blob: 50dba248231011e63caab5aa705566df7fd2f870 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
namespace bt {
// Base class-template for generic packets that contain a header and a payload.
// A PacketView is a light-weight object that operates over a previously
// allocated ByteBuffer without taking ownership of it. The PacketView
// class-template provides a read-only view over the underlying buffer while
// MutablePacketView allows modification of the underlying buffer.
// Example usage:
// // Allocate a buffer
// StaticByteBuffer<512> buffer;
// // Receive some data on the buffer.
// foo::WriteMyPacket(buffer.mutable_data(), ...);
// // Read packet header contents:
// struct MyHeaderType {
// uint8_t field0;
// };
// PacketView<MyHeaderType> packet(&buffer, 0);
// std::cout << "My header field is: " << packet.header().field0;
// // If the packet has an expected payload size, pass that into the
// // constructor:
// struct MyPayloadType {
// uint8_t byte_field;
// uint16_t uint16_field;
// uint8_t array_field[];
// } __PACKED;
// MutablePacketView<MyHeaderType> packet(&buffer, sizeof(MyPayloadType) + 2);
// packet.mutable_payload<MyPayloadType>().byte_field = 0xFF;
// packet.mutable_payload<MyPayloadType>().uint16_field = 0xFFFF;
// packet.mutable_payload<MyPayloadType>().array_field[0] = 0x00;
// packet.mutable_payload<MyPayloadType>().array_field[1] = 0x01;
// MutablePacketView allows itself to be resized at any time. This is useful
// when the complete packet payload is unknown prior to reading the header
// contents. For example:
// MutablePacketView<MyHeaderType view(&buffer, my_max_payload_length);
// view.mutable_data().Write(data);
// view.Resize(view.header().payload_size);
template <typename HeaderType>
class PacketView {
// The default constructor initializes an empty packet view. This is to enable
// PacketView to be used by value in structures and stl containers.
PacketView() = default;
// Initializes this Packet to operate over |buffer|. |payload_size| is the
// size of the packet payload not including the packet header. A
// |payload_size| value of 0 indicates that the packet contains no payload.
explicit PacketView(const ByteBuffer* buffer, size_t payload_size = 0u)
: buffer_(buffer), size_(sizeof(HeaderType) + payload_size) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(buffer_->size() >= size_, "view size %zu exceeds buffer size %zu", size_,
BufferView data() const { return buffer_->view(0, size_); }
BufferView payload_data() const {
return buffer_->view(sizeof(HeaderType), size_ - sizeof(HeaderType));
size_t size() const { return size_; }
size_t payload_size() const { return size() - sizeof(HeaderType); }
const uint8_t* payload_bytes() const {
return payload_size() ? buffer_->data() + sizeof(HeaderType) : nullptr;
const HeaderType& header() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const HeaderType*>(buffer_->data());
template <typename PayloadType>
const PayloadType& payload() const {
ZX_ASSERT(sizeof(PayloadType) <= payload_size());
return *reinterpret_cast<const PayloadType*>(payload_bytes());
// A PacketView that contains no backing buffer is considered invalid. A
// PacketView that was initialized with a buffer that is too small is invalid.
bool is_valid() const { return buffer_ && size_ >= sizeof(HeaderType); }
// Adjusts the size of this PacketView to match the given |payload_size|. This
// is useful when the exact packet size is not known during construction.
// This performs runtime checks to make sure that the underlying buffer is
// approriately sized.
void Resize(size_t payload_size) { this->set_size(sizeof(HeaderType) + payload_size); }
void set_size(size_t size) {
ZX_ASSERT(buffer_->size() >= size);
ZX_ASSERT(size >= sizeof(HeaderType));
size_ = size;
const ByteBuffer* buffer() const { return buffer_; }
const ByteBuffer* buffer_ = nullptr; // weak
size_t size_ = 0u;
template <typename HeaderType>
class MutablePacketView : public PacketView<HeaderType> {
MutablePacketView() = default;
explicit MutablePacketView(MutableByteBuffer* buffer, size_t payload_size = 0u)
: PacketView<HeaderType>(buffer, payload_size) {}
MutableBufferView mutable_data() { return mutable_buffer()->mutable_view(0, this->size()); }
MutableBufferView mutable_payload_data() const {
return mutable_buffer()->mutable_view(sizeof(HeaderType), this->size() - sizeof(HeaderType));
uint8_t* mutable_payload_bytes() {
return this->payload_size() ? mutable_buffer()->mutable_data() + sizeof(HeaderType) : nullptr;
HeaderType* mutable_header() {
return reinterpret_cast<HeaderType*>(mutable_buffer()->mutable_data());
template <typename PayloadType>
PayloadType* mutable_payload() {
ZX_ASSERT(sizeof(PayloadType) <= this->payload_size());
return reinterpret_cast<PayloadType*>(mutable_payload_bytes());
MutableByteBuffer* mutable_buffer() const {
// Cast-away the const. This is OK in this case since we're storing our
// buffer in the parent class instead of duplicating a non-const version in
// this class.
return const_cast<MutableByteBuffer*>(static_cast<const MutableByteBuffer*>(this->buffer()));
} // namespace bt