func>::args::template at<1>;
static auto Call(Func func) {
return [func = std::move(func), done = false, with = ContinueWith<return_type>()](
fit::context& context, value_type value) mutable -> return_type {
if (done) {
return with.Result();
done = true;
return func(with, std::forward<value_type>(value));
template <typename Func>
struct ContinueCall<Func, 1> {
using return_type = typename fit::callable_traits<Func>::return_type;
static auto Call(Func func) {
return [func = std::move(func), done = false,
with = ContinueWith<return_type>()](fit::context& context) mutable -> return_type {
if (done) {
return with.Result();
done = true;
return func(with);
} // namespace internal
// Connects to the given |path| in |ns|, and returns a fit::promise containing a
// fidl::Client on success.
template <typename T>
fit::promise<fidl::Client<T>, zx_status_t> Connect(const Namespace& ns,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
std::string_view path) {
return fit::make_result_promise(internal::ConnectWithResult<T>(ns, dispatcher, path));
// Wraps a fit::suspended_task in order to provide an ergonomic way to suspend
// and resume when using a FIDL callback, without the need for a fit::bridge.
// TODO( Consider moving this into libfit.
template <typename T>
class ContinueWith {
// Returns |result| when the promise is resumed.
void Return(T result) {
fit::suspended_task task_;
T result_;
void Suspend(fit::context& context) {
auto task = context.suspend_task();
T Result() { return std::move(result_); }
template <typename Func, size_t size>
friend struct internal::ContinueCall;
// Allows a fit::promise compatible lambda function to be easily suspended and
// resumed. This is achieved by replacing the first argument with a ContinueWith
// object that can capture the result of a callback and resume execution of a
// promise.
// TODO( Consider moving this into libfit.
template <typename Func>
auto Continue(Func func) {
constexpr size_t size = fit::callable_traits<Func>::args::size;
return internal::ContinueCall<Func, size>::Call(std::move(func));
} // namespace promise