blob: b1c445f66ff942f331e462e060e9794da0f1ff7e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/net/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/net/stack/cpp/fidl_test_base.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/testing/component_context_provider.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
// clang-format off
#include <Weave/DeviceLayer/internal/WeaveDeviceLayerInternal.h>
#include <Weave/DeviceLayer/ConnectivityManager.h>
#include <Weave/DeviceLayer/ThreadStackManager.h>
#include <Warm/Warm.h>
// clang-format on
#include "src/connectivity/weave/adaptation/thread_stack_manager_delegate_impl.h"
#include "weave_test_fixture.h"
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Warm {
namespace Platform {
namespace testing {
namespace {
using DeviceLayer::PlatformMgrImpl;
using DeviceLayer::ThreadStackMgrImpl;
using DeviceLayer::Internal::testing::WeaveTestFixture;
using fuchsia::net::Subnet;
using fuchsia::net::stack::AdministrativeStatus;
using fuchsia::net::stack::ForwardingEntry;
using fuchsia::net::stack::InterfaceInfo;
using fuchsia::net::stack::PhysicalStatus;
using fuchsia::net::stack::Stack_AddForwardingEntry_Response;
using fuchsia::net::stack::Stack_AddForwardingEntry_Result;
using fuchsia::net::stack::Stack_AddInterfaceAddress_Response;
using fuchsia::net::stack::Stack_AddInterfaceAddress_Result;
using fuchsia::net::stack::Stack_DelForwardingEntry_Response;
using fuchsia::net::stack::Stack_DelForwardingEntry_Result;
using fuchsia::net::stack::Stack_DelInterfaceAddress_Response;
using fuchsia::net::stack::Stack_DelInterfaceAddress_Result;
// This is the OpenWeave IP address, not to be confused with the similar IpAddress from Fuchsia.
using Inet::IPAddress;
using Inet::IPPrefix;
constexpr char kTunInterfaceName[] = "weav-tun0";
constexpr char kThreadInterfaceName[] = "thread0";
constexpr size_t kIpAddressSize = 16;
// Copies the IP address bytes in network order from a Weave Inet::IPAddress to a std::array.
std::array<uint8_t, kIpAddressSize> WeaveIpAddressToArray(const IPAddress& addr) {
std::array<uint8_t, kIpAddressSize> array;
const uint8_t* data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(addr.Addr);
std::copy(data, data + kIpAddressSize, array.begin());
return array;
} // namespace
// Fake implementation of TSM delegate, only provides an interface name.
class FakeThreadStackManagerDelegate : public DeviceLayer::ThreadStackManagerDelegateImpl {
WEAVE_ERROR InitThreadStack() override {
interface_name_ = kThreadInterfaceName;
const std::string& GetInterfaceName() const override { return interface_name_; }
std::string interface_name_;
// Fake implementation of fuchsia::net::stack::Stack that only provides the fake functionality
// needed for WARM.
class FakeNetStack : public fuchsia::net::stack::testing::Stack_TestBase {
void NotImplemented_(const std::string& name) override { FAIL() << "Not implemented: " << name; }
// FIDL interface definitions
void ListInterfaces(ListInterfacesCallback callback) override {
std::vector<InterfaceInfo> result{interfaces_.size()};
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
if (interfaces_[i].Clone(&result[i]) != ZX_OK) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "InterfaceInfo::Clone() failed.";
void AddInterfaceAddress(uint64_t interface_id, Subnet ifaddr,
AddInterfaceAddressCallback callback) override {
Stack_AddInterfaceAddress_Result result;
Stack_AddInterfaceAddress_Response response;
// Interface ID 0 is always invalid.
if (interface_id == 0) {
// Find the interface with the specified ID.
for (auto& interface : interfaces_) {
if (interface_id == {;
// No interface was found with the given ID.
void DelInterfaceAddress(uint64_t interface_id, Subnet ifaddr,
DelInterfaceAddressCallback callback) override {
Stack_DelInterfaceAddress_Result result;
Stack_DelInterfaceAddress_Response response;
// Interface ID 0 is always invalid.
if (interface_id == 0) {
// Search the interfaces for the specified ID.
for (auto& interface : interfaces_) {
auto& addrs =;
if (interface_id == {
// Find the specified address.
auto it = std::find_if(addrs.cbegin(), addrs.cend(),
[&](const Subnet& addr) { return fidl::Equals(ifaddr, addr); });
// No matching address was found.
if (it == addrs.cend()) {
// Remove the address.
// No interface was found with the given ID.
void AddForwardingEntry(ForwardingEntry entry, AddForwardingEntryCallback callback) override {
Stack_AddForwardingEntry_Result result;
Stack_AddForwardingEntry_Response response;
// Interface ID 0 is always invalid.
if (entry.destination.is_device_id() && entry.destination.device_id() == 0) {
// Check if there's an existing entry for this subnet.
auto it =
std::find_if(fwd_table_.cbegin(), fwd_table_.cend(), [&](const ForwardingEntry& existing) {
return fidl::Equals(existing.subnet, entry.subnet);
if (it != fwd_table_.cend()) {
// Add to the forwarding table.
void DelForwardingEntry(Subnet subnet, DelForwardingEntryCallback callback) override {
Stack_DelForwardingEntry_Result result;
Stack_DelForwardingEntry_Response response;
// Search for the entry with the given subnet.
auto it = std::find_if(
fwd_table_.cbegin(), fwd_table_.cend(),
[&](const ForwardingEntry& existing) { return fidl::Equals(existing.subnet, subnet); });
if (it == fwd_table_.cend()) {
// Delete the entry.
// Mutators, accessors, and helpers for tests.
// Add a fake interface with the given name. Does not check for duplicates.
FakeNetStack& AddFakeInterface(std::string name) {
if (name == "") {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Invalid name supplied in test data.";
.id = ++last_id_assigned,
.properties =
.name = std::move(name),
.administrative_status = AdministrativeStatus::DISABLED,
.physical_status = PhysicalStatus::DOWN,
return *this;
// Remove the fake interface with the given name. If it is not present, no change occurs.
FakeNetStack& RemoveFakeInterface(std::string name) {
auto it = std::find_if(
interfaces_.cbegin(), interfaces_.cend(),
[&](const InterfaceInfo& interface) { return == name; });
if (it != interfaces_.cend()) {
return *this;
// Access the current interfaces.
const std::vector<InterfaceInfo>& interfaces() const { return interfaces_; }
// Access the current forwarding table.
const std::vector<ForwardingEntry>& fwd_table() const { return fwd_table_; }
// Get a pointer to an interface by name. Returns nullptr if not found.
const InterfaceInfo* GetInterface(const std::string& name) const {
auto it = std::find_if(
interfaces_.cbegin(), interfaces_.cend(),
[&](const InterfaceInfo& interface) { return == name; });
if (it != interfaces_.cend()) {
return &(*it);
} else {
return nullptr;
// Get a pointer to the first forwarding entry that meets the given predicate. Returns nullptr if
// no entries met the predicate.
const ForwardingEntry* FindForwardingEntry(fit::function<bool(const ForwardingEntry&)> pred) {
auto it = std::find_if(fwd_table_.cbegin(), fwd_table_.cend(), std::move(pred));
if (it != fwd_table_.cend()) {
return &(*it);
} else {
return nullptr;
fidl::InterfaceRequestHandler<fuchsia::net::stack::Stack> GetHandler(
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) {
dispatcher_ = dispatcher;
return [this](fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::net::stack::Stack> request) {
binding_.Bind(std::move(request), dispatcher_);
fidl::Binding<fuchsia::net::stack::Stack> binding_{this};
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
std::vector<InterfaceInfo> interfaces_;
std::vector<ForwardingEntry> fwd_table_;
uint64_t last_id_assigned = 0;
class WarmTest : public WeaveTestFixture {
void SetUp() override {
// Initialize everything needed for the test.
// Populate initial fake interfaces
void TearDown() override {
FakeNetStack& fake_net_stack() { return fake_net_stack_; }
const InterfaceInfo* GetThreadInterface() {
return fake_net_stack().GetInterface(ThreadStackMgrImpl().GetInterfaceName());
uint64_t GetThreadInterfaceId() {
const InterfaceInfo* iface = GetThreadInterface();
if (iface != nullptr) {
return iface->id;
} else {
// ID 0 is sentinel value for an invalid ID.
return 0;
const InterfaceInfo* GetTunnelInterface() {
return fake_net_stack().GetInterface(kTunInterfaceName);
uint64_t GetTunnelInterfaceId() {
const InterfaceInfo* iface = GetTunnelInterface();
if (iface != nullptr) {
return iface->id;
} else {
// ID 0 is sentinel value for an invalid ID.
return 0;
FakeNetStack fake_net_stack_;
sys::testing::ComponentContextProvider context_provider_;
TEST_F(WarmTest, AddRemoveAddressThread) {
constexpr char kSubnetIp[] = "2001:0DB8:0042::";
constexpr uint8_t kPrefixLength = 48;
IPAddress addr;
// Sanity check - no addresses assigned.
const InterfaceInfo* iface = GetThreadInterface();
ASSERT_NE(iface, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(iface->properties.addresses.size(), 0u);
// Attempt to add the address.
ASSERT_TRUE(IPAddress::FromString(kSubnetIp, addr));
auto result = AddRemoveHostAddress(kInterfaceTypeThread, addr, kPrefixLength, /*add*/ true);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultSuccess);
// Confirm that it worked.
iface = GetThreadInterface();
ASSERT_NE(iface, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(iface->properties.addresses.size(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(WeaveIpAddressToArray(addr), iface->properties.addresses[0].addr.ipv6().addr);
// Attempt to remove the address.
result = AddRemoveHostAddress(kInterfaceTypeThread, addr, kPrefixLength, /*add*/ false);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultSuccess);
// Confirm that it worked.
iface = GetThreadInterface();
ASSERT_NE(iface, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(iface->properties.addresses.size(), 0u);
TEST_F(WarmTest, AddRemoveAddressTunnel) {
constexpr char kSubnetIp[] = "2001:0DB8:0042::";
constexpr uint8_t kPrefixLength = 48;
IPAddress addr;
// Sanity check - no addresses assigned.
const InterfaceInfo* iface = GetTunnelInterface();
ASSERT_NE(iface, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(iface->properties.addresses.size(), 0u);
// Attempt to add the address.
ASSERT_TRUE(IPAddress::FromString(kSubnetIp, addr));
auto result = AddRemoveHostAddress(kInterfaceTypeTunnel, addr, kPrefixLength, /*add*/ true);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultSuccess);
// Confirm that it worked.
iface = GetTunnelInterface();
ASSERT_NE(iface, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(iface->properties.addresses.size(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(WeaveIpAddressToArray(addr), iface->properties.addresses[0].addr.ipv6().addr);
// Attempt to remove the address.
result = AddRemoveHostAddress(kInterfaceTypeTunnel, addr, kPrefixLength, /*add*/ false);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultSuccess);
// Confirm that it worked.
iface = GetTunnelInterface();
ASSERT_NE(iface, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(iface->properties.addresses.size(), 0u);
TEST_F(WarmTest, RemoveAddressThreadNotFound) {
constexpr char kSubnetIp[] = "2001:0DB8:0042::";
constexpr uint8_t kPrefixLength = 48;
IPAddress addr;
// Sanity check - no addresses assigned.
const InterfaceInfo* iface = GetThreadInterface();
ASSERT_NE(iface, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(iface->properties.addresses.size(), 0u);
// Attempt to remove the address, expecting failure.
ASSERT_TRUE(IPAddress::FromString(kSubnetIp, addr));
auto result = AddRemoveHostAddress(kInterfaceTypeThread, addr, kPrefixLength, /*add*/ false);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultFailure);
// Sanity check - still no addresses assigned.
iface = GetThreadInterface();
ASSERT_NE(iface, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(iface->properties.addresses.size(), 0u);
TEST_F(WarmTest, RemoveAddressTunnelNotFound) {
constexpr char kSubnetIp[] = "2001:0DB8:0042::";
constexpr uint8_t kPrefixLength = 48;
IPAddress addr;
// Sanity check - no addresses assigned.
const InterfaceInfo* iface = GetTunnelInterface();
ASSERT_NE(iface, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(iface->properties.addresses.size(), 0u);
// Attempt to remove the address, expecting failure.
ASSERT_TRUE(IPAddress::FromString(kSubnetIp, addr));
auto result = AddRemoveHostAddress(kInterfaceTypeTunnel, addr, kPrefixLength, /*add*/ false);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultFailure);
// Sanity check - still no addresses assigned.
iface = GetTunnelInterface();
ASSERT_NE(iface, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(iface->properties.addresses.size(), 0u);
TEST_F(WarmTest, AddAddressThreadNoInterface) {
constexpr char kSubnetIp[] = "2001:0DB8:0042::";
constexpr uint8_t kPrefixLength = 48;
IPAddress addr;
// Attempt to add to the inteface when there's no Thread interface. Expect failure.
ASSERT_TRUE(IPAddress::FromString(kSubnetIp, addr));
auto result = AddRemoveHostAddress(kInterfaceTypeThread, addr, kPrefixLength, /*add*/ true);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultFailure);
TEST_F(WarmTest, RemoveAddressThreadNoInterface) {
constexpr char kSubnetIp[] = "2001:0DB8:0042::";
constexpr uint8_t kPrefixLength = 48;
IPAddress addr;
// Attempt to remove from the inteface when there's no Thread interface. Expect failure.
ASSERT_TRUE(IPAddress::FromString(kSubnetIp, addr));
auto result = AddRemoveHostAddress(kInterfaceTypeThread, addr, kPrefixLength, /*add*/ false);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultFailure);
TEST_F(WarmTest, AddAddressTunnelNoInterface) {
constexpr char kSubnetIp[] = "2001:0DB8:0042::";
constexpr uint8_t kPrefixLength = 48;
IPAddress addr;
// Attempt to add to the inteface when there's no Tunnel interface. Expect failure.
ASSERT_TRUE(IPAddress::FromString(kSubnetIp, addr));
auto result = AddRemoveHostAddress(kInterfaceTypeTunnel, addr, kPrefixLength, /*add*/ true);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultFailure);
TEST_F(WarmTest, RemoveAddressTunnelNoInterface) {
constexpr char kSubnetIp[] = "2001:0DB8:0042::";
constexpr uint8_t kPrefixLength = 48;
IPAddress addr;
// Attempt to remove from the inteface when there's no Tunnel interface. Expect failure.
ASSERT_TRUE(IPAddress::FromString(kSubnetIp, addr));
auto result = AddRemoveHostAddress(kInterfaceTypeTunnel, addr, kPrefixLength, /*add*/ false);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultFailure);
TEST_F(WarmTest, AddRemoveHostRouteThread) {
constexpr char kSubnetIp[] = "2001:0DB8:0042::";
constexpr uint8_t kPrefixLength = 48;
IPPrefix prefix;
ASSERT_TRUE(IPAddress::FromString(kSubnetIp, prefix.IPAddr));
prefix.Length = kPrefixLength;
// Sanity check - confirm no routes to the Thread interface exist.
uint64_t thread_iface_id = GetThreadInterfaceId();
ASSERT_NE(thread_iface_id, 0u);
const ForwardingEntry* route =
fake_net_stack().FindForwardingEntry([=](const ForwardingEntry& entry) {
return entry.destination.is_device_id() && entry.destination.device_id() == thread_iface_id;
ASSERT_EQ(route, nullptr);
// Attempt to add a route to the Thread interface.
auto result = AddRemoveHostRoute(kInterfaceTypeThread, prefix, kRoutePriorityLow, /*add*/ true);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultSuccess);
// Confirm that a route exists to the Thread interface with the given IP.
route = fake_net_stack().FindForwardingEntry([=](const ForwardingEntry& entry) {
return entry.destination.is_device_id() && entry.destination.device_id() == thread_iface_id;
ASSERT_NE(route, nullptr);
// Yo dawg, we heard you liked addrs, so we put an addr in your addr.
EXPECT_EQ(WeaveIpAddressToArray(prefix.IPAddr), route->subnet.addr.ipv6().addr);
// Remove the route to the Thread interface.
result = AddRemoveHostRoute(kInterfaceTypeThread, prefix, kRoutePriorityLow, /*add*/ false);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultSuccess);
// Confirm that the removal worked.
route = fake_net_stack().FindForwardingEntry([=](const ForwardingEntry& entry) {
return entry.destination.is_device_id() && entry.destination.device_id() == thread_iface_id;
ASSERT_EQ(route, nullptr);
TEST_F(WarmTest, AddRemoveHostRouteTunnel) {
constexpr char kSubnetIp[] = "2001:0DB8:0042::";
constexpr uint8_t kPrefixLength = 48;
IPPrefix prefix;
ASSERT_TRUE(IPAddress::FromString(kSubnetIp, prefix.IPAddr));
prefix.Length = kPrefixLength;
// Sanity check - confirm no routes to the Tunnel interface exist.
uint64_t tunnel_iface_id = GetTunnelInterfaceId();
ASSERT_NE(tunnel_iface_id, 0u);
const ForwardingEntry* route =
fake_net_stack().FindForwardingEntry([=](const ForwardingEntry& entry) {
return entry.destination.is_device_id() && entry.destination.device_id() == tunnel_iface_id;
ASSERT_EQ(route, nullptr);
// Attempt to add a route to the Tunnel interface.
auto result = AddRemoveHostRoute(kInterfaceTypeTunnel, prefix, kRoutePriorityLow, /*add*/ true);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultSuccess);
// Confirm that a route exists to the Tunnel interface with the given IP.
route = fake_net_stack().FindForwardingEntry([=](const ForwardingEntry& entry) {
return entry.destination.is_device_id() && entry.destination.device_id() == tunnel_iface_id;
ASSERT_NE(route, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(WeaveIpAddressToArray(prefix.IPAddr), route->subnet.addr.ipv6().addr);
// Remove the route to the Tunnel interface.
result = AddRemoveHostRoute(kInterfaceTypeTunnel, prefix, kRoutePriorityLow, /*add*/ false);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultSuccess);
// Confirm that the removal worked.
route = fake_net_stack().FindForwardingEntry([=](const ForwardingEntry& entry) {
return entry.destination.is_device_id() && entry.destination.device_id() == tunnel_iface_id;
ASSERT_EQ(route, nullptr);
TEST_F(WarmTest, RemoveHostRouteThreadNotFound) {
constexpr char kSubnetIp[] = "2001:0DB8:0042::";
constexpr uint8_t kPrefixLength = 48;
IPPrefix prefix;
ASSERT_TRUE(IPAddress::FromString(kSubnetIp, prefix.IPAddr));
prefix.Length = kPrefixLength;
// Sanity check - confirm no routes to the Thread interface exist.
uint64_t thread_iface_id = GetThreadInterfaceId();
ASSERT_NE(thread_iface_id, 0u);
const ForwardingEntry* route =
fake_net_stack().FindForwardingEntry([=](const ForwardingEntry& entry) {
return entry.destination.is_device_id() && entry.destination.device_id() == thread_iface_id;
ASSERT_EQ(route, nullptr);
// Remove the non-existent route to the Thread interface, expect failure.
auto result = AddRemoveHostRoute(kInterfaceTypeThread, prefix, kRoutePriorityLow, /*add*/ false);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultFailure);
// Sanity check - confirm still no routes to the Thread interface exist.
route = fake_net_stack().FindForwardingEntry([=](const ForwardingEntry& entry) {
return entry.destination.is_device_id() && entry.destination.device_id() == thread_iface_id;
ASSERT_EQ(route, nullptr);
TEST_F(WarmTest, RemoveHostRouteTunnelNotFound) {
constexpr char kSubnetIp[] = "2001:0DB8:0042::";
constexpr uint8_t kPrefixLength = 48;
IPPrefix prefix;
ASSERT_TRUE(IPAddress::FromString(kSubnetIp, prefix.IPAddr));
prefix.Length = kPrefixLength;
// Sanity check - confirm no routes to the Tunnel interface exist.
uint64_t tunnel_iface_id = GetTunnelInterfaceId();
ASSERT_NE(tunnel_iface_id, 0u);
const ForwardingEntry* route =
fake_net_stack().FindForwardingEntry([=](const ForwardingEntry& entry) {
return entry.destination.is_device_id() && entry.destination.device_id() == tunnel_iface_id;
ASSERT_EQ(route, nullptr);
// Remove the non-existent route to the Tunnel interface, expect failure.
auto result = AddRemoveHostRoute(kInterfaceTypeTunnel, prefix, kRoutePriorityLow, /*add*/ false);
EXPECT_EQ(result, kPlatformResultFailure);
// Sanity check - confirm still no routes to the Tunnel interface exist.
route = fake_net_stack().FindForwardingEntry([=](const ForwardingEntry& entry) {
return entry.destination.is_device_id() && entry.destination.device_id() == tunnel_iface_id;
ASSERT_EQ(route, nullptr);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace Platform
} // namespace Warm
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl