blob: 006e1f17d66214fb709297d4ee53a6deb0a1255a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/types.h>
#include <lib/sys/inspect/cpp/component.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
namespace bt {
// InspectableGuard is returned by |Inspectable::Mutable()|.
// It will update the corresponding Inspect property when it is destroyed.
// Therefore, the lifetime of InspectableGuard should usually be that of a temporary, or be scoped
// for a single update.
// InspectableGuard's primary use cases are calling non-const methods on objects and assigning
// member variable values in structs.
// Example:
// StringInspectable<hci::LMPFeatureSet> lmp_features;
// lmp_features.Mutable()->SetPage(page, features);
template <typename ValueT>
class InspectableGuard {
InspectableGuard(ValueT& value, fit::closure update_cb)
: value_(value), update_cb_(std::move(update_cb)) {}
~InspectableGuard() { update_cb_(); }
ValueT& operator*() { return value_; }
ValueT* operator->() { return &value_; }
ValueT& value_;
fit::closure update_cb_;
// Inspectable is a utility class for keeping inspected values in sync with their corresponding
// Inspect property.
// PropertyT must be an Inspect property type such that PropertyT::Set(PropertyInnerT) is valid.
// PropertyInnerT corresponds to the type contained in PropertyT (e.g. string is contained by
// inspect::StringProperty).
// Example:
// inspect::Inspector inspector;
// auto& root = inspector.GetRoot();
// Inspectable inspectable(std::string("A"), root.CreateString("property_name", "foo"));
// // Hierarchy: { root: property_name: "A" }
// inspectable.Set("B");
// // Hierarchy: { root: property_name: "B" }
template <typename ValueT, typename PropertyT, typename PropertyInnerT = ValueT>
class Inspectable {
// When the desired property type DOES NOT match ValueT, a conversion function |convert| is
// necessary. This is often the case when using optionals or when converting a number/enum into a
// string is desired. Example:
// auto convert = [](std::optional<hci::HCIVersion> version) -> std::string {
// return version ? HCIVersionToString(*version) : "null";
// };
// Inspectable<std::optional<HCIVersion>> hci_version(
// HCIVersion::k5_0,
// inspect_node.CreateString("hci", ""),
// convert);
using ConvertFunction = fit::function<PropertyInnerT(const ValueT&)>;
Inspectable(ValueT initial_value, PropertyT property,
ConvertFunction convert = Inspectable::DefaultConvert)
: value_(std::move(initial_value)),
convert_(std::move(convert)) {
// Update property immediately to ensure consistency between property and initial value.
// Cosntruct with null property (updates will be no-ops).
explicit Inspectable(ValueT initial_value, ConvertFunction convert = &Inspectable::DefaultConvert)
: value_(std::move(initial_value)), convert_(std::move(convert)) {}
Inspectable(Inspectable&&) = default;
Inspectable& operator=(Inspectable&&) = default;
virtual ~Inspectable() = default;
const ValueT& value() const { return value_; }
const ValueT& operator*() const { return value_; }
const ValueT* operator->() const { return &value_; }
// Update value and property. This is the ONLY place the value should be updated directly.
const ValueT& Set(const ValueT& value) {
value_ = value;
return value_;
void SetProperty(PropertyT property) {
property_ = std::move(property);
virtual void AttachInspect(inspect::Node& node, std::string name) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(false, "AttachInspect not implemented for PropertyT");
// Returns a InspectableGuard wrapper around the contained value that allows for non-const methods
// to be called. The returned value should only be used as a temporary.
InspectableGuard<ValueT> Mutable() {
return InspectableGuard(value_, fit::bind_member(this, &Inspectable::UpdateProperty));
static PropertyInnerT DefaultConvert(const ValueT& value) { return value; }
void UpdateProperty() { property_.Set(convert_(value_)); }
ValueT value_;
PropertyT property_;
ConvertFunction convert_;
static_assert(!std::is_pointer_v<ValueT>, "Pointer passed to Inspectable");
static_assert(!std::is_reference_v<ValueT>, "Reference passed to Inspectable");
// Convenience Inspectable types:
#define CREATE_INSPECTABLE_TYPE(property_t, inner_t) \
template <typename ValueT> \
class property_t##Inspectable \
: public Inspectable<ValueT, inspect::property_t##Property, inner_t> { \
public: \
using Inspectable<ValueT, inspect::property_t##Property, inner_t>::Inspectable; \
void AttachInspect(inspect::Node& node, std::string name) override { \
this->SetProperty(node.Create##property_t(name, inner_t())); \
} \
}; \
template <typename ValueT> \
property_t##Inspectable(ValueT, ...)->property_t##Inspectable<ValueT>
CREATE_INSPECTABLE_TYPE(String, std::string);
// A common practice in the Bluetooth stack is to define ToString() for classes.
// MakeToStringInspectConvertFunction allows these classes to be used with StringInspectable.
// Example:
// class Foo {
// public:
// std::string ToString() { ... }
// };
// StringInspectable foo(Foo(), inspect_node.CreateString("foo", ""),
// MakeToStringInspectConvertFunction());
inline auto MakeToStringInspectConvertFunction() {
return [](auto value) { return value.ToString(); };
// Similar to ToStringInspectable, but for containers of types that implement ToString(). The
// resulting string property will be formatted using the ContainerOfToStringOptions provided.
// Example:
// std::vector<Foo> values(2);
// StringInspectable foo(std::move(values), inspect_node.CreateString("foo", ""),
// MakeContainerOfToStringInspectConvertFunction());
// This does not generate an node hierarchy based on the container contents and is more appropriate
// for sequential containers at leaves of the inspect tree. More complex data structures, especially
// associative ones, should export full inspect trees.
struct ContainerOfToStringOptions {
const char* prologue = "{ ";
const char* delimiter = ", ";
const char* epilogue = " }";
inline auto MakeContainerOfToStringConvertFunction(ContainerOfToStringOptions options = {}) {
return [options](auto value) {
std::string out(options.prologue);
for (auto iter = std::begin(value); iter != std::end(value); std::advance(iter, 1)) {
out += iter->ToString();
if (std::next(iter) == std::end(value)) {
out += options.delimiter;
out += options.epilogue;
return out;
} // namespace bt