blob: bac7e8aa9bfc25b511b3d3bef04ee14c7de2dcb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import 'dart:io' show File, Platform;
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:sl4f/sl4f.dart' as sl4f;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:sl4f/sl4f.dart';
class MockDump extends Mock implements Dump {}
class MockPerformance extends Mock implements Performance {}
class MockFile extends Mock implements File {}
final _fakeZedmonPath =
const String _converterPath = '/path/to/catapult_converter';
// Paths to files that specify stderr and stdout for the fake_zedmon binary.
final _stderrPath = '$_fakeZedmonPath.stderr.testdata';
final _stdoutPath = '$_fakeZedmonPath.stdout.testdata';
/// Writes a file from the provided lines.
Future<void> _writeFile(String path, List<String> lines) async {
final file = File(path);
await file.create();
final sink = file.openWrite();
await sink.close();
/// Writes stderr and stdout data for the fake_zedmon process. stderr is
/// currently unused by this test, so it is always left empty.
Future<void> _setupTestData(List<String> stdoutLines) async {
await Future.wait(<Future>[
_writeFile(_stderrPath, <String>[]),
_writeFile(_stdoutPath, stdoutLines)
/// Waits until we have processed data from the fake_zedmon process up to the
/// specified data timestamp.
Future<void> _waitForZedmon(sl4f.Power power, int zedmonTimestamp) async {
assert(zedmonTimestamp >= 0);
for (;;) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10));
final timestamp = power.zedmonLatestTimestamp()?.inMicroseconds ?? -1;
if (timestamp >= zedmonTimestamp) {
void _deleteTestData() {
final stderrFile = File(_stderrPath);
if (stderrFile.existsSync()) {
final stdoutFile = File(_stdoutPath);
if (stdoutFile.existsSync()) {
void main(List<String> args) {
// Confirm that average power and duration are as expected when power readings
// are (unrealistically) constant.
test('constant power', () async {
final stderrLines = <String>[
await _setupTestData(stderrLines);
final dump = MockDump();
final performance = MockPerformance();
final power = sl4f.Power(_fakeZedmonPath, dump, performance);
await power.startRecording();
await _waitForZedmon(power, 10000);
final mockFile = MockFile();
when(dump.writeAsString('power', 'fuchsiaperf.json', any))
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(mockFile));
await power.stopRecording(_converterPath);
// Make sure the average power written to power.fuchsiaperf.json is correct.
final encoded =
verify(dump.writeAsString('power', 'fuchsiaperf.json', captureAny))
final data = json.decode(encoded);
expect(data.length, 1);
expect(data[0]['values'].length, 1);
expect(data[0]['values'][0], closeTo(2.0, 1e-8));
_converterPath, argThat(same(mockFile)), any));
// Confirm that average power and duration are as expected when power readings
// vary.
test('varying power', () async {
expect(File(_stderrPath).existsSync(), false);
final stderrLines = <String>[
await _setupTestData(stderrLines);
final dump = MockDump();
final performance = MockPerformance();
final power = sl4f.Power(_fakeZedmonPath, dump, performance);
await power.startRecording();
await _waitForZedmon(power, 9000);
final mockFile = MockFile();
when(dump.writeAsString('power', 'fuchsiaperf.json', any))
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(mockFile));
await power.stopRecording(_converterPath);
// Make sure the average power written to power.fuchsiaperf.json is correct.
final encoded =
verify(dump.writeAsString('power', 'fuchsiaperf.json', captureAny))
final data = json.decode(encoded);
expect(data.length, 1);
expect(data[0]['values'].length, 1);
expect(data[0]['values'][0], closeTo(2.4, 1e-8));
_converterPath, argThat(same(mockFile)), any));