blob: e1c364ff3c3fb6020414fb44f67581a22af677ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "parser.h"
namespace netdump::parser {
void parser_syntax(std::ostream* output) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(output != nullptr, "Output stream for parser syntax was null.");
#define BOLD(x) ANSI_BOLD << (x) << ANSI_RESET
#define ENDL std::endl
// clang-format off
<< " expr ::= " << BOLD("(") << " expr " << BOLD(")") << ENDL
<< " | " << BOLD("not") << " expr |"
<< " expr " << BOLD("and") << " expr |"
<< " expr " << BOLD("or") << " expr" << ENDL
<< " | eth_expr | host_expr | trans_expr" << ENDL
<< "length_expr ::= " << BOLD("greater") << " <len> | " << BOLD("less") << " <len>" << ENDL
<< " type ::= " << BOLD("src") << " | " << BOLD("dst") << ENDL
<< " eth_expr ::= length_expr" << ENDL
<< " | "<< BOLD("ether") << " [type] " << BOLD("host") << " <mac_addr>"<< ENDL
<< " | [" << BOLD("ether") << " " << BOLD("proto") << "] net_expr" << ENDL
<< " net_expr ::= " << BOLD("arp") << ENDL
<< " | " << BOLD("vlan") << ENDL
<< " | " << BOLD("ip") << " [length_expr | host_expr | trans_expr]" << ENDL
<< " | " << BOLD("ip6") << " [length_expr | host_expr | trans_expr]" << ENDL
<< " host_expr ::= [type] " << BOLD("host") << " <ip_addr>" << ENDL
<< " trans_expr ::= [" << BOLD("proto") << "] " << BOLD("icmp") << ENDL
<< " | [" << BOLD("proto") << "] " << BOLD("tcp") << " [port_expr]" << ENDL
<< " | [" << BOLD("proto") << "] " << BOLD("udp") << " [port_expr]" << ENDL
<< " port_expr ::= [type] " << BOLD("port") << " <port_lst>" << ENDL;
// clang-format on
#undef ENDL
#undef BOLD
} // namespace netdump::parser