blob: 8b26f2dd739570358b9d7cdf699a06a38799779b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unordered_set>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/device_address.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/connection.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/connection_parameters.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/hci.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/testing/fake_gatt_server.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/testing/fake_l2cap.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/testing/fake_sdp_server.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/testing/fake_signaling_server.h"
namespace bt::testing {
class FakeController;
// FakePeer is used to emulate a remote Bluetooth device.
class FakePeer {
// NOTE: Setting |connectable| to true will result in a "Connectable and
// Scannable Advertisement" (i.e. ADV_IND) even if |scannable| is set to
// false. This is OK since we use |scannable| to drive the receipt of Scan
// Response PDUs: we use this to test the condition in which the advertisement
// is scannable but the host never receives a scan response.
explicit FakePeer(const DeviceAddress& address, bool connectable = true, bool scannable = true);
void SetAdvertisingData(const ByteBuffer& data);
// Mark this device for directed advertising. CreateAdvertisingReportEvent
// will return directed advertisements only.
void enable_directed_advertising(bool enable) { directed_ = enable; }
// Toggles whether the address of this device represents a resolved RPA.
void set_address_resolved(bool value) { address_resolved_ = value; }
// TODO(armansito): Come up with a better scheme to determine supported transport type instead of
// relying on address type, which doesn't translate well to dual-mode.
bool supports_bredr() const {
// All BR/EDR devices have inquiry responses.
return address().type() == DeviceAddress::Type::kBREDR;
// TODO(armansito): Come up with a better scheme to determine supported transport type instead of
// relying on address type, which doesn't translate well to dual-mode.
bool supports_le() const { return address().type() != DeviceAddress::Type::kBREDR; }
// |should_batch_reports| indicates to the FakeController that the SCAN_IND
// report should be included in the same HCI LE Advertising Report Event
// payload that includes the original advertising data (see comments for
// should_batch_reports()).
void SetScanResponse(bool should_batch_reports, const ByteBuffer& data);
// Generates and returns a LE Advertising Report Event payload. If
// |include_scan_rsp| is true, then the returned PDU will contain two reports
// including the SCAN_IND report.
DynamicByteBuffer CreateAdvertisingReportEvent(bool include_scan_rsp) const;
// Generates a LE Advertising Report Event payload containing the scan
// response.
DynamicByteBuffer CreateScanResponseReportEvent() const;
// Generates a Inquiry Response Event payload containing a inquiry result
// response.
DynamicByteBuffer CreateInquiryResponseEvent(hci::InquiryMode mode) const;
const DeviceAddress& address() const { return address_; }
// The local name of the device. Used in HCI Remote Name Request event.
std::string name() const { return name_; }
void set_name(std::string name) { name_ = name; }
// Indicates whether or not this device should include the scan response and
// the advertising data in the same HCI LE Advertising Report Event. This is
// used to test that the host stack can correctly consolidate advertising
// reports when the payloads are spread across events and when they are
// batched together in the same event.
// This isn't used by FakePeer directly to generated batched reports. Rather
// it is a hint to the corresponding FakeController which decides how the
// reports should be generated.
bool should_batch_reports() const { return should_batch_reports_; }
// Returns true if this device is scannable. We use this to tell
// FakeController whether or not it should send scan response PDUs.
bool scannable() const { return scannable_; }
bool connectable() const { return connectable_; }
bool connected() const { return connected_; }
void set_connected(bool connected) { connected_ = connected; }
void set_class_of_device(DeviceClass class_of_device) { class_of_device_ = class_of_device; }
const hci::LEConnectionParameters& le_params() const { return le_params_; }
void set_le_params(const hci::LEConnectionParameters& value) { le_params_ = value; }
bool supports_ll_conn_update_procedure() const { return supports_ll_conn_update_procedure_; }
void set_supports_ll_conn_update_procedure(bool supports) {
supports_ll_conn_update_procedure_ = supports;
hci::LESupportedFeatures le_features() const { return le_features_; }
void set_le_features(hci::LESupportedFeatures le_features) { le_features_ = le_features; }
// The response status that will be returned when this device receives a LE
// Create Connection command.
hci::StatusCode connect_response() const { return connect_response_; }
void set_connect_response(hci::StatusCode response) { connect_response_ = response; }
// The status that will be returned in the Command Status event in response to
// a LE Create Connection command. If this is set to anything other than
// hci::StatusCode::kSuccess, then connect_response() will have no effect.
hci::StatusCode connect_status() const { return connect_status_; }
void set_connect_status(hci::StatusCode status) { connect_status_ = status; }
bool force_pending_connect() const { return force_pending_connect_; }
void set_force_pending_connect(bool value) { force_pending_connect_ = value; }
void AddLink(hci::ConnectionHandle handle);
void RemoveLink(hci::ConnectionHandle handle);
bool HasLink(hci::ConnectionHandle handle) const;
using HandleSet = std::unordered_set<hci::ConnectionHandle>;
const HandleSet& logical_links() const { return logical_links_; }
// Marks this device as disconnected. Clears and returns all logical link
// handles.
HandleSet Disconnect();
// Returns the FakeController that has been assigned to this device.
FakeController* ctrl() const { return ctrl_; }
// Returns the FakeSdpServer associated with this device.
FakeSdpServer* sdp_server() { return &sdp_server_; }
friend class FakeController;
// Called by a FakeController when a FakePeer is registered with it.
void set_ctrl(FakeController* ctrl) { ctrl_ = ctrl; }
void WriteScanResponseReport(hci::LEAdvertisingReportData* report) const;
// Validate received L2CAP packets and then route them to the FakeL2cap
// instance owned by the device. The FakeL2cap instance will process the
// packet and route it to the appropriate packet handler.
void OnRxL2CAP(hci::ConnectionHandle conn, const ByteBuffer& pdu);
// Sends packets over channel ID |cid| and handle |conn| using the
// FakeController's SendL2CapBFrame function. Assumes that input buffer
// |packet| has signaling packet header intact but does not have an L2CAP
// packet header.
void SendPacket(hci::ConnectionHandle conn, l2cap::ChannelId cid, const ByteBuffer& packet);
// The FakeController that this FakePeer has been assigned to.
FakeController* ctrl_; // weak
DeviceAddress address_;
std::string name_;
bool connected_;
bool connectable_;
bool scannable_;
bool directed_;
bool address_resolved_;
hci::StatusCode connect_status_;
hci::StatusCode connect_response_;
bool force_pending_connect_; // Causes connection requests to remain pending.
hci::LEConnectionParameters le_params_;
// If false, FakeController will send LE Connection Update complete events with status
// kRemoteFeatureNotSupported.
bool supports_ll_conn_update_procedure_;
hci::LESupportedFeatures le_features_;
bool should_batch_reports_;
DynamicByteBuffer adv_data_;
DynamicByteBuffer scan_rsp_;
// Open connection handles.
HandleSet logical_links_;
// Class of device
DeviceClass class_of_device_;
FakeL2cap l2cap_;
FakeGattServer gatt_server_;
FakeSignalingServer signaling_server_;
FakeSdpServer sdp_server_;
} // namespace bt::testing