blob: 3c9fd964cb0f3778ecac45350bda46c15360e213 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/operation/operation.h>
#include <memory>
#include <ddk/protocol/ethernet.h>
namespace eth {
// Usage notes:
// eth::Operation is a c++ wrapper around the ethernet_netbuf_t object. It provides
// capabilites to interact with a ethernet_netbuf buffer which is used to traverse the
// ethernet stack. On deletion, it will automatically free itself.
// eth::BorrowedOperation provides an unowned variant of eth::Operation. It adds
// functionality to store and call a complete callback which isn't present in
// eth::Operation. In addition, it will call the completion on destruction if it
// wasn't already triggered.
// eth::OperationPool provides pooling functionality for eth::Operation reuse.
// eth::OperationQueue provides a queue interface for tracking eth::Operation and
// eth::BorrowedOperation objects.
// Available methods for both Operation and BorrowedOperation include:
// ethernet_netbuf_t* operation(); // accessor for inner type.
// // Takes ownership of inner type. Should only be used when transferring
// // ownership to another driver.
// ethernet_netbuf_t* take();
// Available to Operation and BorrowedOperation if they templatize of Storage:
// Storage* private_storage(); // accessor for private storage.
// Available to Operation:
// void Release(); // Frees the inner type.
// Available to BorrowedOperation:
// void Complete(zx_status_t); // Completes the operation.
// Example: Basic allocation with a pool:
// eth::OperationPool<> pool;
// const size_t op_size = eth::Operation<>::OperationSize(parent_op_size);
// for (int i = 0; i < kNumRequest; i++) {
// std::optional<eth::Operation> request;
// request = eth::Operation::Alloc(op_size, parent_op_size);
// if (!request) return ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
// pool.add(*std::move(request));
// }
// Example: Enqueue incoming operation into a eth::OperationQueue:
// class Driver {
// public:
// <...>
// private:
// eth::BorrowedOperationQueue<> operations_;
// const size_t parent_op_size_;
// };
// void Driver::EthernetImplQueueTx(ethernet_netbuf_t* op, ethernet_queue_tx_callback completion_cb,
// void* cookie) {
// operations_.push(eth::BorrowedOperation<>(op, cb, parent_req_size_));
// }
// Example: Using private context only visible to your driver:
// struct PrivateStorage {
// bool valid;
// size_t count_metric;
// }
// using EthernetOperation = eth::BorrowedOperation<PrivateStorage>;
// void Driver::EthernetImplQueueTx(ethernet_netbuf_t* op, ethernet_queue_tx_callback completion_cb,
// void* cookie) {
// EthernetOperation eth_op(op, cb, parent_req_size_));
// ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(eth_op.operation()->command == ETHERNET_IMPL_ERASE);
// eth_op.private_storage()->valid = true;
// eth_op.private_storage()->count_metric += 1;
// <...>
// }
struct OperationTraits {
using OperationType = ethernet_netbuf_t;
static OperationType* Alloc(size_t op_size) {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> raw;
if constexpr (alignof(OperationType) > __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__) {
raw = std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(
new (static_cast<std::align_val_t>(alignof(OperationType)), &ac) uint8_t[op_size]);
} else {
raw = std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new (&ac) uint8_t[op_size]);
if (!ac.check()) {
return nullptr;
return reinterpret_cast<OperationType*>(raw.release());
static void Free(OperationType* op) { delete[] reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(op); }
struct CallbackTraits {
using CallbackType = void(void*, zx_status_t, ethernet_netbuf_t*);
static void Callback(CallbackType* callback, void* cookie, ethernet_netbuf_t* op,
zx_status_t status) {
callback(cookie, status, op);
template <typename Storage = void>
class Operation : public operation::Operation<Operation<Storage>, OperationTraits, Storage> {
using BaseClass = operation::Operation<Operation<Storage>, OperationTraits, Storage>;
using BaseClass::BaseClass;
template <typename Storage = void>
class BorrowedOperation
: public operation::BorrowedOperation<BorrowedOperation<Storage>, OperationTraits,
CallbackTraits, Storage> {
using BaseClass = operation::BorrowedOperation<BorrowedOperation<Storage>, OperationTraits,
CallbackTraits, Storage>;
using BaseClass::BaseClass;
template <typename Storage = void>
using OperationQueue = operation::OperationQueue<Operation<Storage>, OperationTraits, Storage>;
template <typename Storage = void>
using BorrowedOperationQueue =
operation::BorrowedOperationQueue<BorrowedOperation<Storage>, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits,
template <typename Storage = void>
using OperationPool = operation::OperationPool<Operation<Storage>, OperationTraits, Storage>;
} // namespace eth