blob: b48da830aee2a90a8a0b3347d88cab2e6d844e39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_sys::{AccessMarker, PairingDelegateMarker},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_bluetooth::types::io_capabilities::{InputCapability, OutputCapability},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
mod pairing;
// Defines all the command line arguments accepted by the tool.
#[argh(description = "CLI pairing delegate")]
struct Opt {
short = 'i',
default = "InputCapability::None",
description = "input capability (none, confirmation, keyboard)"
input: InputCapability,
short = 'o',
default = "OutputCapability::None",
description = "output capability (none, display)"
output: OutputCapability,
fn run(opt: Opt) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().context("Error creating event loop")?;
let access = connect_to_service::<AccessMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to bluetooth access interface")?;
// Setup pairing delegate
let (delegate_local, delegate_remote) = zx::Channel::create()?;
let delegate_local = fasync::Channel::from_channel(delegate_local)?;
let pairing_delegate_server = pairing::pairing_delegate(delegate_local);
let pairing_delegate_client =
let pair_set =
access.set_pairing_delegate(opt.input.into(), opt.output.into(), pairing_delegate_client);
if let Err(err) = pair_set {
return Err(format_err!(
"Failed to take ownership of Bluetooth Pairing. Another process is likely already managing this. {}", err));
println!("Now accepting pairing requests.");
.map_err(|_| format_err!("Failed to run pairing server"))
fn main() {
let opt: Opt = argh::from_env();
// Run tool.
if let Err(e) = run(opt) {
eprintln!("{}", e);