blob: 6bba966dc8764b3d7045369319a7490d79943eac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/fake_client.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/gatt.h"
namespace bt::gatt::testing {
// This is a fake version of the root GATT object that can be injected in unit
// tests.
class FakeLayer final : public GATT {
FakeLayer() = default;
~FakeLayer() override = default;
// Create a new peer GATT service. Creates a peer entry if it doesn't already exist.
// Notifies the remote service watcher if |notify| is true.
// Returns the fake remote service and a handle to the fake object.
// NOTE: the remote service watcher can also get triggered by calling DiscoverServices().
std::pair<fbl::RefPtr<RemoteService>, fxl::WeakPtr<FakeClient>> AddPeerService(
PeerId peer_id, const ServiceData& info, bool notify = false);
// Assign a callback to be notified when a service discovery has been requested.
using DiscoverServicesCallback = fit::function<void(PeerId, std::vector<UUID>)>;
void SetDiscoverServicesCallback(DiscoverServicesCallback cb);
// Assign a callback to be notified when the persist service changed CCC callback is set.
using SetPersistServiceChangedCCCCallbackCallback = fit::function<void()>;
void SetSetPersistServiceChangedCCCCallbackCallback(
SetPersistServiceChangedCCCCallbackCallback cb);
// Assign a callback to be notified when the retrieve service changed CCC callback is set.
using SetRetrieveServiceChangedCCCCallbackCallback = fit::function<void()>;
void SetSetRetrieveServiceChangedCCCCallbackCallback(
SetRetrieveServiceChangedCCCCallbackCallback cb);
// Directly force the fake layer to call the persist service changed CCC callback, to test the
// GAP adapter and peer cache.
void CallPersistServiceChangedCCCCallback(PeerId peer_id, bool notify, bool indicate);
// Directly force the fake layer to call the retrieve service changed CCC callback, to test the
// GAP adapter and peer cache.
std::optional<ServiceChangedCCCPersistedData> CallRetrieveServiceChangedCCCCallback(
PeerId peer_id);
// GATT overrides:
void AddConnection(PeerId peer_id, fbl::RefPtr<l2cap::Channel> att_chan) override;
void RemoveConnection(PeerId peer_id) override;
void RegisterService(ServicePtr service, ServiceIdCallback callback, ReadHandler read_handler,
WriteHandler write_handler, ClientConfigCallback ccc_callback) override;
void UnregisterService(IdType service_id) override;
void SendNotification(IdType service_id, IdType chrc_id, PeerId peer_id,
::std::vector<uint8_t> value, bool indicate) override;
void SetPersistServiceChangedCCCCallback(PersistServiceChangedCCCCallback callback) override;
void SetRetrieveServiceChangedCCCCallback(RetrieveServiceChangedCCCCallback callback) override;
void DiscoverServices(PeerId peer_id, std::vector<UUID> service_uuids) override;
void RegisterRemoteServiceWatcher(RemoteServiceWatcher callback) override;
void ListServices(PeerId peer_id, std::vector<UUID> uuids, ServiceListCallback callback) override;
void FindService(PeerId peer_id, IdType service_id, RemoteServiceCallback callback) override;
// Test callbacks
DiscoverServicesCallback discover_services_cb_;
SetPersistServiceChangedCCCCallbackCallback set_persist_service_changed_ccc_cb_cb_;
SetRetrieveServiceChangedCCCCallbackCallback set_retrieve_service_changed_ccc_cb_cb_;
// Emulated callbacks
RemoteServiceWatcher remote_service_watcher_;
PersistServiceChangedCCCCallback persist_service_changed_ccc_cb_;
RetrieveServiceChangedCCCCallback retrieve_service_changed_ccc_cb_;
// Emulated GATT peer.
struct TestPeer {
FakeClient fake_client;
std::vector<fbl::RefPtr<RemoteService>> services;
std::unordered_map<PeerId, TestPeer> peers_;
} // namespace bt::gatt::testing