blob: 1213b7f15fdbb613c0ce95187903b03561095d3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/hardware/network/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/executor.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <lib/fzl/vmo-mapper.h>
#include <zircon/device/network.h>
#include <queue>
#include <fbl/span.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/macros.h>
namespace network {
namespace client {
namespace netdev = fuchsia::hardware::network;
// Configuration for sessions opened by a `NetworkDeviceClient`.
struct SessionConfig {
// Length of each buffer, in bytes.
uint32_t buffer_length;
// Buffer stride on VMO, in bytes.
uint64_t buffer_stride;
// Descriptor length, in bytes.
uint64_t descriptor_length;
// Number of rx descriptors to allocate.
uint16_t rx_descriptor_count;
// Number of tx descriptors to allocate.
uint16_t tx_descriptor_count;
// Session flags.
netdev::SessionFlags options;
// Types of rx frames to subscribe to.
std::vector<netdev::FrameType> rx_frames;
// A client for ``.
class NetworkDeviceClient {
class Buffer;
class BufferData;
class StatusWatchHandle;
// Creates a default session configuration with the given device information.
static SessionConfig DefaultSessionConfig(const netdev::Info& dev_info);
// Creates a client that will bind to `handle` using `dispatcher`.
// If `dispatcher` is `nullptr`, the default dispatcher for the current thread will be used.
// All the `NetworkDeviceClient` callbacks are called on the dispatcher.
explicit NetworkDeviceClient(fidl::InterfaceHandle<netdev::Device> handle,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
using OpenSessionCallback = fit::function<void(zx_status_t)>;
using SessionConfigFactory = fit::function<SessionConfig(const netdev::Info&)>;
using RxCallback = fit::function<void(Buffer buffer)>;
using ErrorCallback = fit::function<void(zx_status_t err)>;
using StatusCallback = fit::function<void(netdev::Status)>;
// Opens a new session with `name` and invokes `callback` when done.
// `config_factory` is called to create a `SessionConfig` from a ``,
// which is used to define the buffer allocation and layout for the new session.
// If the client already has a session running, `OpenSession` fails with `ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS`.
void OpenSession(const std::string& name, OpenSessionCallback callback,
SessionConfigFactory config_factory = NetworkDeviceClient::DefaultSessionConfig);
// Sets the callback for received frames.
void SetRxCallback(RxCallback callback) { rx_callback_ = std::move(callback); }
// Sets the callback that will be triggered when an open session encounters errors or the device
// handle is closed.
void SetErrorCallback(ErrorCallback callback) { err_callback_ = std::move(callback); }
// Pauses or unpauses this client's session.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE` if there's no open session.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t SetPaused(bool paused);
// Kills the current session.
// The error callback is called once the session is destroyed with the session epitaph.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE` if there's no open session.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t KillSession();
// Attempts to send `buffer`.
// If this buffer was received on the rx path, `Send` will attempt to allocate a buffer from the
// transmit pool to replace this buffer before sending it.
// `buffer` is transitioned to an invalid state on success.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t Send(Buffer* buffer);
bool HasSession() { return session_.is_bound(); }
// Creates an asynchronous handler for status changes.
// `callback` will be called for every status change on the device for as long as the returned
// `StatusWatchHandle` is in scope.
// `buffer` is the number of changes buffered by the network device, according to the
// `` protocol.
StatusWatchHandle WatchStatus(StatusCallback callback, uint32_t buffer = 1);
const netdev::Info& device_info() const { return device_info_; }
// Allocates a transmit buffer.
// Takes a buffer from the pool of available transmit buffers. If there are no buffers available,
// the returned `Buffer` instance will be invalid (`Buffer::is_valid` returns false).
Buffer AllocTx();
// A contiguous buffer region.
// `Buffer`s are composed of N disjoint `BufferRegion`s, accessible through `BufferData`.
class BufferRegion {
// Caps this buffer to `len` bytes.
// If the buffer's length is smaller than `len`, `CapLength` does nothing.
void CapLength(uint32_t len);
uint32_t len() const;
fbl::Span<uint8_t> data();
fbl::Span<const uint8_t> data() const;
// Writes `len` bytes from `src` into this region starting at `offset`.
// Returns the number of bytes that were written.
size_t Write(const void* src, size_t len, size_t offset = 0);
// Reads `len` bytes from this region into `dst` starting at `offset`.
// Returns the number of bytes that were read.
size_t Read(void* dst, size_t len, size_t offset = 0);
// Writes the `src` region starting at `src_offset` into this region starting at `offset`.
// Returns the number of bytes written.
size_t Write(size_t offset, const BufferRegion& src, size_t src_offset);
// Zero pads this region to `size`, returning the new size of the buffer.
// The returned value may be smaller than `size` if the amount of space available is not large
// enough or larger if the buffer is already larger than `size.`
size_t PadTo(size_t size);
// Move assignment deleted to abide by `Buffer` destruction semantics.
// See `Buffer` for more details.
BufferRegion& operator=(BufferRegion&&) = delete;
BufferRegion(BufferRegion&& other) = default;
friend BufferData;
BufferRegion() = default;
void* base_;
buffer_descriptor_t* desc_;
// A collection of `BufferRegion`s and metadata associated with a `Buffer`.
class BufferData {
// Returns true if this `BufferData` contains at least 1 `BufferRegion`.
bool is_loaded() { return parts_count_ != 0; }
// The number of `BufferRegion`s in this `BufferData`.
uint32_t parts() { return parts_count_; }
// Retrieves a `BufferRegion` part from this `BufferData`.
// Crashes if `idx >= parts()`.
BufferRegion& part(size_t idx);
const BufferRegion& part(size_t idx) const;
// The total length, in bytes, of the buffer.
uint32_t len() const;
netdev::FrameType frame_type() const;
netdev::InfoType info_type() const;
uint32_t inbound_flags() const;
uint32_t return_flags() const;
void SetFrameType(netdev::FrameType type);
void SetTxRequest(netdev::TxFlags tx_flags);
// Writes up to `len` bytes from `src` into the buffer, returning the number of bytes written.
size_t Write(const void* src, size_t len);
// Reads up to `len` bytes from the buffer into `dst`, returning the number of bytes read.
size_t Read(void* dst, size_t len);
// Writes the contents of `data` into this buffer, returning the number of bytes written.
size_t Write(const BufferData& data);
// Zero pads buffer to total size `size`.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL` if buffer doesn't have enough available space to be padded
// to size. No-op and returns `ZX_OK` if `len()` is at least `size`.
zx_status_t PadTo(size_t size);
// Move assignment deleted to abide by `Buffer` destruction semantics.
// See `Buffer` for more details.
BufferData& operator=(BufferData&&) = delete;
friend Buffer;
BufferData() = default;
BufferData(BufferData&& other) = default;
// Loads buffer information from `parent` using the descriptor `idx`.
void Load(NetworkDeviceClient* parent, uint16_t idx);
uint32_t parts_count_ = 0;
std::array<BufferRegion, netdev::MAX_DESCRIPTOR_CHAIN> parts_{};
class Buffer {
Buffer(Buffer&& other) noexcept;
// NOTE: A `Buffer` is returned to its parent on destruction. We'd have to do the same thing
// with the target buffer on the move assignment operator, which can be very counter-intuitive.
// We delete the move assignment operator to avoid confusion and misuse.
Buffer& operator=(Buffer&&) = delete;
bool is_valid() const { return parent_ != nullptr; }
BufferData& data();
const BufferData& data() const;
// Equivalent to calling `Send(buffer)` on this buffer's `NetworkDeviceClient` parent.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t Send();
friend NetworkDeviceClient;
Buffer(NetworkDeviceClient* parent, uint16_t descriptor, bool rx);
// Pointer device that owns this buffer, not owned.
// A buffer with a null parent is an invalid buffer.
NetworkDeviceClient* parent_;
uint16_t descriptor_;
bool rx_;
mutable BufferData data_;
// An RAII object that triggers a callback on NetworkDevice status changes.
class StatusWatchHandle {
friend NetworkDeviceClient;
StatusWatchHandle(fidl::InterfaceHandle<netdev::StatusWatcher> watcher, StatusCallback callback)
: watcher_(watcher.Bind()), callback_(std::move(callback)) {
void Watch();
netdev::StatusWatcherPtr watcher_;
StatusCallback callback_;
zx_status_t PrepareSession();
zx_status_t MakeSessionInfo(netdev::SessionInfo* session_info);
zx_status_t PrepareDescriptors();
buffer_descriptor_t* descriptor(uint16_t idx);
void* data(uint64_t offset);
void ResetRxDescriptor(buffer_descriptor_t* desc);
void ResetTxDescriptor(buffer_descriptor_t* desc);
void ReturnTxDescriptor(uint16_t desc);
void ReturnRxDescriptor(uint16_t desc);
void FlushRx();
void FlushTx();
void FetchRx();
void FetchTx();
void TxSignal(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::WaitBase* wait, zx_status_t status,
const zx_packet_signal_t* signal);
void RxSignal(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::WaitBase* wait, zx_status_t status,
const zx_packet_signal_t* signal);
void ErrorTeardown(zx_status_t err);
bool session_running_ = false;
RxCallback rx_callback_;
ErrorCallback err_callback_;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
SessionConfig session_config_;
uint16_t descriptor_count_;
zx::vmo data_vmo_;
fzl::VmoMapper data_;
zx::vmo descriptors_vmo_;
fzl::VmoMapper descriptors_;
zx::fifo rx_fifo_;
zx::fifo tx_fifo_;
netdev::DevicePtr device_;
netdev::SessionPtr session_;
netdev::Info device_info_;
// rx descriptors ready to be sent back to the device.
std::vector<uint16_t> rx_out_queue_;
// tx descriptors available to be written.
std::queue<uint16_t> tx_avail_;
// tx descriptors queued to be sent to device.
std::vector<uint16_t> tx_out_queue_;
async::WaitMethod<NetworkDeviceClient, &NetworkDeviceClient::TxSignal> tx_wait_{this};
async::WaitMethod<NetworkDeviceClient, &NetworkDeviceClient::RxSignal> rx_wait_{this};
async::WaitMethod<NetworkDeviceClient, &NetworkDeviceClient::TxSignal> tx_writable_wait_{this};
async::WaitMethod<NetworkDeviceClient, &NetworkDeviceClient::RxSignal> rx_writable_wait_{this};
std::unique_ptr<async::Executor> executor_;
} // namespace client
} // namespace network