blob: f238826e4b4a7216f9dbdd3263e5275544b144b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
fidl::Error as FidlError,
Bss as WlanPolicyBss, ScanErrorCode, ScanResult, ScanResultIteratorProxyInterface,
task::{Context, Poll},
Future, FutureExt, Stream, StreamExt,
std::{collections::BTreeMap, pin::Pin},
pub trait BssCache {
/// Updates the cache with BSSes from `new_bsses`.
async fn update<I: ScanResultIteratorProxyInterface>(
&mut self,
new_bsses: I,
) -> Result<(), UpdateError>;
/// Returns an iterator over the known BSSes.
fn iter(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (&'_ BssId, &'_ Bss)> + '_>;
/// A cache for WLAN Basic Service Sets, also known as WLAN base-stations.
pub struct RealBssCache {
bss_map: BTreeMap<BssId, Bss>,
pub type BssId = [u8; BSS_ADDR_LEN_BYTES];
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Bss {
pub(crate) rssi: Option<i8>,
pub(crate) frequency: Option<u32>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Error, PartialEq)]
pub enum UpdateError {
#[error("found BSSes, but no BSS IDs")]
#[error("found no BSSes")]
#[error("connection to iterator failed")]
#[error("iterator reported error")]
// Length of a BSS ID. Governed by IEEE standards.
const BSS_ADDR_LEN_BYTES: usize = 6;
// Upper bound on the number of BSSes cached. Our goals in tuning this value are:
// * retain enough BSSes to give a tight radius of confidence, and
// * minimize the potential for exhausting memory
// This value was chosen somewhat arbitrarily, and may be tuned based on field
// data about the radius of confidence we achieve.
const MAX_BSSES: usize = 20;
// Upper bound on the number of IPCs to `ScanResultIterator`. Every non-terminal
// IPC should yield at least one `ScanResult`. And, in normal operation, we expect
// that a `ScanResult` will have at least one BSS. Hence, we set this limit to
// equal the limit on BSSes.
const MAX_IPCS: usize = MAX_BSSES;
impl RealBssCache {
pub fn new() -> Self {
fn prune_to_size(&mut self) {
if let Some(first_overflowed_bssid) = self.bss_map.keys().cloned().nth(MAX_BSSES) {
impl BssCache for RealBssCache {
async fn update<I: ScanResultIteratorProxyInterface>(
&mut self,
new_bsses: I,
) -> Result<(), UpdateError> {
let mut iterator_service_result = ScanResultStream::new(new_bsses)
.collect::<Vec<Result<Vec<ScanResult>, UpdateError>>>()
// If we have no results, report the appropriate error.
match iterator_service_result.peek() {
None => return Err(UpdateError::NoBsses), // First IPC yielded empty set.
Some(Err(e)) => return Err(*e), // First IPC yielded error.
Some(Ok(_)) => (),
let mut bss_list = iterator_service_result
.filter_map(|res| res.ok()) // Since we have at least one result, ignore errors.
.flatten() // Flatten per-IPC `Vec`s into single `Vec`.
.flat_map(|network| network.entries) // Project `Vec` of BSSes out of each network.
.flatten() // Flatten per-network `Vec`s of BSSes to single `Vec`.
if bss_list.peek().is_none() {
return Err(UpdateError::NoBsses);
let mut valid_bss_list = bss_list
.filter_map(|bss: WlanPolicyBss| match bss.bssid {
Some(id) => Some((id, Bss { rssi: bss.rssi, frequency: bss.frequency })),
None => None,
if valid_bss_list.peek().is_none() {
return Err(UpdateError::NoBssIds);
self.bss_map = valid_bss_list.collect();
fn iter(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (&'_ BssId, &'_ Bss)> + '_> {
type GetNextResponse = Result<Result<Vec<ScanResult>, ScanErrorCode>, FidlError>;
// ScanResultStream adapts the FIDL `ScanResultIterator` into a Rust
// `Stream`. For more details, see the documentation for
// `ScanResultStream::poll_next()`, below.
struct ScanResultStream<'a, F, I>
F: Future<Output = GetNextResponse> + Send,
I: ScanResultIteratorProxyInterface<GetNextResponseFut = F>,
iterator_service: Option<I>,
pending_ipc: Option<BoxFuture<'a, F::Output>>,
impl<'a, F, I> ScanResultStream<'a, F, I>
F: Future<Output = GetNextResponse> + Send,
I: ScanResultIteratorProxyInterface<GetNextResponseFut = F>,
fn new(iterator_service: I) -> Self {
Self { iterator_service: Some(iterator_service), pending_ipc: None }
impl<'a, F, I> Unpin for ScanResultStream<'a, F, I>
F: Future<Output = GetNextResponse> + Send,
I: ScanResultIteratorProxyInterface<GetNextResponseFut = F>,
impl<'a, F, I> Stream for ScanResultStream<'a, F, I>
F: Future<Output = GetNextResponse> + Send + 'a,
I: ScanResultIteratorProxyInterface<GetNextResponseFut = F>,
type Item = Result<Vec<ScanResult>, UpdateError>;
// Calls through to `ScanResultIterator.GetNext()`.
// * If the call yields a `FidlError` or a `ScanErrorCode`, returns an `UpdateError`,
// and ensures that subsequent calls yield None.
// * If the call yields an empty `Vec` yields None.
// * Otherwise, returns the `Vec` from the call to `GetNext()`.
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
// Note: we `take()` `iterator_service` here, and only replace
// `iterator_service` if
// a) the IPC yielded a `ScanResult`, or
// b) the IPC is still pending.
// By doing so, we ensure that, if the IPC yielded an empty
// result, or an error, then subsequent calls to `poll_next()`
// a) will _not_ issue an IPC, and
// b) will return None.
let iterator_service = match self.iterator_service.take() {
Some(is) => is,
None => return Poll::Ready(None),
let mut fut = match self.pending_ipc.take() {
Some(ipc) => ipc,
None => iterator_service.get_next().boxed(),
match fut.poll_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Pending => {
self.pending_ipc = Some(fut);
self.iterator_service = Some(iterator_service);
Poll::Ready(fidl_result) => Poll::Ready(match flatten_get_next_error(fidl_result) {
Ok(res) => {
if res.is_empty() {
} else {
self.iterator_service = Some(iterator_service);
Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),
fn flatten_get_next_error(fidl_result: GetNextResponse) -> Result<Vec<ScanResult>, UpdateError> {
match fidl_result {
Ok(service_result) => match service_result {
Ok(scan_results) => Ok(scan_results),
Err(_) => Err(UpdateError::Service),
Err(_) => Err(UpdateError::Ipc),
mod tests {
mod single_call_success {
use {
Compatibility::Supported, NetworkIdentifier, SecurityType::Wpa2,
fuchsia_async as fasync,
async fn caches_single_bss_with_just_bss_data() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let result = cache
.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
Some((&[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &Bss { rssi: None, frequency: None }))
async fn caches_single_bss_with_all_data() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let result = cache
.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![ScanResult {
id: Some(NetworkIdentifier { ssid: vec![b'a'], type_: Wpa2 }),
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
rssi: Some(-1),
frequency: Some(2412),
timestamp_nanos: Some(1),
compatibility: Some(Supported),
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
Some((&[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &Bss { rssi: Some(-1), frequency: Some(2412) }))
async fn caches_multiple_bsses_from_single_network() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let result = cache
.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![
WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
let bsses: BTreeMap<&BssId, &Bss> = cache.iter().collect();
assert_eq!(bsses.get(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), Some(&&Bss { rssi: None, frequency: None }));
assert_eq!(bsses.get(&[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]), Some(&&Bss { rssi: None, frequency: None }));
async fn deduplicates_bsses_from_single_network() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let result = cache
.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![
WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
rssi: Some(-1),
frequency: Some(2412),
timestamp_nanos: Some(1),
WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
rssi: Some(-2),
frequency: Some(2432),
timestamp_nanos: Some(2),
compatibility: None,
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
let mut bsses = cache.iter();
assert_matches!(, Some((&[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], _)));
assert_eq!(, None);
async fn caches_multiple_bsses_from_multiple_networks() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let result = cache
ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
let bsses: BTreeMap<&BssId, &Bss> = cache.iter().collect();
assert_eq!(bsses.get(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), Some(&&Bss { rssi: None, frequency: None }));
assert_eq!(bsses.get(&[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]), Some(&&Bss { rssi: None, frequency: None }));
async fn deduplicates_bsses_from_multiple_networks() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let result = cache
ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
rssi: Some(-1),
frequency: Some(2412),
timestamp_nanos: Some(1),
compatibility: None,
ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
rssi: Some(-2),
frequency: Some(2432),
timestamp_nanos: Some(2),
compatibility: None,
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
let mut bsses = cache.iter();
assert_matches!(, Some((&[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], _)));
assert_eq!(, None);
async fn honors_max_bss_limit() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let bsses: Vec<_> = (0..MAX_BSSES + 1)
.map(|i| WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some(
.expect("internal error"),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
let scan_results = vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(bsses),
compatibility: None,
let _ = cache.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(scan_results)).await;
assert_eq!(cache.iter().count(), MAX_BSSES);
async fn does_not_count_bad_bsses_toward_max_bss_limit() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let bad_bss = std::iter::once(WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: None,
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
let good_bsses = (0..MAX_BSSES).map(|i| WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some(
.expect("internal error"),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
let bsses: Vec<_> = bad_bss.chain(good_bsses).collect();
let scan_results = vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(bsses),
compatibility: None,
let _ = cache.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(scan_results)).await;
assert_eq!(cache.iter().count(), MAX_BSSES);
async fn does_not_count_duplicate_bsses_toward_max_bss_limit() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let duplicate_bsses = vec![
WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
let unique_bsses = (1..MAX_BSSES).map(|i| WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some(
.expect("internal error"),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
let bsses: Vec<_> = duplicate_bsses.into_iter().chain(unique_bsses).collect();
let scan_results = vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(bsses),
compatibility: None,
let _ = cache.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(scan_results)).await;
assert_eq!(cache.iter().count(), MAX_BSSES);
mod single_call_failure {
use {
fuchsia_async as fasync,
test_doubles::{FakeScanResultIterator, StubScanResultIterator},
async fn returns_ipc_error_on_fidl_error() {
.update(StubScanResultIterator::new(|| Err(fidl::Error::InvalidHeader)))
async fn returns_service_error_on_general_scan_error() {
.update(StubScanResultIterator::new(|| Ok(Err(ScanErrorCode::GeneralError))))
async fn returns_no_bsses_error_on_empty_scan_results() {
async fn returns_no_bsses_error_on_network_without_entries_vector() {
.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: None,
compatibility: None,
async fn returns_no_bsses_error_on_network_with_empty_entries_vector() {
.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(Vec::new()),
compatibility: None,
async fn returns_no_bss_ids_error_on_bss_without_bssid() {
.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: None,
rssi: Some(-1),
frequency: Some(2414),
timestamp_nanos: Some(1),
compatibility: None,
mod multiple_calls {
use {
Compatibility::Supported, NetworkIdentifier, SecurityType::Wpa2,
fuchsia_async as fasync,
async fn is_non_empty_after_new_non_empty_data() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let _ = cache
.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
let _ = cache
.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
// Note: we refrain from making a stronger assertion
// (e.g. that only the new BSS is retained), to avoid
// needing to revise this test if we change the caching
// policy in the future.
// Said differently, we believe that
// a) the assertion below will hold true under any reasonable
// caching policy, and
// b) there is no pressing need to validate the more specific
// behavior of the current caching policy.
async fn is_non_empty_after_new_empty_data() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let _ = cache
.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
// Note: we populate everything except `entries.bssid`, to
// ensure that the implementation doesn't short-circuit
// due to any other data being missing.
let _ = cache
.update(FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![ScanResult {
id: Some(NetworkIdentifier { ssid: vec![b'a'], type_: Wpa2 }),
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: None,
rssi: Some(-1),
frequency: Some(2412),
timestamp_nanos: Some(1),
compatibility: Some(Supported),
// Note: for now, we make the assumption that having
// _some_ location information is better than having none,
// even if the data we have is old. If this changes, we
// should remove this test.
mod multi_step_iteration {
use {super::super::*, fuchsia_async as fasync, test_doubles::FakeScanResultIterator};
async fn reads_all_scan_results() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let result = cache
vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
assert_eq!(2, cache.iter().count());
async fn finds_later_bsses_even_if_first_iteration_yields_no_bsses() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let result = cache
vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: None,
compatibility: None,
vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
assert_eq!(1, cache.iter().count());
async fn finds_later_bss_ids_even_if_first_iteration_yields_no_bss_ids() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let result = cache
vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: None,
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
assert_eq!(1, cache.iter().count());
mod ipc_interactions {
use {
fidl_fuchsia_wlan_policy::{NetworkIdentifier, SecurityType::Wpa2},
fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, futures},
test_doubles::{RawStubScanResultIterator, StubScanResultIterator},
async fn stops_sending_ipcs_when_get_next_yields_fidl_error() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let mut scan_results = vec![Err(fidl::Error::InvalidHeader)].into_iter();
let _ = cache
.update(StubScanResultIterator::new(|| {"already consumed all `scan_results`")
async fn stops_sending_ipcs_when_get_next_yields_scan_error() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let mut scan_results = vec![Ok(Err(ScanErrorCode::GeneralError))].into_iter();
let _ = cache
.update(StubScanResultIterator::new(|| {"already consumed all `scan_results`")
async fn stops_sending_ipcs_when_get_next_yields_empty_vec() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let mut scan_results = vec![Ok(Ok(vec![]))].into_iter();
let _ = cache
.update(StubScanResultIterator::new(|| {"already consumed all `scan_results`")
async fn drives_pending_ipc_to_completion() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let mut poll_results = vec![Poll::Pending, Poll::Ready(Ok(Ok(vec![])))].into_iter();
let mut futures = vec![futures::future::poll_fn(|cx| {
let res ="already consumed all `poll_results`");
let _ = cache
.update(RawStubScanResultIterator::new(|| {"already consumed all `futures`")
async fn honors_max_ipc_limit() {
let mut cache = RealBssCache::new();
let mut scan_results = (0..MAX_IPCS)
.map(|i| {
Ok(Ok(vec![ScanResult {
id: Some(NetworkIdentifier { ssid: i.to_le_bytes().to_vec(), type_: Wpa2 }),
entries: Some(vec![WlanPolicyBss {
bssid: Some(
.expect("internal error"),
rssi: None,
frequency: None,
timestamp_nanos: None,
compatibility: None,
let _ = cache
.update(StubScanResultIterator::new(|| {"already consumed all `scan_results`")
mod test_doubles {
use {
fuchsia_async::futures::future::{ready, Ready},
// Test double that returns scan results from initially provided data.
// After exhausting the initial data, perpetually returns an empty `Vec`.
// Useful for testing success cases.
pub(super) struct FakeScanResultIterator {
// Why do we need an RwLock here?
// 1) We need to return a `Vec<ScanResult>`
// 2) `ScanResult` is not `Copy` or `Clone`
// 3) Given 1 and 2, `get_next()` needs to move data
// Given just the constraints above, we might consider `Cell` or `RefCell`. However,
// `ScanResultIteratorProxyInterface` is `Sync`, while `Cell` and `RefCell` are not.
scan_results: RwLock<Vec<Vec<ScanResult>>>,
// Test double that invokes a function which yields a `GetNextResponse`.
// Useful for testing error handling.
pub(super) struct StubScanResultIterator<F: FnMut() -> GetNextResponse>(RwLock<F>);
// Test double that invokes a function with yields a `GetNextResponse` `Future`.
// Useful for testing interaction with asynchronous IPCs.
pub(super) struct RawStubScanResultIterator<F, R>(RwLock<F>)
F: FnMut() -> R,
R: Future<Output = GetNextResponse>;
impl FakeScanResultIterator {
// Returns an iterator which yields `scan_results` all at once.
pub(super) fn new_single_step(scan_results: Vec<ScanResult>) -> Self {
// Returns an iterator which yields one element of `scan_results` at a time.
// Note, however, that each element is _itself_ a `Vec<ScanResult>`.
pub(super) fn new_multi_step(scan_results: Vec<Vec<ScanResult>>) -> Self {
Self { scan_results: RwLock::new(scan_results) }
impl ScanResultIteratorProxyInterface for FakeScanResultIterator {
type GetNextResponseFut = Ready<GetNextResponse>;
fn get_next(&self) -> Self::GetNextResponseFut {
let mut scan_results = self.scan_results.write().expect("internal error");
ready(Ok(Ok(if scan_results.is_empty() { Vec::new() } else { scan_results.remove(0) })))
impl<F: FnMut() -> GetNextResponse + Send + Sync> StubScanResultIterator<F> {
pub(super) fn new(get_next: F) -> Self {
impl<F: FnMut() -> GetNextResponse + Send + Sync> ScanResultIteratorProxyInterface
for StubScanResultIterator<F>
type GetNextResponseFut = Ready<GetNextResponse>;
fn get_next(&self) -> Self::GetNextResponseFut {
// Note: the `&mut *` here is due to
let response_func = &mut *self.0.write().expect("internal error");
impl<F, R> RawStubScanResultIterator<F, R>
F: FnMut() -> R + Send + Sync,
R: Future<Output = GetNextResponse> + Send,
pub(super) fn new(get_next: F) -> Self {
impl<F, R> ScanResultIteratorProxyInterface for RawStubScanResultIterator<F, R>
F: FnMut() -> R + Send + Sync,
R: Future<Output = GetNextResponse> + Send,
type GetNextResponseFut = R;
fn get_next(&self) -> Self::GetNextResponseFut {
// Note: the `&mut *` here is due to
let response_func = &mut *self.0.write().expect("internal error");
mod tests {
mod fake_scan_result_iterator {
use {super::super::*, fuchsia_async as fasync};
async fn single_step_yields_all_scan_results_at_once() {
let iter = FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![
ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: None,
compatibility: None,
ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: None,
compatibility: None,
assert_eq!(2, iter.get_next().await.unwrap().unwrap().len());
async fn initially_empty_iterator_yields_empty_vec() {
let iter = FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(Vec::new());
assert_eq!(Vec::<ScanResult>::new(), iter.get_next().await.unwrap().unwrap());
async fn emptied_iterator_yields_empty_vec() {
let iter = FakeScanResultIterator::new_single_step(vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: None,
compatibility: None,
let _ = iter.get_next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(Vec::<ScanResult>::new(), iter.get_next().await.unwrap().unwrap());
async fn multi_step_yields_scan_results_iteratively() {
let iter = FakeScanResultIterator::new_multi_step(vec![
vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: None,
compatibility: None,
vec![ScanResult {
id: None,
entries: None,
compatibility: None,
assert_eq!(1, iter.get_next().await.unwrap().unwrap().len());
assert_eq!(1, iter.get_next().await.unwrap().unwrap().len());
assert_eq!(0, iter.get_next().await.unwrap().unwrap().len());